Esoteric Influences for 24-30 May 2020

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Welcome to another edition of your weekly aggregate of esoteric influences! We’ll begin first with the weekly numerology!

Sunday ~ 24/6 – cast your intention for peace and harmony today with others. Remember also that it’s not where you pray or meditate, but that you do so.

Monday ~ 25/7 – take a step back from the chaos and observe today. Allow circumstances to settle before making any decisions

Tuesday ~ 26/8 – you may be asked to take a leadership role today. See the greater picture and understand your impact.

Wednesday ~ 27/9 – a situation may be finding its conclusion today, or perhaps a threshold of some kind has been reached. Let go of perceptions that no longer serve.

Thursday ~ 28/1 – new beginnings are possible if we come together in unity and shared purpose. Allow intuition to inform and guide your path.

Friday ~29/11 – building upon yesterday’s numerology of new beginnings, today’s Master Number 11 suggests awakening and enlightenment. Coupled with the 22 Cosmic Builder energy for the year, profound change both within and without is possible today. From Wednesday, continue to let go of perceptions that no longer serve or sustain you.

Saturday ~ 30/3 – with so many planets in retrograde now, Saturn included, change takes an inner focus. Perceptions/beliefs require realignment now, so use this time to arrive at a better understanding of the current situation.

Runes for the Week

Sunday – Mannaz (20) – move forward in harmony with others today and experience the momentum achieved by a shared direction and purpose. Meaning: Earth, humanity, integration, mind/body/Spirit connection, individual within society, thought rune, memory

Monday – Hagalaz (9) – allow changes to take hold today as you recreate your vision, letting go that which no longer serves. Meaning: Water, witch runes, Hella, destruction but within intentional boundaries, hail, Norn (Urdh) rune of the past, celetial ice egg, protection, luck, trance work

Tuesday – Isa (11) – align in Source Presence today if willful energies become too chaotic. Remain focused on the present moment. Meaning: Water, Norn (Verdandi) rune of the present, ice, becoming, contraction, focus, consciousness, freezing unwanted behavior or situations

Wednesday – Kenaz (6) – seek clarity today from Spirit as you maintain your alignment from yesterday. Pay attention to intuition and synchronicities and be transformed! Meaning: Fire, torch, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, healing, well-being, love, intuition, transformation, creativity, awakening

Thursday – Ehwaz (19) – momentum is experienced today as we align with others toward the collective goal of surviving the pandemic. Strength of purpose and commitment are expressed and the path forward is clear. Meaning: Water, change, momentum, intuitive bond, Merkaba, travel, partnership, astral travel, mutual end, relationships

Friday – Wunjo (8) – seek fellowship and harmony with others today and contribute to a sense of shared purpose. Let go of perceptions that result in conflict and division and stay the course. Meaning: Earth, joy, wish rune, peace, fellowship, harmony, success, happiness

Saturday – Perthro (14) – watch for any synchronicities that may occur today and be aware of the cause and effect nature of your actions. Know that anything can happen now and your fate is your own, so maintain a focus on healing self and others. Meaning: Water, birth, womb, chance, well of Wyrd, childbirth, healing, understanding fate, cause/effect, synchronicity, cauldron, divination

Lunar Influences

Sunday ~ Gemini until Cancer at 4:09 PM PDT – we experience the transition from chatty and social Gemini to more reclusive Cancer in the late afternoon, so take care of any socializing early in the day and take time for yourself if feeling stressed in the aftenoon.

Monday ~ Cancer – it’s stressful for anyone when trying to stay well during a pandemic, but while the Moon is in Cancer, emotions are likely at the surface at this time. Honor how your feel but be mindful of the shared task at hand. Take this time to recharge and renew your Spirit before gregarious Leo roars in late tomorrow evening.

Tuesday ~ Cancer until Leo at 11:34 PM PDT – over the course of the day, emotions begin to settle and by late evening, we experience the shift from a focus on inner needs to those of a more social nature. Allow Leo’s warmth and generosity to shift your focus to engaging with others.

