Esoteric Influences for 21-27 March 2021

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Hey everyone!

Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for the coming week. They include the day’s numerology, rune, lunar transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart and the daily correspondences for magickal workings.

Stay well, stay aware, and Blessings to all! 

Sunday, 21 March 2021

  • Numerology – 3 – ambitious, optimistic, strong-willed, communication, detail-oriented, imagination
  • Rune – Inguz –  Earth, sudden release of energy, male fertility, DNA structure, gardening, inclusion, the seed, potential, genetic inheritance, grounding, inner focus 
  • Geomancy – Cauda Draconis – Fire; South Node in Sagittarius, Dragon’s tail, endings, evil, the exit, lower kingdom, harbinger of disaster, terminating affairs; Zazel
  • Moon – Gemini until Cancer at 5:18 AM PDT; 1st Qtr Moon at 7:40 AM PDT; (VOC- 5:03 AM PDT to 5:17 AM PDT)
  • Human Design Channels – Rhythm (in the flow); Synthesis (shared belief or path)

Your inner focus is strong today signaling an ambitious approach to details and other tasks. In fact, with your attention to details, you may be able to bring projects to their conclusion today.

With the Moon traveling into Cancer and the 3rd House of communication, interactions with others are favored and you enjoy the comforts of home and hearth as well as nurturing family and friends today. That said, self-assertion may be impacted by a square between the Moon and The Sun and you may also experience difficulty in expressing your emotions. If so, take a moment to reassess your approach and strategy before interacting further.

Stay in the flow with others as much as you can today while maintaining strong values and principles. Timing may be a factor as well as the Moon’s effect described above but you may also be hesitant to interact due to feelings of inadequacy. Take an evenhanded, collaborative approach with others today, avoiding judgment and a focus on past mistakes.

Favorability for working magick: neutral – magickal workings today can focus on removing barriers to success, or they can focus on managing an ending of some kind. Carve Inguz into a gold or yellow candle to increase the potential for success. Include bloodstone on the altar or workspace to purify energy, increase strength, and remove blockages. Copal can be burned in a cauldron for purification followed by frankincense for success.


  • Moon square The Sun
  • Moon square Venus
  • Moon trine Pallas

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Sun, clarity, truth, healing, courage, removing barriers, leadership
  • Element – Fire
  • Color – Gold, yellow
  • Crystal – emerald, topaz, bloodstone, chrysolite
  • Resin – mastic, frankincensecopalsaffronred sandalwood, cinnamon, honey
  • Herbs – Angelica, juniper, calendula, hyacinth, rosemary, mint, ivy, pepper, vine, sunflower, cedar, marjoram, bay, vervain, gentian, Dittany, ginger, peony, balm, marigold, heliotrope

Monday, 22 March 2021

  • Numerology – 22 – Master Number, Cosmic Builder, profound soul-level manifestation or change
  • Rune – Tiwaz – Air, spiritual warrior, faith, justice, idealistic male, oaths, sacrifice, Tyr, legal matters
  • Geomancy – Puer – Fire; Mars in Aries – boy, yellow and beardless, energy, significance, unstable, forceful, conflict, impulsive, driven, risk-oriented, accident-prone, aggressive if controlled; Bartzabel, Graphiel
  • Moon – Cancer
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life)

A Master Number 22 day promises profound change, particularly if you embrace the perspective of the spiritual warrior within. Remain true to your word and avoid impulsivity and aggression toward others.

Let go of habits and perceptions that affect your relationships with women in your life as you explore how you integrate your own emotions with expressions of will or self-assertion. Be aware of how past experiences inform the present moment as well as the impact of relationships within your family.

Retreat if needed to restore your Spirit so that you’re able to maintain progress and a single-minded approach that bypasses challenges and obstacles. If in a leadership role with others, guide them toward a collaborative experience that respects the values and input of all. Be sure of the facts before moving forward.

