The Ascendant, Rays, and Other Astrological Influences for 30 January through 5 February 2022

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The Ascendant

Aquarius – a masculine sign, Aquarius individuals take the lead in their own lives as they seek their true purpose. They step outside their comfort zone, and as a Fixed sign, Aquarians are independent and self-reliant. Unique and unconventional are key components of the Aquarian personality and may be focused on issues greater than themselves such as metaphysical and humanitarian pursuits.


  • (1/26-31) A sextile with Saturn suggests that changes are coming and how you manage your responsibility surrounding it is important
  • (2/5) A square with Ceres indicates tension over the balance between nurturing (both giving and receiving) self and others

Node Influences

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others.


  • A conjunct between the N Node and Ceres retrograde continues this week suggesting you might reflect on how supportive you are to the needs of others.
  • A trine between the North Node and Juno at the beginning of the week indicates that making plans for the future with close partners flows smoothly
  • A sextile between Pallas and the North Node/trine the South Node suggests that pattern recognition is strong throughout most of the week and you have a greater overall understanding about a situation


Planetary Aspects with a strong impact

The Sun

Your self-disciplined, original approach will draw others to your sense of leadership and authority as long as you can keep your impulsivity under control. (1/28-31, 2/1) The Sun square Uranus;  (2/1-5) Sun conjunct Saturn

The Moon

Although you love supporting and sharing time with loved ones experience discomfort within relationship because you find it challenging at times to express your feelings. Strike a balance between daily routine and your emotional well-being and know that your strong intuition will lead you in the right direction. (2/4) The Moon sextile Juno; (2/5) The Moon square Venus, The Moon square Vesta; The Moon trine The Midheaven

Mercury (retrograde ends on 4 Feb 2022)

Although Mercury ends its retrograde on Thursday, it’s not uncommon to continue to experience its effect for another week or so, and you may need to settle for more superficial interactions with others until retrograde is over. That said, take stock of where you taking note of anything you might have missed. (1/26-31, 2/1-5) Mercury R conjunct Pluto; (1/30-31) Mercury R sextile Pallas


You respect individual differences and enjoy a lively give and take with others. Your home and family provide a strong sense of well-being and as a result, you attract positive relationships in your life. (1/19-31, 2/1-5) Venus trine Uranus; (1/27-31, 2/1-5) Venus conjunct Vesta 


You’re motivated to pursue opportunities that come your way today. However, if your emotions are in flux or tension arises, take time for yourself to regain your composure and balance. (2/2-5) Mars sextile Jupiter; (2/3-5) Mars square Chiron


You’re innovative and you’re continually looking for new and unique ways to express yourself. (1/27-31, 2/1-4) – Uranus trine Vesta 


You have a transformative effect on others with your ability to understand all factors of a situation. And although your support for them is strong, you may also experience power struggles. (1/16-30) Pluto conjunct Juno; (1/16-31) Pluto trine Ceres; (2/2-5) Pluto sextile Pallas


Because you have experienced the healing effect of rituals that involve letting go of painful past memories, you may pursue a career in the healing arts or something metaphysical or spiritual. (1/25-31) Chiron square Vesta; (1/28-31, 2/1) Chiron trine The Midheaven 

Goddess Planets

You enjoy support from partners or family members today and you happily extend the same to them. (1/22-31, 2/1-5) Juno trine Ceres


Retrograde Planets

  • Mercury – miscommunication of all kinds may occur over this period and it’s best to check and double check everything and refrain from signing contracts during this time (Begins 14 Jan 2022/Ends 4 Feb 2022) 


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!