Wednesday ~ Leo – check in with others today and offer support especially to those who may be experiencing sadness and loss. For many of us, the pandemic has taken family and friends, and moving forward, moving anywhere, seems impossible. If you know of someone struggling, let them know you’re there to help and they’re not alone.

Thursday ~ Leo – life can be a party when a Leo individual is around and with the internet offering the ability to chat with more than one person at a time, today is the perfect day for a Zoom party! But if interacting online isn’t possible, find another way to reach out to others today. Self-isolation can be both emotionally and physically debilitating especially when living alone.

Friday ~ Leo until Virgo at 4:41 AM PDT – with the Moon traveling into Virgo, our focus narrows to taking care of routine concerns. Details become important today as are concerns over health. Avoid junk food, stay hydrated, and keep your thoughts lofty.

Saturday ~ Virgo – as you tidy up your life today, avoid blaming or judging others. Be conscious of how your emotions affect your health and stay away from caffeine and other substances that affect your balance.

I Ching/Human Design Influences

Human Design involves the blending of the planetary positions with the I Ching. The I Ching consists of sixty-four guas (hexagrams), each one containing six lines with their own specific message. You can see from the above Rave Mandela how the hexagrams or guas are arranged around the chart with the bodygram in the center.

Most planets, particularly the outer planets as well as the Sun, remain in roughly the same place, changing only their line numbers throughout the week. The Moon, however, changes both its Gate and Line number daily. In addition, as planets move, energetic channels may form between the gates, and when they do, I’ll include them because they can provide underlying supportive energies which may be helpful.

For the first three days of this week, there are five Channels active with a sixth opening on Saturday. But beginning on Sunday, the Channels of Awakening (Gates 20-10), Charisma (20-34), Exploration (10-34), Awareness (61-24) and Openness (12-22) open with three dropping off on Wednesday, the final Channel of Community (37-40) opening on Saturday. Because of their power and intensity, I’m going to discuss them first before looking at the planetary interactions from each day.

The initial five active Channels really provide the energetic momentum for the first three days of this week. Beginning at the Head Center (inspiration) at the top of the bodygraph, the Channel of Awareness (describing the design of a thinker) connects to the Anja Center (mental awareness) increasing our ability to just know. Added to our intrinsic awareness, the Channel of Openness connecting the Throat Center (communication) with the Solar Plexus Center (emotions/moods) defines us as social beings, ready to interact with and shape our experiences with others.

From that point, three additional Channels form between the Throat (communication), G (identity), and Sacral (creativity/vitality) Centers: the Channels of Awakening, Charisma, and Exploration involving how we manifest the awareness found in the first two Channels of Awareness and Openness. In this case, Awakening defines our commitment to higher principles while Charisma requires alignment between our words and actions. Finally, Exploration wraps it all together by insisting that we follow our convictions.

As the week progresses, the Channels of Awakening, Charisma, and Exploration end and we’re left with the Channels of Awareness and Openness on Wednesday, with only the Channel of Awareness active on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, however, the Channel of Community opens connecting the Heart and Solar Plexus Centers fostering a desire of unity and shared purpose with others.

So, we can see how intrinsic awareness can influence a positive and unified experience and outcome. The outer planets remain in the same Gates all week with only Neptune changing its line on Wednesday and all are reinforcing a shared experience, but let’s look at each bodygraph/chart to get a clearer picture for each day.

Sunday, 24 May 2020 – with the Sun’s placement at Gate 20.4 Application, the Earth at Gate 34.4 Triumph, and the Moon at Gate 45.1 Canvassing, we have the opportunity to understand the truth and make the corrections necessary to achieve success. The North and South Nodes of the Moon at Gates 15.1 Duty and 10.1 Modesty respectively reinforce our understanding of our role at this time to reduce the effect of the virus on those around us instead of acting in a manner which harms.

Mercury at Gate 12.1 the Monk acknowledges the truth of collective purpose suggesting that if we all remain on the same path, a positive outcome is more likely than if we remain at odds with each other (Venus 45.3 exclusion). Mars at Gate 37.2 responsibility reinforces this choice by making full use of the energetic Channels active today to set a positive example for others to follow.

