An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Influencing 3-9 July 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The 1st Ray of will and power is strong for most of the week, lessening a bit on Friday and Saturday. This suggests that the ability to assert oneself or to express one’s will in a positive manner is generally powerful and effective.

The impact of the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom initially suggests that one’s ability to act with love, empathy, and wisdom may have an average impact at the beginning of the week, but lessens from mid-week on. However, with the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism having a severely reduced effect, it suggests that wisdom and love may still continue to exert a stronger influence on expressions of ideology and fundamentalist devotion over the course of the week.

The 3rd Ray of active intelligence’s continuing moderate impact suggests that instinct and adaptability to change are having an average influence on our interactions with others and the ability to solve problems this week.

The 4th Ray of harmony through conflict’s influence increases over the week suggesting that the willingness to cooperate with others to find solutions will be initially challenging but improve for the remainder of the week. The disciplined or logical approach to seeking truth from the 5th Ray has a reduced but steady impact, suggesting that we may still have issues with achieving a shared agreement with others.

Overall, the strong 7th Ray influence on ceremonial order throughout the week suggests that a practical attitude will influence perceptions and decisions.

The Ascendant

Leo – A masculine sign, a Leo individual is purposeful and self-reliant. He or she is gregarious and loves to plan get-togethers with others. They prefer to lead rather than to follow but have a tendency toward manifesting pride in a manner than can lead to failure.

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Node Influences

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, we also know what we value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance we strike.


  • Sun trine S Node – You could be embarking upon a new direction or a new partnership (your 7/9)
  • Uranus conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Something unexpected could arise that aligns you with your true nature or destiny (7/3-9)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

Stelliums (power points)

  • Mars/MC/Eris (7/4-8) – You may be compelled to assert yourself on the career front during this period. However, you may also find that you’re less likely to listen to the views of others.
  • Sun/Vul/Ceres (7/4-8) – There could be a breakthrough involving your relationships with others where you experience unexpected support.
  • Sun/Mercury/Lilith (7/9) – How you assert yourself matters as does whether or not your ego drives your interactions with others.

Thor’s Hammer

  • Venus/Moon/Pluto R (7/4) – You could become upset with a partner today which could involve finances or the relationship itself. Give both your and your partner space to express your feelings.
  • Juno/Venus/Moon (7/8) – A partnership may be impacted by financial concerns and drama could result.

The Sun 12th House/Cancer (7/3-9) You reflect on your vulnerabilities during this period and you prefer to withdraw to spend time with those you love. Clarity is there if you’re willing to drop resistance to it and if you do, this can be a truly healing time.

The Moon

2nd House/Virgo (7/3-5) Take care of routine tasks during this period and get organized. If you’re feeling emotional you may need to take a creative approach to both. Partnerships may be stressful during this time and you may need to choose your words carefully. You may benefit from some time away if you experience any triggers from others.

3rd House/Libra (7/6-7) Harmony between you and a partner may increase today and interactions flow smoothly. Continue to stay focused, avoid any expectations that are unrealistic, and remember that compassion goes a long way.

4th House/Scorpio (7/8-9) Emotional drama increases today and you may feel as if your life has become unstable. That said, you’re able to communicate your feelings well and you demonstrate to a partner that you’re committed and loyal even when unexpected challenges arise.

Mercury ~ 11th House/Gemini (7/3-4); 11th House/Cancer (7/4-9) Focus less on the issues of others and more on understanding your own thoughts and perspectives. Remain honest with yourself and express the same to others. Spend time with those you love and share ideas for the future.

Venus ~ 11th House/Gemini (7/3-9)  Spend time socializing this week and enjoy your interactions with others. On a more personal front, issues surrounding finances may bring challenging moments between you and a partner where one or both of you don’t feel heard or respected. However this could also be the time where you solve issues that have been brewing for some time and ultimately bring you closer together.

Mars ~ 10th House/Aries (7/3-4); 10th House/Taurus (7/5-9) Your self-confidence is strong and you may be looking for a new career opportunity so you need to present yourself in a manner that demonstrates your leadership. That said, you may be quick to take offense during this time and your responses could incite volatility from others. Not everyone shares your perspective and it’s best right now to take a more measured approach.  When Mars travels into Taurus on Tuesday, your attitude toward achievement may become more stable and reliable.

Jupiter ~ 9th House/Aries (7/3-9) You search for meaning to your experiences and you’re ready to expand your knowledge base. You love sharing what you’ve learned with others and much of your current focus centers on health-oriented issues, spirituality included. This is also a time when you’re able to look critically at past frustrations and see them in a different light.

Saturn ~ (Retro) 7th House/Aquarius (7/3-9)  Whereas you excel in group endeavors, you may experience commitment issues when it comes to more personal relationships. It may be that your expectations are too high and you would benefit from a more realistic attitude. Or you need to be more assertive in expressing your feelings and perspectives so that you feel more supported by your partner.

Uranus ~ 10th House/Taurus (7/3-9) You desire more independence and are open to the unexpected leading you to a new direction. There may be a higher purpose involved as well as the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

Neptune ~ (Retro) 9th House/Pisces (6/26-7/2) /8th House/Pisces (7/5-9) It may be difficult to organize your thoughts during this period if your emotions are out of balance. Or you may be completely in tune with your spiritual nature and you find that you flow in harmony with the universe.


Pluto ~ (Retro) 6th House/Capricorn (7/3-9) Although the issues of others can be interesting, you’ll benefit more from focusing on your own life. Your mood may also be volatile during this time and you need to seek an inner balance. If in a leadership role, your higher insights will assist others in discovering their own.

Chiron ~ 9th House/Aries (7/3-9) Self-worth continues to be impacted by past experiences and you feel inadequate when dealing with challenges. However, those experiences have brought you great insight and sensitivity that you can apply to your personal relationships as well as career choice. You may find that you have more support than you realize and that they stand ready to support your healing.

Retrograde Planets – Pluto; Saturn; Neptune, Vesta (7/7). Upcoming retrogrades include Jupiter – 28 July; Uranus 24 Aug 2022; Chiron 19 July 2022; Juno – 24 July 2022; Eris – 21 July 2022


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!