Esoteric Influences for 25-31 October 2020

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Hey everyone!

Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for the coming week. They include the day’s numerology, rune, lunar transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart.

Stay well, stay aware, and Blessings to all!

Sunday, 25 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 7 22
  • Rune: Mannaz (20)
  • Moon: Aquarius until Pisces at 2:19 PM PDT
  • Geomancy: Albus

A seven numerology suggests finding balance by taking an observer role today particularly if truth is lacking, however, remain mindful  of who you are in relation to others by seeking a wise (Albus) an integrated approach (Mannaz).

An intellectual focus is preferable in the morning hours with emotions perhaps stirring up in the afternoon when the Moon travels from Aquarius into sensitive and compassionate Pisces. As that transition occurs, you may feel like nurturing others (Moon conjunct Ceres) supported by the ability to communicate your feelings and thoughts in a compassionate manner (Moon trine Mercury R).

Although you may find yourself accepting the current situation as it is, you’ll want to avoid aligning with negative relationships that are manipulative at best and impede both ambition and success. Remain adaptable while focusing on details necessary in achieving your objectives. Seek a higher authority if more clarity is needed.

Monday, 26 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 8 22
  • Rune: Jera (12)
  • Moon: Pisces
  • Geomancy: Via

If asked to take a leadership role today (8, Via), it’s likely because you understand the greater picture at hand and choose harmony and protection over self-interest (8). As you safely engage on a shared path with others today offer assistance where needed but again, do so taking all precautions (Jera).

With the Moon still in Pisces, express compassion and empathy today toward others in need and if empathic, pay attention to the energies surrounding you. Although a sextile between the Moon and Uranus offer an opportunity to express yourself as well with originality and your own personal style this may not always be understood by others less sensitive than you (Moon semisquare Pluto).

Set an example for others today, however, avoid aligning with negative forces to achieve your goals. Your fundamental values will guide you forward as you maintain harmony through adversity. And be a leader who readily recognizes another’s talent that can inform a collective understanding of shared truth (Human Design/I Ching).

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 9 22
  • Rune: Thurisaz (3)
  • Moon: Pisces
  • Geomancy: Rubeus

Today’s nine energy may have you feeling as if one phase is ending and another is beginning. As something new unfolds, remain focused on your ideals and express yourself with generosity and compassion. Break through frustrations that might arise by controlling impulsive action (Thurisaz, Rubeus); however, stand against opposition that isn’t in service to a shared path.

Explore creative outlets for self-expression today even if others don’t understand your approach (Pisces Moon). Your emotions may still be at the surface today and you may need to establish some boundaries with others, particularly if frustrations occur (Moon sesquisquare The Sun). That said, a sextile between the Moon and Jupiter has you feeling generous and optimistic while the same with Pluto suggests you can choose your own path. So, if people aren’t as receptive as you’d like today, take time for yourself. You deserve it.

If in a leadership role with others, remain consistent so that expectations are clear and understood. Act with integrity so that if you do need to step outside the norm, it will be well-received by others. However, avoid a demanding attitude, realizing that any success may be at the expense of your relationships with others (Human Design/I Ching).

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 1 22
  • Rune: Algiz (15)
  • Moon: Pisces until Aries at 1:45 AM PDT
  • Geomancy: Cauda Draconis

Not everything may be as it seems today as you allow new perceptions to take hold while you embrace unity with others (1). Shift your perceptions toward a higher level of understanding. Let go of that which no longer serves (Cauda Draconis) and draw inspiration from the collective aspect of Self, allowing the voice of inner truth to inform our choices and decisions (Algiz).

With the Moon transitioning into Aries early in the morning, you may still experience the need to take time for yourself today. Although an opposition between the Moon and Venus indicates that you may feel torn between taking care of self and others, personal issues may be at the forefront of your mind and a brisk walk may help in working them out.

As the day continues, remain focused so that you preserve the progress you’ve made. Maintain a generosity of spirit so that you recognize input from a variety of sources that will assist you in that regard. Stability, in fact, is best preserved from a shared understanding of truth. Therefore, continue to avoid relationships that impede or otherwise negatively impact a positive outcome (Human Design/I Ching).

