Dear Donald: You End DACA While Proclaiming Today A National Day Of Prayer?

Extremism and Empathic and Intuitive Awareness

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Sometimes it feels as if I’ve been holding my breath since before the 2016 election. The last five years haven’t been easy for me to experience and I would imagine it’s been the same with other empaths, particularly if they’re also intuitive like myself. The lies, the vitriol, the deception have all been too much and now that we’re on a new path forward, one would think that the volatile energy would settle, and yet, it seems to only be increasing.

It’s not as if extreme behavior and ideology are uncommon, because we’ve seen it expressed all over the world. While it may be tempting to believe that much of the extremism we’ve experienced is religious-based, as in Muslim extremist or jihadist behavior, in truth, the extremism that is affecting our country now has been building quietly behind the scenes, likely from a variety of sources. And, at least in my case, I’ve felt it building for decades.

I feel it every time the more conservative among us assert their beliefs to be more important than anyone else’s. It’s expressed in racist views and the preservation of an us versus them attitude. It’s as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist, let alone matter to them. All that matters is that they control the decisions. Anything that’s egalitarian in nature isn’t even considered.

It’s reflected in the attitude, I’d rather ask for forgiveness than for permission. It allows people to take from others and then blame those from whom they’ve taken, a blaming the victim approach that from my own perspective and experience, feels like I’m chained in place with no escape possible. The energy feels predatory, which is exactly what it is.

Now that we’ve sent the predator-in-chief packing, rather than accepting the truth of the election, groups of individuals decided that a coup was in order. It felt like a wave was quickly building, already tsunami-like in its energetic effect. Although there appeared to be no way to stop what was coming, I knew that when it happened the truth of who was involved would become clear. That’s the problem with wave energy. It’s rarely controllable.

When the National Guard wasn’t standing watch when the siege began, the feeling of dread I had been experiencing went on overdrive and it was obvious at that point that our lawmakers were in terrible danger.

When the siege ended, and I knew our lawmakers were safe, it was clear to me that something wasn’t right and I wondered just who in the Capitol was involved in this mess. Time will tell if my feeling was correct, but at the time, I experienced the feeling of dark clouds moving in and around the Capitol, alerting me to grave deception at work. And that feeling has never left me.

The feeling is dark and weighty as if some force behind the scenes is directing the momentum forward. Thoughts such as, clearing out the clutter, appear without intention, suggesting that investigations are taking place that will reveal whoever is part of the siege on not only our Capitol and the lawmakers inside, but on democracy itself.

This was not a simple difference of ideology but a grand manipulation to usurp control over the United States, with the outcome of taking us into a place of darkness and authoritarian rule. The individuals who participated were used as rubes and pawns to do the bidding of those who are behind all of this, and many are finding out now that there is no one there to save them from the choices they made on that day.

Those of us who are empathic and intuitive feel this manipulative presence like a demon who waits in the dark readying itself for another attack. It’s not done with us yet and we cannot turn away from its profound effect.

It’s as if we’re all in a Dagaz moment, standing between what is past and what is to come, on the precipice of a new day, as we wait for clarity and truth to emerge. And given that many of the individuals involved in the siege so enthusiastically shared their crimes with the country via video and written posts on social media, a sad and horrifying picture is coming into focus.

Still, we need to look further than the surface to truly understand the machinations at work. That said, for empaths, this may come at a cost, especially if we’re unable to extricate our focus from that dark energy. So, I would recommend to my empath family to do whatever you can to understand the emotional resonance behind all of this, but not at the expense of your own emotional stability.

Those sad individuals who became caught up in this disgraceful act did so because they became attracted to and caught up in manipulative intention that required them to let go of any inner discernment and accept the lies of others. And although we understand the underlying deception involved, empaths need to guard against the same energetic pull toward the darkness.

Regard the energy you feel and then readjust your focus to something else so that you do not absorb the energy or feelings as your own. In other words, remain outside of the experience. You likely already know the truth of the matter anyway, and revisiting that extremist energy is far too risky right now to experience.

The wave I experienced up to an including the siege has lessened, replaced by energy that appears confused and unsettled. But beneath all that, the power behind what happened waits and watches, ready to go forth again in its desire to cause chaos and destruction.

Overall, I must say that I feel drained by what has happened. It was like one big oh, no feeling as if something really bad is about to happen and there’s nothing I could remotely do about it to protect myself, let alone anyone else, from harm.

So, if you’re empathic and/or intuitive, and you’re feeling anything like what I’ve described here, know that you’re not alone. We’ll get through this time as long as we refuse to allow vampiric intention any purchase. Remain aligned in Spirit Presence and keep your vibration high so that darker, self-possessed vampiric energy cannot impact your energetic balance and peace of mind.

Practice conscious breath work, breathing in and out in a comfortable pattern. Regard your breath as your soul moving in, through, and around your body and allow that divine presence to lift your awareness and vibration ever higher. Moving your awareness to above the planet, for example, can help as well where you can visualize yourself joined by others to collectively project loving energy that heals and protects all.

What we’ve collectively experienced has been both horrifying and overwhelming. But we can use this time to gather our strength and will to help right the ship and reestablish our shared path together.

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!