Favorability of working magick: very good – use the Master Number 22 energy to influence profound change within a working today. Include Tiwaz in the working to invoke the spiritual warrior within by including it in a bindrune or carving it into a silver or white candle to signify purity of intention. Burn myrrh resin in the cauldron for purity and spiritual awakening and include moonstone on the altar or workspace to increase intuition and vision.


  • Moon square Ceres
  • Moon square Vulcan
  • Moon quincunx The South Node
  • Moon opposite The Midheaven

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Moon, feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
  • Element – Water
  • Color – Silver, white
  • Crystal – Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite
  • Resin – White sandalwood, camphor, aloe, myrrh
  • Herbs – almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

  • Numerology – 5 – travel, usage of freedom, creativity, variety, innovation
  • Rune – Berkano – Earth, fertility, birth, family, protection, new beginnings, healing, growth, projects to fruition, birch tree
  • Geomancy – Amissio – Earth; Venus in Taurus; loss, sacrifice, hesitant to engage; needs reliability, insecure; Kedemel, Hagiel
  • Moon – Cancer until Leo at 2:57 PM PDT; (VOC – 8:26 AM PDT to 2:56 PM PDT)
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life)

As restrictions begin to change with so many people getting vaccinated against COVID-19, you may feel like throwing caution to the wind today. However, according to the CDC, it’s not time yet to take off the mask when out and about at the grocery store. You still need to protect others from the virus by wearing a mask, so until the time when we get the go-ahead, continue to follow all safety protocols.

The Moon shifts into Leo in mid-afternoon but during the morning hours, you may need to control any dramatic reactions that arise before expressing yourself. As the Moon enters Leo, your emotions generally settle down and relationships take on an easier tone. That said, if your interactions are with individuals who are intense in their own right, conflict could result.

A self-disciplined approach is preferable to impulsive behavior that impacts trust with others. Have the integrity to say no when appropriate and if your ideas are rejected by others, know that a humble response that favors a team approach will gain you respect and recognition in the future.

Favorability of working magick: very good – with Tuesday’s Mars energy impacting your working, use that catalytic presence to control impulsiveness or aggression or to invoke creativity. Use amethyst to protect and invoke inner strength and to achieve higher awareness. Burn dragon’s blood resin in a cauldron to decrease negative impulses and include a pinch of wormwood in a mojo bag to control anger.


  • Moon sesquisquare Mercury (Cancer)
  • Moon opposite Pluto (Cancer)
  • Moon trine Venus (Leo)

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Mars influence, passion, manifestation, creativity, self-assertion, reducing conflict
  • Element – Fire
  • Color – Red, rust
  • Crystal – Amethystbloodstoneloadstone, diamond, jasper
  • Resin – Juniper, dragon’s blood, red sandalwood
  • Herbs – Absinthe, cayenne, basil, asafoetida, rue, garlic, black pepper, nettlewormwood, onion, mustard, leeks, ginger, wolfsbane, thorny trees (Hawthorn)

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

  • Numerology – 6 – benevolent, compassionate, love, empathy, comfort, aid, and guidance
  • Rune – Raidho – soul journey, partnership, process over goal, harmonious movement, integration, rhythm, cycles, justice, Air
  • Geomancy – Acquisitio – Fire; Jupiter in Sagittarius; overconfidence, excessive behavior, adventuresome; inspiring; success, gain, goal-directed, fortune, Hismael, Yophiel
  • Moon – Leo
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life)

Integration with others is possible today if the process itself is respected in addition to achieving the intended goal. Convey to others that their input is both inspiring and relevant and that their partnership is valued and important.

Although you have a transforming effect on others, sometimes you feel as if you’re invisible and have little effect at all. It may feel as if no one really cares about you, but over time, you’ve discovered that your self-esteem isn’t reflected in the perceptions of others but in how you see yourself. While this issue may stem from early childhood woundings that seem insurmountable, those difficult experiences have reinforced a level of compassion and intuition in you that provide comfort and support to others.

