How Real Do We Want To Make It?

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2015-07-28 18.52.28

This always seems to happen. I’ll be struggling with a missing piece of a puzzle so to speak, and then I’m suddenly inundated with the answer. It comes in all forms, while on my daily walk, online in articles I read, or even watching television. Little moments of truth. Except this one wasn’t little.

I’ve been a student of A Course in Miracles for around thirty years. I found it in the early 80’s and it has transformed the way I see everything. Not that I’m adept at seeing everything and everyone as holy extensions of Source Energy, but at least I know we all are. Abraham-Hicks explains our interaction in physical form from the perspective of the Law of Attraction. Each complements the other and to me, it feels like the Course sets the basic premise of who we are, and then Abraham explains how to navigate this experience while remaining in alignment with Source.

My issue has always been, if I am responsible for everything I see and the meaning it has, then how do I explain, let alone process, negative experiences which happen seemingly without my own involvement? How is it that we draw these things to us? Then I read a couple of quotes attributed to Abraham-Hicks that explained it. It’s not that we participate in things that then come back to us, it’s simply that we focus our attention there, active participation not required. Of course. That’s it exactly. I had always attached intention to the process and I thought I couldn’t be that dysfunctional.

If we focus in to physical form, then how is that any different than focusing our attention on something happening while here? It’s all focused attention. So I guess the question that comes to mind is, how real do we want to make it? Do we focus our attention on the drama that’s happening around us or do we focus instead on creating our experience? Focusing on the drama, from a Course perspective, leaves our focus in the past, where nothing real exists. No creativity there, just swirling energy going seemingly nowhere. Our life occurs in the present moment. That’s all there is. And each of us defines that moment because we give everything the meaning it has. Judgment reflects the past.

I don’t know, maybe empaths have an easier time adjusting to this because it validates their experience of the world. We already sense the fluidity of physical existence, experiencing the everchanging emotional resonance around us. There’s a certain sense of unreality that we feel and for me, the Course explains this well. We grow up knowing that our reference point is far greater than our physical bodies. We feel it. We also feel responsible for everything, as if it’s our job to bring clarity to every moment. Right. That won’t happen because we’re only responsible for our own experience here. We sense the connection with others and want to open channels to awakening. However, that’s not our job.

And that’s where my confusion began. I couldn’t get past the idea of intention and how that relates to the Law of Attraction. The answer is, it doesn’t. The Law of Attraction expresses indifference to what’s happening. It sees only our focus. If we’re looking too long in any one direction, we get more of what we’re seeing. It’s not that we’re asking for more, it’s only that we looked too long at it. And then we’re off and running, trying to figure out how we got there.

Wow. With that concept finally hitting home, every piece of responsibility that I carried for no reason at all left. Every time I try to put some of it back, it won’t let me. The Course says that “I need do nothing” and that’s true. Empaths cannot be lookey-loos. We become stuck in the sticky icky, making everything more real than it ever needs to be. We undertake an exhaustive task by responding to everything that comes at us. We forget that what comes at us is someone else’s expression, and as tempting as it is to dive right into it with them, it’s best to look away..quickly. As justified as we might feel, that’s the ego’s influence tapping us on the shoulder, and not our Higher Self at work.

We need to stay in the resonance of our Higher Self. Begin there. Each of us is here doing what we came here to do. While that may seem problematic at times, there’s always something to take from the experience, even if only an opportunity not to judge. And if we get off course, which we will, let’s begin by not judging ourselves.

~Blessed Be


For information on A Course in Miracles or on Abraham-Hicks, the links are below.


Foundation for Inner Peace

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!

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