lughnasadh runecasting

Lughnasadh Runecasting: Clarity and Inner Strength

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Today is Lughnasadh, or Lammas, and is a Sabbat that honors fertility and harvest. Attributed to the god, Lugh, the feast associated with this Sabbat honors Lugh’s mother figure, Tailtiu, who is said to have influenced agriculture in Ireland. I honored her by harvesting some beans and herbs, but before I did that, I cast the runes to see what they had to say about this day.

Dagaz, Laguz, and Thurisaz bring influences of awakening, clairsentience, and catalytic change to the runecasting. Viewing Laguz as significator, we see its intuitive feminine energy throughout its power. A rune of Elemental Water, Laguz suggests a strong and assertive female who uses her intuition and clairsentience to assess the situation at hand.

As the rune of the occult, a witch uses Laguz to access to the dream realm and assist her in drawing down moon energy. The shape of Laguz acts as a tool to gather magickal energies for use by the witch during spellcasting or ritual. The witch stands aligned in her Source Presence, allowing the energies of the in between to increase her magickal will.

Enlightenment and awakening are felt with Dagaz as the rune of the present moment. The witch stands in the in between as she ends one phase and begins another. The circle is complete as lessons are learned and then applied to new situations. Dagaz represents a complete exchange of energy, and brings synchronicity. In her Source Presence, the witch is one with all.

Thurisaz catalyzes the witch’s expression. It too represents new beginnings as it regenerates and catalyzes change. It’s both a defensive and offensive rune depicting the hammer of Thor. An Elemental Fire rune, Thurisaz protects the witch from opposition and conflict allowing her to both protect and defend herself and others.

The witch begins in complete enlightenment, standing in the in between as she gathers energies in Source Presence. She carries with her everything she’s learned along the way preparing her for new beginnings that are in store. She aligns with Source Presence allowing her intuition to guide her way.

Harvest and fertility are today’s Lughnasadh theme. Although one phase has been completed, there is plenty of energy available for new projects. The garden isn’t yet done, with more growth in the offing. But from a more personal perspective, this could also apply to how we view the world around us. Lughnasadh allows us the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and where we’re going.

Who we are as individuals, witch or not, the values we have, and the integrity we embody, matter when we interact with others. This runecasting suggests that enlightenment is ours through alignment with Source Presence, and from there, anything is possible. We move around obstacles with a quiet sense of purpose, assured in our knowing that the path before us is clear.

There’s much going on in the world and aligning with truth is more important than ever. We’re weary of those who lie, of those who seek to manipulate and control the world around us. We’re entering a time when clarity is necessary so that we make wise choices. Our honor and integrity should be our guide. We need to make choices that support and protect our future, not give legitimacy to dishonesty and division.

We have the inner strength and clarity to know the way forward. We simply must acknowledge and use it.

Blessed be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!