An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Influencing 24-30 July 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The effect of the seven cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive.

The 1st Ray of will and power continues to be relatively strong all week suggesting that the ability to assert oneself or to express one’s will in a positive manner is powerful and effective.

The significantly lower impact of both the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom and the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism continues this week suggesting that one’s ability to act with love, empathy, and wisdom may have little impact on expressions of ideology and fundamentalist devotion over the course of the week with aggressiveness possible.

The 3rd Ray of active intelligence’s reduced impact suggests that instinct and adaptability to change are having a lower influence on our interactions with others and the ability to solve problems this week.

The 4th Ray of harmony through conflict’s moderate impact this week indicates an average willingness to cooperate with others to find solutions. And with the disciplined or logical approach to seeking truth from the 5th Ray having a much stronger impact, it may be that achieving a shared agreement with others may be possible through a self-disciplined approach.

Overall, the lesser 7th Ray influence on ceremonial order throughout most of the week suggests that practicality won’t have much of an influence perceptions and decisions, and organization may also be impacted.

The Ascendant 

Leo – A masculine sign, a Leo individual is purposeful and self-reliant. He or she is gregarious and loves to plan get-togethers with others. They prefer to lead rather than follow but have a tendency toward manifesting pride in a manner that can lead to failure.

Virgo (7/30) – A feminine sign, a Virgo individual is somewhat risk-averse and needs to know the overall picture before pursuing new opportunities. Although individuals with a Virgo Ascendant may he hesitant to initiate new endeavors, they are typically flexible and adaptable. However, a Virgo Ascendant can also be anxious, sensitive, reserved, and health-conscious.

  • Saturn opposite The Ascendant – You may reevaluate a close relationship during this period which may result in a deeper commitment or a separation. (7/24)
  • The Moon conjunct The Ascendant – Others are drawn to your sensitive and intuitive nature. You function well when your self-esteem is strong.

Node Influences 

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, you also know what you value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance you strike.


  • The Moon square N Node/S Node – Experience guides your awareness and choices during this period (7/29)
  • Mercury square N/S Nodes – Although you express yourself well, your focus tends to be a bit scattered impacting your ability to make decisions (7/28)
  • Mars conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Your leadership may be called on by others and you need to stay focused on a shared objective (7/28-30)
  • Uranus conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Something unexpected could arise that aligns you with your true nature or destiny (7/24-30)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

The Sun ~ Although you love to be the center of attention it may be time to express yourself in a more self-reflective manner. In fact, you may benefit from a new wellness routine so that you feel more grounded and less self-absorbed.

The Moon ~ Keep the lines of communication open this week so that you embrace new opportunities that come your way, even if you’re not feeling up to par. Spend time with friends or family who can lift your spirits, keep you moving forward, and who help keep you centered. If it seems like the past is influencing your present awareness, meditation may be helpful in letting go of issues that are no longer relevant and embracing those that are. Toward the end of the week, your energy level should pick up.

Mercury ~ A love of learning drives your curiosity. But even though you enjoy sharing what you know, you may also express yourself in a manner that leaves little room for perspective from others. Remember that it’s fine to assert yourself, but not at the expense of the dignity of others. Inner reflection could be beneficial to determine whether or not past experiences are impacting the present.

Venus ~ You love beauty and may be given to extravagance during this period, especially when socializing with friends. In the process, however, you may end up spending more than is realistic, so exercise some control over that inner wild child so that you don’t overextend yourself financially.

Mars ~ You continue to explore a new path during the week, likely spiritual in nature, and it may require balancing out of the box thinking with a more disciplined approach. Reach out to close friends or family for support if necessary.

Jupiter ~ Investing your time with others toward a mutual end can provide the resources necessary to succeed during this period. Your greatest contribution is your ability to understand all aspects of the endeavor. The primary difficulty, however, may involve balancing your own needs with the needs of others and a new strategy may be required.

Saturn ~ (Retro) You may find that you need more structure than you’re accustomed to and if the group you’re involved with lacks that structure, you may need to make some adjustments. Take charge of your circumstances and act with self-discipline.

Uranus ~ Freedom to explore the unexpected resonates in your choice of career. You’re looking for something that challenges you intellectually and gives you a sense of purpose. Be open with your partner about your needs and create the experience that you’ve always wanted.

Neptune ~ (Retro) You align well with others who are on a spiritual path. Your vision of your life and world reflect higher awareness and others are drawn to your unique perspective.

Pluto ~ (Retro) Creative expression is best implemented with self-discipline. Otherwise you could lose focus. Co-workers and supervisors appreciate you leadership and you willingness to pursue unique solutions.

Chiron ~ (Retro) Given your strong inner awareness, others may be less likely to align with your beliefs. And although your self-worth may be affected by their response, instead of falling victim to their judgmental attitudes, use it to rise above and embrace a higher perspective.

Retrograde Planets – Pluto; Saturn; Neptune, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Juno, Jupiter (28 July) Upcoming retrogrades include Uranus 24 Aug 2022


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!