New Tarot Deck: Leapblue’s Rose Gold Tarot Deck

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I purchased two new Tarot decks, both Rider-Waite style decks, with this one from Leapblue is a rose gold foil style deck that I’ve never worked with before. The cards are thin and slippery but they seem to shuffle well. I really like the rose gold color and the swirling backgrounds give the deck an energetic feeling not found in other decks other than Crowley’s Thoth deck. But to be honest, I prefer a deck that has thicker cards. So, I’ll need to be careful when using the deck, and it’s so slippery that I’ve already dropped the entire deck on the floor three times. But that’s okay. I’m not sure what it is about the cards, maybe the background, but it really draws me in.

I decided to do a three-card reading and I drew the 3 of Swords (reversed), the 8 of Cups (reversed), and the 2 of Swords. So right away, Swords and the Air element dominate the reading suggesting that perception is a factor. Emotions (the Water element) are a part of the reading with the 8 of Cups but they’re also part of both Swords cards as well. And the reading has an overall numerology of four suggesting foundation, structure, and grounding.

The 3 of Swords illustrates three swords piercing a heart with two swords behind the one in front. Rain falls from clouds above the heart. Traditional interpretations suggest betrayal or gossip is happening behind the back of the querent. Reversed, the card suggests faulty perception may be in play involving a perceived betrayal. Perhaps the querent’s own perception is self-driven and s/he is unable or unwilling to understand his/her part in the conflict. It’s as if the querent sees the situation from an upside-down or judgmental perspective and needs to be sure of the facts before casting responsibility onto others.

Moving on to the 8 of Cups, the traditional presentation of the card shows a man walking away from emotions that no longer serve him. Although challenges exist, he’s put everything into perspective and is ready to pursue a new direction. Reversed, the card suggests that instead of being able to let go of emotions that no longer serve, the querent remains stuck and resistant to change. S/he may be willing to remain in a situation that is unsatisfying and can’t seem to let go and move on to new experiences.

Together, the 3 of Swords and the 8 of Cups appear to reinforce each other and suggest a lack of understanding is influencing the querent’s perception.

The 2 of Swords indicates a decision needs to be made as dispassionately as possible. The querent needs to set his/her emotions aside and see the situation from a balanced perspective based on reason and facts instead of letting only emotions impact his/her perspective. 

It feels like the querent has lost perspective and is guided more by fear than truth. An honest discussion between the querent and the other parties involved needs to happen so that the querent is certain that there is a problem in the first place. It may be that the querent has misinterpreted something that led to jumping to conclusions before knowing all the facts.


After doing the reading I have to say that I really like this deck and if you like it too, this link will take you to Amazon where you can purchase your own. And if you don’t like the rose gold version, there is a black gold version as well as a silver version. Besides, it comes with a really cool box for the deck.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!