New Moon 10302016

A New Moon in Scorpio ~ Finding Sacred Space

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New Moon 10302016Tomorrow’s New Moon transits in Scorpio (9° Sco 25′ 29″) in the Ninth House. Emotions will be heightened and we take pleasure at the beauty that surrounds us. But as emotions run high during this time we should stay aligned in an effort to keep overreaction to a minimum. Just sit back, enjoy your process and feel the love of home and family. Find your sacred space.

Scorpio’s energy brings passion to situations with the individual’s willfulness at odds at times with harmony. Conflict arises easily from a controlling attitude so caution should be observed and judgment avoided. With Mercury also in Scorpio we also need to be cognizant of our interactions with others. This Water Element sign tends to be rather sharp-tongued at times, so pay close attention to word choice and tone.

New Moon Runecasting 10302016I like to cast runes on a new moon and I’ll probably cast more tomorrow during Esbat ritual, but I wanted to see what the runes had to say in relation to the astrological information above. So I drew three in advance to place on the altar. Othala, Kenaz, and Uruz comprise a three-rune influences spread. The numerology of the reading is either 4 or 13. It’s whether you consider 13 to be a witch number or not. Which I do. I view the number 13 as the Witch equivalent of a Master Number.

Othala is the rune of sacred space, and of our Akash. It can indicate issues of a societal nature as well as both peace, security, and prosperity of the family. Our ancestral tradition is felt with Othala and is an Earth Element rune.

Kenaz, a Fire Element rune, invokes creativity, reveals truth, and strengthens intuition. When Kenaz is present, an awakening of some kind is happening. Things may not be what they seem, so waiting for clarity is best.

Like our New Moon in Scorpio, Uruz is a rune of Elemental Water. Strength and courage is felt with Uruz, its horns pointing downward into creative manifestation. Uruz allows us to create through our will.

As with the astrology, our runecasting represents finding our sacred space within the chaos. Othala shows us that aligning with our own sacred space within helps us create that balance between inner stillness and chaos. A Scorpio’s thought process is quick and expansive, creating its own kind of chaos. They’re often guided by intuition and are quite visionary. Kenaz is suggesting that there may be more to the situation and we should look further before reacting. The Fire energy of Kenaz could also serve to catalyze our emotions so again staying aligned and away from judgment is key. With Mercury in Scorpio, we might be inclined to speak before really thinking things through, so letting clarity settle in before acting makes sense.

The numerology of the runecasting suggests structure whether it’s 4 or 13. The 13th rune of the Elder Futhark, Eihwaz, also represents a structure of sorts. It represents alignment between physical and nonphysical presence and is really the only structure we need. When emotions are heightened, as can happen when the Moon is in an emotional sign like Scorpio, alignment is even more necessary to stay out of reactions that tend to ratchet things up.

I’ve always felt when Scorpio energy is play, going with the flow is what’s needed. Moons seem to have the same effect, so we might as well sit back and let the world flow around us. Samhain’s coming. The veil is thin now as we become aware of ancestors past. We give thanks for the many blessings that the last year has given us and for new blessings yet to come.

Labyrinth came out in 1986 when our boys were still young and it became a yearly tradition for all of us to watch on Halloween. And even though they’re married and no longer living with us, my husband and I still watch that wonderful movie. A Samhain tradition..with the amazing David Bowie. And candy.

Blessings to all on the New Moon and Samhain as we “dance, magic, dance!



Labyrinth – Magic Dance (HD 720p) – Sing Along Closed Captions by David Bowie

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!