The Self-Possessed

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Self possessed


The self-possessed individual. We see it expressed in society as entitlement, as the customer is always right. The I becomes more important than the we and it all goes down hill from there. We’re all told to stand in our own power, to assert ourselves, but many take it to the extreme and come off sounding like entitled assholes in the process.

The self-possessed continually work on their issues, experiencing far too many dark nights of the soul. With many it feels more like a career choice than actually something real. Some become stuck in adolescence somewhere and see everything from that standpoint. They create drama within their families because they derive personal power from holding others in the place of their choosing, holding others there so that they can control the narrative and the future unfolding of the relationship. It’s all about them, ignoring all others in the process. Only their needs are important. Only their voice is heard and of value. The rest of the world is told what to do, and if any of the rest of us disagree or have a different viewpoint, things can really escalate from there.

Enter the drama queen. Controlling, entitled, chaotic, these people seem to believe that life somehow owes them. They expect others to simply accept what they offer, regardless of how disrespectful and irritating they are. The energy of the moment for those of us left bewildered by it all becomes, who on earth to do think you are, instead of coming together in calm, loving unity. They believe it all originates outside of them, yet it is they who control everything. That is, until the rest of us stop letting them do so.

It takes courage to say no to a narcissist, because that’s really what’s in play here..narcissim. There’s little conversation with them, mainly oratory, because they can’t handle another’s different viewpoint, as if the presence of another thought invalidates or destroys their own. Their’s is a life of resistance, perhaps in search of a more flowing experience, but they sabotage their efforts instead by refusing to move out of their comfort zones long enough to allow for the possibility of something else. Although it’s certainly true that each of our expressions into physical form is an individual one, the goal is to remain as integrated with each other as we are in nonphysical form. We’re not supposed to continually prefer our will before all others. Look around. The chaos of the world reflects this.

The only way to control the chaos of the world is to control the chaos of self. As more people begin to awaken to this, we’ll reach a tipping point and that’s when significant change will happen. No longer will the sole focus be on the self. Individual differences will be embraced and shared. Real conversation might just happen, talking with others instead of talking at others. A sort of breathing room is created, where people feel comfortable sharing not only their ideas but who they are. Imagine that. Let that notion resonate.

Nothing monumental needs to happen to create this experience. We only have to change our minds about how we see things. Let go of anything that resonates with the past that creates resistance in us. Remember who we really are as expressions of Source Energy in physical form. Are we emissaries, or do we embody chaos? That’s the choice we make every day we wake up and engage with friends, family, and the world at large. Do we derive our power of expression from Source, or from the ego? Even with all the self-reinforcement, the self-possessed can make a different choice. Their reality is no different from anyone else’s. These bodies we temporarily inhabit are an illusion anyway. Only our nonphysical self survives this focus into physical form, so why not begin from there?

The self-possessed must see the world differently. That’s it. Let go of resistance felt toward the rest of the world. It’s not needed. In fact, everyone’s happiness depends on it. We love you and we’re waiting.

~Blessed Be



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!