Remain open to the varied opinions of others while staying true to your own traditional values. If necessary, you may have to take a back seat to someone with more experience to guide your collaborative efforts. If so, then it may be that restructuring is needed, both organizational and strategic in nature. Stay humble, continue to collaborate with the group, and your achievement will be recognized by all.

Favorability of working magick: very bad – with favorability of working magick in such a state today, it may be best to either leave magick for another day or to use this time for meditation to focus on how you see yourself and whether or not that comes from the perspective of Higher Self or ego. Burn some frankincense in your meditation space as well as some lavender and find your true center.


  • Moon trine Vulcan
  • Moon opposite Saturn
  • Moon square Uranus
  • Moon trine Chiron

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Mercury, communication, interactions, balance, justice, revelation
  • Element – Air
  • Color – yellow, purple
  • Crystal – Agate, emerald, fluorite, topaz, citrine, red marble, topaz
  • Resin – benzoingum arabicfrankincense
  • Herbs – marjoram, horehound, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, caraway, cloves, licorice, mullein, peppermint, star anise, hyssop

Thursday, 25 March 2021

  • Numerology – 7 – balance, observer role, analytical, thoughtful, a truth-seeker, and spirituality
  • Rune – Gebo – Water element, balanced energy exchange, link, marriage, partnership, gift, reciprocity
  • Geomancy – Albus – Air, Mercury in Gemini; white or white hair; wisdom; sage; clear thought; chastity; communication; talkative; knowledgeable; superficial; Taphthartharath, Tiriel
  • Moon – Leo until Virgo at 8:26 PM PDT; (VOC – 6:27 AM PDT to 8:25 PM PDT)
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life); Logic (mental confidence balanced with doubt)

Balance is key today with both a seven numerology and the appearance of the rune, Gebo, in today’s esoteric influences. Step back if necessary to observe before reacting, allowing things to settle out so that you achieve some clarity.

The Moon travels into Virgo in the early evening where structure and routine will become important. Until then, avoid self-indulgent behavior that impacts motivation. Remain patient with yourself and nurture away your frustrations with some meditation or trance work.

If you’ve allowed others to take responsibility for your own actions, accept that the harm caused may not be reversed. It’s time now to align with others in a collectively shared set of values so that you preserve a new path forward, replacing old paradigms with new perceptions. It’s through collaboration with others that you’ll achieve recognition for all your efforts so rise above the past and remain true to a higher set of principles.

Favorability of working magick: very bad – again, the outlook for working magick isn’t the best today, but if it’s necessary then you might want to use the time when the Moon is Void of Course. That way, external planetary influences may be less and you can shore up anything else using the correspondences of choice. Remember that the witch’s will is ultimately all you need when you’re influencing a particular outcome.


  • Moon opposite Jupiter
  • Moon sesquisquare Chiron
  • Moon trine Chiron

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Jupiter, social justice, healing, abundance, income, growth, achieving goals and desires.
  • Element – Air
  • Color – Blue
  • Crystal – sapphire, jasperemerald
  • Resin – balm of Gilead, ambergris, saffron
  • Herbs – basil, agrimony, mints, dandelion, borage, bugloss, wood betony, hyssop, henbane, poplar, oak, plum, fig, meadowsweet

Friday, 26 March 2021

  • Numerology – 8 – success, desires acknowledgment from others, materialistic achievement, 
  • Rune – Kenaz – Fire, torch, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, healing, well-being, love, intuition, transformation, creativity, awakening.
  • Geomancy – Puella – Venus in Libra, happiness derived from balance, harmony, intellectual interaction, superficiality, ignoring signs of imbalance; girl, pretty face, pleasant, not too fortunate, scattered, fickle, passionate, highly emotional, ambivalent, short term happiness; balances Puer; Kedemel, Hagiel
  • Moon – Virgo 
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life)

You may feel your focus scattering somewhat today which could impact getting things done. That said, it may be that you’re not ready for a project to end because you intuitively realize there could be more to contribute to its success.

