Sunday Earth Magic – Imbolc – New Beginnings

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Earth magic 2012015



Imbolc has always represented new beginnings to me. It’s the time of year when the earliest signs of Spring become apparent. I always feel expectant as Winter is ending. I begin planning my garden, organizing what I have, along with choosing new additions. Today’s Earth Magic casting represents a reminder of who we are, each moment an expression of new beginnings, as we allow our creative energy to flow.

The Tree’s roots push deeply into the ground, providing stability against the elements. Our focus into physical form connects our energy to the Earth in the same way the Tree’s roots connect it to the earth. We are the focal point or conduit between our physical and non-physical existence, and taking time to ground ourselves with the Earth, we renew that connection. It’s our manifested expression of As Above, So Below.

The Ancestors card represents the wisdom gained by our ancestors over our collective lifetimes here. We’ve been focusing in for a long time, and our Akashic Record stores all that we’ve experienced.  As we are all extensions of Source, all minds are joined, giving us access to that collective memory. Staying in resonance, allowing the expression of Source that is you to flow unhindered, you place no expectations on your life as it unfolds before you. Feeling no resistance, ideas flow forth as your Higher Self takes over, bringing into your awareness the wisdom of your ancestors. Experience that knowing, letting it guide your way.

We are a creative force. Creativity and passion expressed in the Fire card suggests that we find what excites us. What will we choose to create? It’s easy to become distracted by egoic manifestations around us. Staying grounded, in resonance as the conduit between the physical and non-physical aspects of Self allows that creative force, our passion, to expand and become whatever we want, undeterred and unaffected by the drama around us. In that resonance, we bring into our awareness the wisdom of our own Akash, enhancing our creative expression in the world.

A new day is upon us. A new understanding is possible. Living life as a creative force, rather than as a reactive one, brings the energy and blessings of Imbolc to our creative passions. Gaia is awakening! Our garden awaits!

~ Blessed Be!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!