Monday, 25 May 2020 ~ the key to surviving the pandemic, as with any crisis, is typically found in the relationship between Jupiter and Saturn, the planets of expansion and contraction. For some time now, Jupiter has been informing our experiences and perceptions at Gate 60 (Limitation) Line 1 (Acceptance) suggesting that we accept our current situation and act accordingly. Saturn, also at Gate 60 (Limitation) but presenting at Line 6 (Rigidity) reinforces our awareness to stay the course. So, to see both planets which are seemingly at odds with each other in alignment indicates profound change is possible in terms of our relationships with others if we’re able to perceive the wisdom involved in these temporary restrictive choices.

Balancing the Sun at 20.5 Realism with the Moon at 15.3 Ego-Inflation suggests that we not get ahead of ourselves today with the Earth at 34.5 Annihilation indicating that we let go of perceptions and choices that do not produce a positive outcome. So, in other words, stop whining and wear a mask. Taking an evenhanded approach (Mars 37.3) is also favored.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020 ~ Wisdom, Common Sense, and a single-minded approach are favored today as we continue in our struggle to flatten the virus’s effect (Sun 20.6, Earth 34.6, Moon 39.5). Specifically, Mars (37.4) and its message of leadership by example suggests that modeling the safe behavior we’d like to see in others may be the best way to inform others of a safer choice, although it’s certainly true that some people in our community are using their unwillingness to comply as a way to attack, harass, or otherwise demean others.

However, a consensus has been reached (Venus 45.2) with the majority in the country favoring an eyes-open approach based upon facts, and irrespective of the naysayers, it’s that consensus that will carry us forward.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020 ~ use caution today so that delusional thinking (Sun 16.1) doesn’t impact any progress made. Sensitivity (Earth 9.1) is required now so that a measure of practicality and fundamental quality (Moon 56.1) continue to enhance our choices. Additionally, the North (15.2 Influence) and South (10.2 the Hermit) Nodes of the Moon suggest as well both right action and staying the course.

Change may occur now as more people experience the simple cause and effect of their own behavior (Mercury at 12.6 Metamorphosis) and with its involvement in the Channel of Openness, a new societal form may emerge from this crisis, one that preserves a shared path forward instead of one that wishes to destroy our collective harmony.

Thursday, 28 May 2020 ~ the love of family (Mars 37.5) should provide the impetus for alignment with others today; however, be cautious should this have the opposite effect fostering a non-conformist choice. That choice may serve your own ego at the moment but in the long run could have a devastating effect upon others. Understand instead the duty you have (Mercury 15.1) toward managing your effect upon others.

Educate others if you can (Venus 45.1 Canvassing) regarding what’s at stake, but do so safely. If tensions arise, let it go for another day, but do not in any way compromise your own safety in the process.

Friday, 29 May 2020 ~ with only the Channel of Awareness active today, it’s on all of us to embrace the design of a thinker and react with intelligence instead of ego (Mercury 15.3 ego inflation). Although independence is always favored (Sun 16.3), it’s less so when not in service to the collective good, so be certain that your independent streak isn’t at the expense of the well-being of others.

The Earth at 9.3 the straw that breaks the camels’ back suggests that nerves are worn and frayed and we’ve had enough of the deception and chaotic approach from a president and federal government that prefers to blame others for their ineptitude and sadistic response (Moon 4.5 Seduction). Instead, we need a return to the preservation of the family (Mars 37.6 purpose) and a shared direction by all.

Saturday, 30 May 2020 ~ The Channel of Community opens today and fostered by the deliverance of grace found with Gates 40 and 22. And if feelings of community or shared purpose have been fleeting or challenging, Venus at Gate 35.6 Rectification should provide the space for reevaluation.

Given the seriousness and easy transmission of the virus, personal beliefs may be at odds with the facts. So, consider that if you’re on the side of sovereignty and are refusing to follow safety guidelines, realize that others are impacted by that choice and may become ill or die if exposed. Embrace the resoluteness found with the Moon at Gate 40.2 and the dedication reinforced by the Earth at 9.4 to change your perceptions…and your heart…and make a more compassionate choice.

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!