Sunday Earth Magic – Vision Quest!

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This Sunday’s Earth Magic spread is so cool! Desert, New Moon and Wolf; Vision Quest, Promise and Instinct. Such synchronicity! I love when I draw the Desert card. I live on the High Desert, so it resonates simply because of that. But its meaning is Vision Quest. It energizes all other cards in a spread because of its very nature of alignment.

In a vision quest, the individual typically spends time in nature for a few days, surviving on the land with little in the way of creature comforts to do so. Or, if you’re like me and unwilling to live without a hairdryer, you can just go out in your backyard for a few hours and meditate. Either way, you disconnect from the normal world around you, and oftentimes it proves enlightening. Find a tree, give it a hug and feel the energy exchange. Then, sit down with your back against the tree, and relax into resonance with Gaia energy. Let your focus drift away from everything around you and simply allow. See what comes into focus for you.

As your vision quest brings forth something new into your awareness, the promise of New Moon energies complement new beginnings of some kind. Whether it be related to a new project, or one that was put aside in the past, new relationships, perhaps a new job, the energy is positive for further exploration.

The Wolf represents our Instinct, our alignment with Source. All is known when aligned. We need only remember. If our vision quest taught us anything, it taught us to find our own resonance, our own stillpoint. That’s also the stillpoint of our focus into physical form. All else is of the projected world around us. Remaining aligned with our instincts, or Higher Self if you like, we use that as our guide rather than the judgment we see and experience. Using Source as our guide, in our own expression of All That Is, we begin new endeavors with clear sight, instead of through the clouded lens of the egoic world.

In alignment, we remain in control of our lives. It’s easier to co-create with others as well because we’re not so focused on being right, but on getting the job done. Align first, then proceed. It’s a simple idea, really. Conflict goes away when we stop reacting to everything around us. Because when we’re all focusing on drama and finger-pointing, we forget to focus on the solution.

We get caught up in the minutiae of it all and that becomes our focus. We play in the sticky-icky of the world and we get stuck there. Align first, and you’re not so willing to do that anymore. Perhaps the essence of the spread, and of our Vision Quest, is just that. Approach everything from alignment. Let your true instincts guide you in everything you do.

See..told you it was cool!

~Blessed Be!


Note: Steven D. Farmer created the Earth Magic Oracle cards I use..they’re available everywhere..pick a set’ll love them as much as I do.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!