Witches Runes

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I love symbols, and various alphabets and scripts. The runes above are among the sixteen I’m aware of that are considered as Witches runes. In the center is Hecate’s Wheel, with a bindrune below. The only rune I don’t have in the picture is The Waves. It was hard to draw on such small stones. However, I do have one in a set I created from lombardy poplar that I show below. The bindrune blends Hagalaz, Eihwaz and Algiz linking creative/destructive forces with Higher Self protection, a witch bindrune I created for use in ritual and spellwork.

Witches runes are thrown as you would dice, all at once, looking only at the runes that appear right side up. Some say the furthest rune away from you is the significator, but sometimes it’s how they flow together that is of the most value. It’s all individual anyway, so find what resonates and go from there. Receptivity is associated with divination so I always use my receptive, or non-dominant, hand to cast runes. Apologies for not proceeding in the order I wrote them out below. I put them in order of energy flow, or at least how I see it. Lots of way to see this stuff. I keep a separate rune grimoire and in it, along with my own, I write down interpretations that I find from others as well. You never know when some someone else’s seemingly odd interpretation might open a door to awareness and understanding. So without further ado, beginning at the top of the circle with The Eye, let’s look at some rune definitions.

.Witches runes

The Eye is about awakening and vision and can be used in spells concerning truth and clarity.  A powerful rune, it increases the importance of adjacent runes. A more literal interpretation might be that all eyes on upon you; a more spiritual one, the awareness of your Higher Self is felt.

The Sun represents new beginnings, or an improvement in a situation and can strengthen any spellworking. A projective/masculine energy rune, it can also reflect a strong, active ego presence, and care should be taken to remain balanced. Other meanings include wealth, an award received, and clarity.

The Moon, with its receptive, feminine power, represents more subtle, long term change. Emotional and transitional influences are indicated with this rune, and as with the tides, cyclical change as well. Suggestion of things hidden, done outside the light, are indicated. Look beyond the surface. Useful in all spells, but particularly those dealing with vision and clarity.

The Star is the wish rune and may be used in spellwork to bring something to you. It reflects hope and supports risktaking motivated by faith. A positive rune, The Star indicates that a positive outcome is in store.

Woman reflects nurturing, healing, and grace. It also depicts everything related to a woman. It reflects fertility and manifestation, not only of a person, but of a project or an idea as well, and enhances spells of this nature. Balanced receptivity, yet quietly powerful is the energy Woman brings to the runecasting.

Man represents any male person or characteristic typically attributed to men. Its energy is proactive and engaging. The Man rune takes control of the process, of the situation at hand, and sometimes the resulting chaos is difficult on relationships. It reflects an “act first, ask questions later” attitude. Use to enhance the projective energy of spells.

Flight represents higher knowledge, communication and motion. It may reflect an unforeseen change in plans, typically a result of information learned. It can also indicate a “flighty” temperment, or upcoming travel. When Flight appears in a runecast, it’s time to center, align and know.

Waves represent fluidity of motion. Nothing is stable and transformation is not only possible, but happening now. It reflects the emotional turbulence within and the need for alignment with Source. It instructs us to wait for clarity, for a firm foothold before proceeding.

Crossroads indicates a choice is needed, or perhaps you or someone else is working at cross purposes with a desired outcome. It suggests that sabotage may be occuring, particurlarly of the self-sabotage variety. Crossroads also embodies energy expanding in all directions with self in the center. Expanded awareness is flowing. Make your decision from that standpoint.

Romance indicates unconditional love and connection with another is present. Passion for something, whether sexual attraction or love a new project, is suggested by this rune. It enhances other runes in the runecasting.

Ringsalthough similar in concept to Romance, this rune brings a less emotional influence to connection with others. Rings represents binding agreements..contracts, written or verbal, official or social. It’s the work we do together to achieve a common goal. Rings tells us that we’re not alone, support is there for us.

The Scythe indicates a bond is breaking or has broken. It can also be used in spellwork to break curses. It represents change, sudden endings. There’s a feeling of finality with this rune. Not completely negative, the Scythe cuts through illusion, and if used in a positive manner, can transform situations and relationships into something entirely new.

Crossed Spears deal specifically with arguments and negativity. It indicates resistance is present and preventing truth from revealing itself. It can also suggest that protection may be needed.

Harvest indicates abundance and prosperity is at hand. Hard work has paid off and the harvest is in. Reward is as great for the external harvest as it is for the harvest reaped from the inner work done on behalf of the soul.

Travel relates to the journey one takes, both the outward as well as the inner journey we take toward awakening. Some rune sets use this as a less flowery depiction of Waves, but I like its meaning with respect to the journey we take, so I include it in this fashion. It adds an extra aspect, or level of depth to the runecasting.

Now that we know what some general meanings are for the runes, let’s see what they had to say. I used the lombardy poplar set for this runecasting. I made them from some trees I had planted the day my mother returned to nonphysical form. It was a choice to plant them that day, and I felt a gentle push to plant them. She had already passed and wasn’t going to leave without mothering me one more time. It was a blessing that continues to resonate with me. She was practical, and the running joke in the family was that she was such a clean freak, you could eat an eight course meal off the floor of her Camaro. Let’s just say, I didn’t adopt all of her qualities, and we’ll leave it at that.

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Upright runes include the Crossroads, Waves, The Sun, the Scythe, and the Star. At first blush, I would say that although the ground has felt unstable around us, and a decision needs making, we push forward with clarity and purpose, a positive outcome in store.

I read runecastings and tarot spreads as an unfolding story, a flow of energy if you will. Beginning with the Waves, we see that something is happening to bring instability to our life in some way. The situation at hand is fluid and changing and we need to be prepared for things hidden to be revealed. This is further supported by the Sun, lighting the way, bringing the clarity necessary to greet the Crossroads with strength, resolve and trust. Whether bonds between others need revisiting, or a clarity of self is emerging, the Scythe cuts through illusion so that we can move forward with whatever decision the situation dictates.  The Star seals the runescript as the wish rune, promising a successful outcome.

Whether using traditional Elder Futhark runes, Ogham runes, or in this case, Witches runes, divination tools such as these help bring the clarity needed to align with our Higher Self. The way forward is easier because when we center and align, knowing follows.

~ Blessings to all as we eagerly embrace the crossroads of our lives with clarity, purpose and love.




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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!