Runes for the Week

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This is going to be a new series where we take a look at the runic influences for the week. I will be using an elemental layout with Earth at the top, Air on the right, Fire at the bottom, and Water on the left, and I’ll interpret each from their specific elemental position.

Earth represents the material side of life: our family, home, tradition, work, community/society, possessions, birth, and death. Air involves the expression of intellect, communication, balance, justice, truth, and knowledge. Fire signifies the will, creativity, passion, manifestation, sexuality, and energy. And Water involves our emotions, compassion, empathy, love, momentum, healing, divination, and change.

The runes for this week are described below:

  • Earth ~ Wunjo ᚹ
  • Air ~ Othala ᛟ
  • Fire ~ Nauthiz ᚾ
  • Water ~ Algiz ᛉ

Wunjo, also known as the wish rune, is placed in the position of Elemental Earth which reflects an interesting synchronicity given that Wunjo is considered to be an Earth element rune. And in this position, Wunjo reinforces the expression of joy and fellowship with others in our life. In fact, progress over the coming week may rely on maintaining peace and harmony so that we enhance the prospect of happiness and success. Or, Wunjo could be telling us that a secure foundation is predicated on harmony with others. Either way, this is a week to remain open to healing past conflict or division so that a brighter future is possible.

In the position of Elemental Air, Othala, another rune governed by Elemental Earth, describes sacred space, ancestral heritage, prosperity, and loyalty. But with the Air influence, Othala applies its traditional values and principles to our interactions with others, expressing grounding and a shared path. The Air element expands on the idea of loyalty to others by incorporating truth and justice into our experiences. And with the rune Gebo ᚷ visible at the bottom of Othala, interactions that are balanced are favored.

Nauthiz, a Norn rune representing the future, appears in the Fire position of the reading. Reinforced by its own governance by the Fire element, Nauthiz involves the inner will to manifest new experiences. With Nauthiz, we set new goals and create positive change in our lives while overcoming any challenges or restrictions that may arise. Given its alignment with a Norn, this rune has a powerful impact on how we express our will.

Lastly, Algiz is placed in the position of Elemental Water. Representing all elements with Air, Fire, and Water at the top and Earth at the bottom, we draw down elemental energies from Spirit in the protection of our divinity within. Algiz can be used to transmute ego into Spirit awareness as it provides the bridge between the physical and astral realms. Algiz, therefore, represents the expression of higher consciousness as it balances and heals our perceptions, will, and emotions. In the position of Elemental Water, this signifies a shift in our empathic awareness so that we achieve a greater understanding of what we’re experiencing and avoid an ego-based reaction.

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Collectively then we need to remain open to healing any divisions we’re experiencing with others over the coming week. But in doing so, that doesn’t mean that we let go of the values and principles that we live by. Instead, we need to insist on a conversation that expresses truth instead of any delusion that might have influenced the conflict at its inception. We need to express ourselves with integrity and draw our understanding from Higher Self awareness, and insist on the same with others.




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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!