Thursday, 29 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 11 22
  • Rune: Dagaz (23)
  • Moon: Aries
  • Geomancy: Amissio

A Master number day, the eleven energy promises illumination and awakening. Remain sensitive to synchronicities and the spiritual message they bring. A new day of profound awakening is here so be prepared to think outside the box as you resonate to new spiritual truth (Dagaz).

With the Moon in Aries be sure to watch for new opportunities to unfold today remaining optimistic and engaged. Express your leadership and guidance but allow for the input from others to foster a more inspired viewpoint (Moon conjunct Mars). Grandiosity can have a negative impact on success, and although this is a weak aspect today, the Moon square Jupiter reminds you to use the Aries energy in a disciplined manner.

Today’s Human Design/I Ching chart discusses the Aries effect further by suggesting that the downside of allowing Aries energy to run amok is the risk of abusing your power with others. Although you might feel that a more assertive (aggressive) response might get you over the goal line more quickly, it likely will negatively impact the trust you’ve built with others (Amissio).

Be clear on your values, allowing them to guide your decisions, and understand that the proper use of timing may be the biggest factor today in your success. Lead others in a manner that avoids superficiality and preserves both innovation and group unity.

Friday, 30 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 3 22
  • Rune: Tiwaz (17)
  • Moon: Aries until Taurus at 2:19 PM PDT
  • Geomancy: Caput Draconis

The Aries Moon in the morning and early afternoon aligns well with today’s three numerology as it provides the energy for a new path forward (Caput Draconis) full of both optimism and ambition. Tiwaz, as the spiritual warrior within, defines this further suggesting that we emphasize higher ideals that preserve and protect the health and well-being of others, also aligning well with the Moon’s shift into Taurus.

Your motivation transitions into a more stable or grounded energy in the afternoon when the Moon travels from Aries to Taurus when patience and a practical approach is favored. But while the Moon is still in Aries, an opposition with Mercury indicates the need to stop and think before interacting with others. A square with Saturn may help the Moon’s transition into Taurus by slowing things down a bit, causing you to settle into more practical concerns.

If feeling drawn in multiple directions, establish boundaries that reflect your integrity, strength, and discipline so that everyone’s needs are respected as well as your own. Intuition may help as well to understand the greater picture as you recognize patterns that lead to mastery and success (Human Design/I Ching).

Saturday, 31 October 2020

  • Numerology: 1 4 22
  • Rune: Raidho (5)
  • Moon: Taurus
  • Geomancy: Acquisitio

Blessed Samhain everyone as we celebrate the transition from the light of summer to the darkness of winter. It’s harvest time and All Hallow’s Eve where the veil is again thin and our ancestors who have already passed on are closest. Pay homage to their loving influence and welcome their blessings (Acquisitio).

A four numerology on this day describes our interconnectedness with the Earth and her children. Take stock of the year and your own spiritual harvest and make plans for the future. Although our celebration will take a different focus this year given the impact of the virus, we can still reach out to others and share blessings. Each one is a member of our soul family and this is a time to express gratitude to all (Raidho).

With the Moon in stable Taurus, routine will be important, but in the form of ritual as you celebrate this healing time by going within and speaking to ancestors who have long ago passed through the veil. If you’re feeling at loose ends, it’s likely the influence of the Moon opposite The Sun and the tension that the will creates with your emotional side. Let it pass. Use the energy instead to focus on the future. Be prepared for the unexpected to occur and above all be spontaneous and open to new experiences (Moon conjunct Uranus).

Both the placement of the Moon and the Earth in the Human Design chart today ask you to recognize and adapt to new patterns and ideas based upon the North Node influence on a new shared path. Be mindful of your heritage and tradition and the influence it has on establishing a firm framework with others. With intuition strong today, understand the collective interest that can lead others toward a shared truth.

Samhain Altar



  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  
  2. Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!