Manifesting Healing from Spirit ~ Bindrune for 29 November to 5 December 2020

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Given that healing of all kinds is on the minds of many these days, it’s unsurprising that the runes drawn for this week’s bindrune contain that energetic flow.

Clockwise from top left: Jera, Kenaz, Eihwaz, Inguz
  • Jera – Earth, transformation, balance, give and take, cycles, herbalism, gardening, unfolding awareness, energetic alignment, year, fertility
  • Kenaz – Fire, torch, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, healing, well-being, love, intuition, transformation, creativity, awakening.
  • Eihwaz – Air/Fire, connection between opposites, as above so below, link between realms, trance work, protection
  • Inguz – Earth, sudden release of energy, male fertility, DNA structure, gardening, inclusion, the seed, potential, genetic inheritance, grounding, inner focus

As we approach the final month of 2020, whether we’re healing from the virus or we’re talking about healing the rift between us that has become so entrenched over the last few years, it seems that perception is at the heart of where we begin. And it seems that there’s a real difference between perception born from ego and that which is infused by Spirit.

We either understand the truth about the virus and we’re behaving accordingly, or we believe it to be a hoax, even as so many are either dying or developing long-term physical problems. And regarding who we are to each other, the divide has become more stark and more dangerous than ever with talk of harm swiftly becoming reality.

If we look only at the elemental guardians of each rune we see that there is a balance between Earth and Fire, or between practical or security concerns and our will. Eihwaz contains some Air, or intellect, as well adding reason to the energetic mix. Inguz gathers and then releases our energetic potential, planting the seed for the future. But considering what’s been happening, where we end up is really up to each one of us.

Will we align together and begin the process of healing the divide incited further by the needs of a liar? Will we awaken to our Source Presence within, the collective consciousness that sustains everything? Kenaz provides that light, clarity, and revelation to heal our perceptions but the pull toward darkness is strong. Can we draw down that loving protection from the Higher Self to not only see but take the path that is unfolding before us?

What do we owe to the other side that has believed a conman? What do we owe to others who have chosen harm to express themselves? Do we try to understand them or do we stand firm in our own belief in truth and the rule of law and wait for those under the demon’s thrall to awaken from his manipulation?

While we want to move past the pain of the last few years, it feels like no one wants to take responsibility for the drama and destruction that’s occurred. But if that doesn’t happen, if we don’t look at the truth of it all, we’re destined to do it all over again.

I used Inguz once again as the container for the runic energies other than Eihwaz. Within Inguz, Jera and Kenaz are present, but I used Eihwaz to tie all of it together in the flow of Spirit.

So, I offer this bindrune for personal use to carry with you or to use as a focus when meditating on both healing and where we go from here. It would seem that a focus on truth is essential now, whether it’s about the conman still spewing lies and dialing for dollars to keep the money flowing in, or it’s dealing with how we come together to stop the spread of COVID-19. Either way, enough is enough and if we don’t wake up now, we stand to lose more loved ones to a virus that we could have contained if only the fool in the Oval Office had bothered to be honest for once in his life.

Blessings to all and please…when you’re around anyone at all…whether you’re inside or outside…wear a mask. Stay apart during this holiday season so that next year we can all gather safely together.


  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  
  2. Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
  3. Your Daily Magickal Correspondences
Emulsifiers and Preservatives for Botanical Skin Care Workshop is back!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!