Saturday Rune Magick ~ Ending Deception

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I took a look back at the week when deciding on a focus for today’s bindrune and ending deception immediately came to mind. I’ve grown quite weary watching as people lie through their teeth instead of telling the simple truth that is clear to all. I’m done with that low level of discourse. And this bindrune conveys that message.

Beginning at the top of the bindrune and moving deocil (clockwise), I drew Eihwaz, Thurisaz, Isa, Mannaz, and Algiz and after looking at the runes I swear the bindrune literally drew itself. Regarding the process I used, I set my intention and began drawing runes from my rune bag, stopping when I had placed five on the altar.


Isa is contained within the structure of the other four runes but it was Mannaz that would provide the larger framework for change. So I began there, with Mannaz, and began adding runes in the following order.

I drew Eiwaz down the middle of Mannaz, adding an angled line at the top enabling the catalyzing effect of Thurisaz. From there, I finished the bindrune by adding the top of Algiz to the upper area of Eihwaz. Isa, implied throughout the bindrune, unites all energies by its illuminating presence.

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With the premise of ending deception, let’s look at how the runes energize that outcome. Those who lie or otherwise behave in a deceptive manner do so out of fear. They believe without the lie, everything would change in a manner outside of their control, a reality that is wholly unacceptable to them.

Lies are justified and rationalized in a manner that serves only the liar, sustaining deception until forces of truth demand their say. The bindrune itself establishes that moment of change where the lies give way to truth, the darkness replaced by the light.

So how do we accomplish such a task? Well, the runes seem to suggest a Higher Power is needed to bring the outlier or out-liar back into the fold where polarity is restored and we interact in balance and reciprocity with others.

Eihwaz draws down Spirit into form while Thurisaz breaks through impulsive behavior and establishes new beginnings. Algiz reaches upward pulling in Will, Emotions, and Intellect into the equation, replacing deception with Truth, manifesting into Mannaz, the rune of integration and self in society.


Isa’s numerology within the Elder Futhark is 11 or the Master Number for illumination and creates the final unifying structure for the bindrune transmuting deception into universal truth.

The issue with lying is that it’s typically self-reinforcing, especially if someone continually gets away with it. The damage done by such a person over time can be profound. They derive too much benefit from the lies they tell and likely see no reason to change.


That’s where a bindrune can help realign perception. By combining runic energies together, we cast magick that allows Spirit to take control of the process.

The rune is available for personal use to anyone who wishes. Draw it on a piece of paper, or burn it onto a piece of wood, either way, bindrunes are powerful magick to help us align in our own Source Presence and continue forth from that perspective.

Until next time…

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!