Weekly Esoteric Influences (27 March to 2 April 2022)

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Hey everyone!

Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for the coming week. They include the day’s numerology, runes, lunar transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart. Note that both charts for each day, astrological and Human Design, are cast for 8:00 am. 

Have a magickal week and Blessings to all!

Sunday 27 March 2022

  • Numerology: 9 – endings, completion, generosity
  • Rune: Hagalaz ᚺ – hail, destruction within established boundaries, witch rune, Norn rune of the past, protection
  • Geomancy: Amissio – loss
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Aquarius
  • Planetary governance: The Sun ☉

As one period ends, you have the opportunity to transform your perceptions so that you embrace new experiences. Reflect as well on how you express yourself. If hesitancy arises, it may be that past wounds are influencing, giving you the ability to work through anything that is impacting self-expression.

If in a leadership role with others, seek to understand their overall motivations and needs so that inadequacies don’t impact success. Encourage collaboration while maintaining individual autonomy. It’s through diversity that new opportunities are embraced and new ideas are explored.

Monday, 28 March 2022

  • Numerology: 1 – new beginnings, wholeness, unity, leadership
  • Rune: Kenaz ᚲ – torch, illumination, well-being, intuition, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, transformation
  • Geomancy: Amissio – loss
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Aquarius until Pisces at 9:32 PM
  • Planetary governance: The Moon ☽

Today’s rune, Kenaz, invokes illumination and awakening. You’re continuing the transformation you began yesterday and you’re at your best when surrounded by beauty and those you love. If any self-esteem issues arise, it may be stemming from the past or from childhood experiences that left you feeling inadequate or vulnerable.

Continue to collaborate with others and rely on their experience for inspiration. You intuitively know when your own insights will benefit others and when to step back so that other ideas can be shared. A new shared path will define your future so give yourself time for that to fully resonate.


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

  • Numerology: 11 – Master Number, illumination, awakening, spirituality
  • Rune: Mannaz ᛗ – man, humanity, integration, individual within society, thought rune, memory
  • Geomancy: Puella – young girl, scattered, superficial, curious, fortunate
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Pisces
  • Planetary governance: Mars ♂

Today’s Master 11 numerology increases your own spiritual awakening, and your natural curiosity prepares you to understand your own essential place in the collective or group. You take a unique approach to problem solving that makes you an attractive leader within a collaborative or group dynamic. However, risk-averse individuals may be less inclined to listen to your views and you may experience frustration getting your point across today.

Nurture others in a positive manner that not only supports their efforts but also preserves harmony, a shared sense of values, and embraces a variety of opinions. Delegate responsibilities to others in the group and have the flexibility to change course if necessary.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

  • Numerology:  3 – optimism, imagination, self-expression, creativity
  • Rune: Uruz ᚢ – aurochs, strength, energy shaping matter, endurance, healing, primal force
  • Geomancy: Populous – crowd, people, passive influence, follower   
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Pisces
  • Planetary governance: Mercury ☿

You’re driven by both optimism and a creative approach, and although you may be part of a collaborative effort with others, your individuality shines forth. Today’s Aries influence suggests self-expression that is direct, with a possibility of judging a situation without having all the facts. So, the best option is to listen to the views of others with openness and trust before expressing your own opinions.

Be aware of what actually deserves your attention and share your insights accordingly. Solutions may be varied but you’ll need the support of others to choose the best option. Remember that perceived limitation can actually drive new opportunities, so keep your ego in check and collaborate with others.

Thursday, 31 March 2022

  • Numerology: 4 – structure, foundation, pragmatism, order, grounding, patience
  • Rune: Eihwaz ᛇ – link between realms, protection, yew, connection between opposites
  • Geomancy: Tristitia – loss, grief, condemnation, secretive, grudges 
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Pisces until Aries at 2:31 AM; New Moon at 11:24 PM
  • Planetary governance: Jupiter ♃

Your intuition is strong as is your compassion for the needs of others. And though you may want close friendships, you may find it difficult to trust that experience and unrealistic boundaries could be the outcome. It may be best to reevaluate your own need for grounding or structure while at the same time understanding the part you play in the whole situation. On this New Moon in Aries, set your intention for the coming lunar month in a manner that balances your own self assertion with a compassionate and heart-centered response.

Resist inferior or destructive influences that engage in behavior that is impulsive or inappropriate without resorting to an extreme reaction. Remain calm and refuse to take the bait irrespective of the actions of others. Rise above the moment to understand the overall agenda at work before responding. And when you do, be clear in your expectations and refuse to compromise your values.

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Friday, 1 April 2022

  • Numerology: 1 – new beginnings, wholeness, unity, leadership
  • Rune: Nauthiz ᚾ – need, Norn rune of the future, inner friction, will
  • Geomancy:  Tristitia – loss, grief, condemnation, secretive, grudges 
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Aries
  • Planetary governance: Venus ♀

 A situation may arise today that may require your own brand of diplomacy. Someone else might be experiencing grief or loss and they may not express themselves well. Your tendency to think outside the box may provide others with just the right solution, or at least one no one else thought of. You may also find that a relationship may shift today, either ending or transforming into something better.

You could ultimately realize that confrontation will lead nowhere, especially with people who seem unaffected by truth. Instead, you’ll benefit by taking a step back when challenged by unrealistic attitudes and who cannot see the situation from a pragmatic perspective.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

  • Numerology: 2 – balance, healing, love, reciprocity, harmony, collaboration
  • Rune: Algiz – elk, protection, higher consciousness, bridge, divinity
  • Geomancy: Via – way, path, alignment
  • The Sun in Aries; The Moon in Aries until Taurus at 9:51 PM
  • Planetary governance: Saturn ♄

You seek a partner that provides you with both security and respect for your own boundaries. And you tend to hesitate before engaging with groups who are new and whose motives or agenda are unclear. You desire a situation that lifts you up without compromising your values and principles, and you’re willing to express a higher level of awareness when collaborating with others.

Your energy tends to fluctuate between observing and initiating today with reassessment of challenges necessary so that you express yourself with clarity to others. It may be that some restructuring is needed including the possibility of bringing in other people for a different point of view. But at the end of the day, you may feel resigned to pursing a new path forward.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

Written by 

Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!