Beltane Blessings: Center, Align, Know

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2015-05-01 06.57.25



Beltane Blessings! I decided to cover all the bases and do two divinations using both runes and tarot to see if the messages supported each other. The runes are a set I crafted from a hawthorn branch, and the tarot is Crowley’s Thoth Tarot. Blue lace agate sits with the runecasting to enhance communication. Hearts of obsidian, labradorite, and rose quartz provide balance and clarity, with two worry stones – blue lace agate and rainbow obsidian – for added support.

This elemental runecast begins with Nauthiz in the center as significator. Prescient for a witch. A Fire Element rune, Nauthiz provides the link between forces of destiny and signifies positive change. It’s also a binding rune.

In the position of Air, sits Laguz, a Water Element rune, overflowing with intuitive Moon energies. It’s the rune of the occult, of magick. It’s also the influence of allowing on the intellect.

Sowilo aptly sits in the Fire Element position, the link between light and dark, representing our Higher Self. It provides healing energy and as the rune of the will and source of spiritual energy, strengthens the magickal will of the witch.

In the position of Water, Algiz, an Air element rune, provides the Air/Fire/Water balance of the BiFrost Bridge, opening a connection between physical and non-physical realms, and our higher consiousness.

Finally, Othala sits in the position of Earth. It is the rune of inheritance, ancestral tradition, and as the last rune in the Futhark, contains all other runes within. As such, it is the rune of sacred space, the balance between order and chaos.

Interesting that an Air rune sits in the West, or Water position, and a Water rune sits in the East, or Air position, illustrating how our emotions and intellect influence each other. Algiz brings our higher consciousness into play, balancing intellect with emotion, while emotional Laguz tempers our intellect. Sowilo provides the impetus for forward momentum, while Othala shows us that we have the power to create sacred space wherever we are. Nauthiz, as significator, binds all energies together.

That’s pretty cool. And now for the Thoth influences.

The tarot spread begins with three foundation elements, moving downward to receptive and projective influences on the foundation, culminating in the significator at the bottom. Typically, it goes the other way around, but one evening the spread unfolded that way..I wanted more information, and the space was clear below, so that’s what happened. Now I tend to see it that way so it is what it is.

Foundation elements include the 8 of Swords, The Chariot, and 3 of Disks. One Air card, a Trump, and one Earth card are present. The Chariot, as a Trump card from the Major Arcana, provides the impetus to the level, suggesting movement, mastery and success. The witch is well-prepared for the future. She expresses herself with honor and integrity, knowing when to take control and when to surrender.

Influencing The Chariot are the 8 of Swords and the 3 of Disks. An Earth Element card, the 3 of Disks represents the material structure of the universe, steady, even progress, and the creative use of the witch’s talents. Witches tend to have many irons (or swords in this case) in the fire so to speak. The 8 of Swords, an Air Element card, cautions the witch to avoid becoming blocked by her own process. It suggests being aware of outside obstruction and avoiding indecision.

The Earthy Princess of Wands provided receptive (or feminine) influences to the spread. Representing the earthy aspects of Fire, the Princess, as seeker or student, rides the wave of opportunity, non-resistant to its energy. She lives in the now, expressing unfettered joy as she allows the present moment to unfold before her.

Strength through adversity, integrity and standing in your own power are the hallmarks of the 9 of Wands as the projective (masculine) influence. It represents the battle within, our determination to move forward.

The Queen of Swords sits as significator, graceful, yet assertive, walking her talk. She prefers solitude, and is intensely perceptive and intuitive. She embodies the essence of Nauthiz, our runic significator from the runecasting for she is the link between the forces of destiny.

Center, align, know. That’s the message of today. That’s the message the Queen of Swords brings. She suggests that the witch remain in balance, for that alignment represents not only oneness of spirit, but the essence and eternal oneness of us all. Proceeding from that still point, the witch can accomplish anything, for the only true energy emanating from self is the energy expressed as an extension of, and in alignment with, Source. Everything else is a projection of ego and not part of our true Reality, essentially lacking in creative force, therefore subjective and not real.

Witches have been around since our adventure in physical form began. We hold the resonance of the Earth. We embrace the immanence of everything around us and see it all as a reflection of Source/Goddess/God. We bring healing and assist in raising the vibration of Gaia. Ascension is upon us. Love and Oneness have never left us, we just forgot we were family for a while.

Center, align, and you will know.

Beltane Blessings, everyone!

~Blessed Be!


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!