If you feel that self-expression is impacted today, it may be that you need to find a balance between asserting your ego and expressing emotions so that your feelings are not dismissed. Otherwise, you could give yourself away to others while ignoring your own needs. So, if accepting your own emotions proves challenging, step outside your comfort zone and take a leap of faith and know that this likely reflects an underlying issue of control.

Know that the best option isn’t always the most interesting but in this case, a situation you’re currently facing may benefit from a complete re-tooling or a new foundation. That may involve seeking input from others so that the best course of action results. Remain sincere in your motivation so that you draw support from others in the group as you replace old paradigms with new values and principles.

Favorability of working magick: very good – magickal workings or rituals for today can include those that focus on healing, both physical in nature as well as within relationships, particularly those relationships that are career-related. Include rose quartz as well as roses (dried or fresh) on the altar or workspace and burn sandalwood in the cauldron. If working a candle spell, you could utilize three candles, one that purifies (white), one that transforms (black), and then a green or rose candle for harmony. Carve Kenaz into all three to infuse each one with Spirit awareness.


  • Moon quincunx The Sun
  • Moon quincunx Venus
  • Moon trine Uranus
  • Moon quincunx Chiron

Magickal Correspondences

  • Magickal Focus – Venus, compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
  • Element – Water
  • Color – Green, rose
  • Crystal – Turquoiselapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
  • Resin – sandalwood, ambergris, musk, orris root
  • Herbs – apple, rose, myrtle, bugloss (alkanet)burdockfeverfew, lilac, marshmallow, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pears, elder, pomegranate, passionflower, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, vanilla, yarrow, violet, plantain

Saturday, 27 March 2021

  • Numerology – 9 – endings, completion, idealism, generosity, altruism, humanitarian
  • Rune – Mannaz – Earth, humanity, integration, mind/body/Spirit connection, individual within society, thought rune, memory
  • Geomancy – Conjunctio – Earth, Mercury in Virgo, joining, union, alignment, detail-oriented, agreement, precision, expectation; Taphthartharath, Cassiel
  • Moon – Virgo until Libra at 10:23 PM PDT; Maiden phase – Full on Sunday, 28 March 2021 at 11:48 AM PDT; (VOC – 4:48 PM PDT to 10:22 PM PDT)
  • Human Design Channels – Synthesis (collective aspect of life)

As expectations surrounding how we come together with others in our life shift somewhat, we must proceed carefully so that we don’t disrupt all that we’ve gained thus far. While some still refuse to protect themselves or others, it’s clear that each one of us has a responsibility to everyone in our orbit to not make life any more difficult than it already is. It’s the underlying or fundamental agreement that we make whether it’s within our family, our neighborhood, or the greater community. And the choice we make defines us.

While the Moon is still in Virgo, you may struggle with doubt and indecisiveness today which may be due to scattering your attention in too many different directions. Perhaps you’re drawn to others who experience the same unrealistic expectations of themselves or it could be a lack of grounding that leaves you feeling unclear. Seek advice from close associates but leave room to nurture your own goals and desires.

If called to a leadership role today, understand the motivations and needs of those under your supervision. Recognize when additional skills are required and when it’s just a momentary block that impacts progress. Step back to see the bigger picture or to let someone else with more experience guide the process. In other words, let ego take a back seat to the overall collaborative effort.

Favorability of working magick: very good – rituals to invoke harmony and unity are favored today and both Mannaz and Conjunctio can be included in some manner to align energies together. But instead of binding those energies, it’s best to invoke purification and protection today based on Spirit awareness. Use onyx for protection and jet to heal any trauma involved.


  • Moon opposite Mercury
  • Moon quincunx Jupiter
  • Moon opposite Neptune
  • Moon sesquisquare Lilith
  • Moon square Juno

Magickal Correspondences


  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  
  2. Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

Written by 

Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!