Landscape Spread

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Lapis triple goddess runecasr


A three rune spread can illustrate past, present and future, or simply the landscape of the situation at hand. Another interpretation references the three phases of life. In this casting, I decided to look at the landscape ahead, separating each position into its own landscape from the perspective of Maiden, Mother and Crone. It’s a derivation of the Triple Goddess spread developed by Ellen Dugan, creator of the Witches Tarot.

In the landscape of Goddess as Maiden, new beginnings and possibilities are represented. Moving into her Mother phase, the landscape represents what’s happening now. The final landscape represents the influence of Goddess as Crone, revealing things hidden and potential outcomes.

Gebo, Nauthiz and Isa comprise the Maiden influences in the first landscape. The blending of Fire and Water Elemental energies, brings the passion of Nauthiz, into the flow of Gebo, binding both together with the icy stillness of Isa. Partnership and balance, protection along with achievement of goals, with stillness and focus finishing out this expression, this spread tells us to stay in our alignment, as well as our balance with each other, thereby fostering a positive outcome to a shared goal. The link created by Gebo between partners is strengthened by destiny’s forces brought into play by Nauthiz. Isa, in stillness, brings that partnership and focus into alignment with the goal clearly in sight.

Tiwaz, Fehu and Perthro join together creating the Mother influences in the second landscape. Air, Earth and Water Elemental energies blend together, expressing the energy of the present moment. Tiwaz energies indicate a sense of loyalty, honor and justice; Fehu suggests wealth and abundance is at hand; and the unfolding or evolution of ideas, perhaps from an ancestral perspective is indicated by Perthro. Shared ideals expressed by Tiwaz, along with the synchronicity of fate offered by Perthro, manifests the productive energy of Fehu. Things are going well in the present moment.

My favorite phase of life is the one I am currently experiencing. The Crone speaks of wisdom learned along life’s journey. She understands the nature of things, having seen much in her life. In this final landscape, Spirit, Air and Fire Elemental energies are represented. Algiz brings forth our connection with the Divine. Like the Crone, its energy is found in alignment with Source, with our Higher Self. Understanding that our field of power is ancient and everlasting, Algiz increases our awareness as an extension of Source Energy. The Wise Crone understands that order brought into the landscape by Raidho preserves honor, integrity and brings the notion of right justice into the equation. The breakthrough indicated by Thurisaz is the realization that resistance brings nothing of value, while staying in alignment brings the clarity necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

It would appear that partnerships and projects are the focus of this spread, and given that Spring is upon us, it’s almost time to put up the gazebo we didn’t get to last summer. The fence is finished, and we’re on track with other projects, the space is cleared..we could actually open the box and look at the instructions..

But I digress..

Partnerships of any kind can flow easily, or they can be difficult. Building strong partnerships requires balance and respect for individual differences. We can struggle through life, or become aligned and let things flow to their desired outcome (the gazebo). Choosing to engage in drama inhibits, if not prevents, the very alignment necessary for our happiness (enjoying a cup of tea in the gazebo). We can struggle, or we can allow. It doesn’t mean you give anything of yourself away to anyone else. It means you stand in your own resonance, unaffected by the drama around you. You might notice it, but you don’t become involved unless you really need to. And the end result? A lovely place to sit on a nice summer day!


~Blessed Be the stillness of Isa..I’m probably going to need it..

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!