Rune Divination ~ 23-29 January 2022

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Dagaz ᛞ, Perthro ᛈ, and Isa ᛁ comprise the runes for the week suggesting a new phase is beginning where our perception of fate plays a role in how we embrace what’s coming.

Dagaz describes the end of one phase and the beginning of something new. Its left side can represent anything from a project that’s ended to a more overall ending of a phase in our lives, while the right side opens us up to new experiences and opportunities. Visually, Dagaz involves the energy of Kenaz in its structure suggesting that we move forward in full clarity. Dagaz also brings excitement as we look forward to new experiences with this rune.


Next, Perthro is the rune of fate which for some may increase feelings of uncertainty and the question, what’s going to happen, into the equation instead of asking, what can I create with this new door that’s opening. Do we allow others to control the outcome of our experiences, or do we choose our own path? Traditionally, Perthro asks us to consider cause and effect as well as the synchronicities we experience. It represents how we respond to chance encounters and whether we are transported by the moment itself or whether we take command of our own perceptions.

Isa, as the Norn rune of the static realm, increases our focus and concentration on the impact of the present moment in our lives. Instead of skipping over the totality of what we see in front of us and relying on past perception to define what we’re experiencing, Isa is suggesting that we see things for what they are, rather than how we’d like them to be. In doing so, we better understand our own role or participation in what’s happening at every given moment.


If we engage in a conversation with someone else, for example, do we only understand our own perspective, or do we make an effort to understand the perspective of the other person? Isa invokes a higher consciousness to our focus and a level of concentration that releases us from past perception. It reflects, in a sense, the center point of Dagaz where we stand on the precipice of something new that’s forming. In that regard, we exist neither in the past nor in the future, only in the present moment where anything is possible.

Dagaz may in fact be opening a portal into new perceptions, giving us the benefit of hindsight as we consider a new way of seeing our experiences.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!