Manifesting Fellowship ~ A Bindrune for 22-28 November 2020

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Clockwise from the top left: Inguz, Wunjo, Kenaz, and Ansuz

Although the current president chooses once again to sow chaos and deception instead of accepting the outcome of the election, at some point, we have to shift our focus to a new path. Or maybe it’s really more of a realignment that will take place. But either way, we have to move past the fear and dread over what this guy will do next. And though it may look like an attempted coup, it’s more likely a last, desperate attempt at staying out of court to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. It’s the coward’s way, really, and ego run amok.

The divide began long ago, however. And if we don’t acknowledge that truth, we’ll never be able to see it for what it is. He simply tied it up with a chaotic and unseemly bow and now we have what we have…a country so divided that even a quarter of a million dying doesn’t seem to shake some of us from a level of tunnel-vision that prevents a realistic perspective let alone any truth from sinking in.

But the fact is, there cannot be a segment of society that believes a bullet to the head of “liberals” is the answer. Or that if you’re a person of color your vote doesn’t need to be counted. Or that whether or not you mask up during a pandemic is an issue of personal sovereignty and not simply something we all do to protect people.

Magick can be any number of things, but at minimum it’s the realm of the witch as activist. It’s a mechanism by which energies can be shifted to a different resonance and when we look at bindrunes, a form of rune magick, we’re pulling together ancient truths in a demand for change.

Instead of setting my intention for one purpose or another before drawing the runes for this week’s bindrune, I let the intention take form while doing so. I first drew Inguz which signaled the energy of manifestation and the seed of something new. From there, Wunjo was next and the intention of fellowship became clear.

There it was. The intention of this week’s bindrune would center on a shift in perception from discord to fellowship, apropos for this week of Thanksgiving made more difficult by the loss so many have suffered due to both the pandemic and the division caused by a small pathetic man in charge.

The runes that I drew next set the directionality of the energy that would follow and in this case, the Source Presence within. Ansuz, Odin’s rune, describes the voice of Spirit and the message of love and unity while Kenaz, the torch, lights the path toward the higher truth of unity consciousness.

Inguz would provide the container of sorts for the runic energies to align together. From there, I added Wunjo in the center and after adding Ansuz, Kenaz was already visible, its light opening to the future.

This is a bindrune that invokes Spirit. And if you look closely, although not among the runes that I drew, with the inclusion of Ansuz, Berkano is visible, its healing presence perhaps the underlying energy that binds everything, and everyone, together in shared purpose.

Because here’s the thing. The ground has been moving under our feet for far too long with ego, instead of truth, determining the outcome. However, the fact still remains that we are one in Spirit, even if this manifested form we take chooses a lesser focus. Fellowship and unity are our only path forward out of the ego’s oppressive nature, and if we’re to get anywhere at all, we must cast aside the fear-based behavior that seeks to control, demean, and dismiss others.

I offer this bindrune for personal use as a reminder of our fundamental truth, that we are indeed one collective family. It doesn’t matter if we disagree about this and that as long as we stop hurting one another in the process. In other words, it’s not okay to cause others to be afraid by bringing assault weapons to what is essentially a conversation. Because when we protest, we’re making our voices heard. It’s not the moment to bring guns and violent action into the equation because someone or a group of someones disagrees with that perspective, made worse by law enforcement that cannot seem to delineate between those exercising their constitutional right to speak truth to power and those who simply wish to cause harm.

A depraved, narcissistic pied piper has led some of us astray and caused frustration and disruption in the rest. Let this week’s bindrune set us on a new course of fellowship and unity with all.

Blessed Be



  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  
  2. Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!