An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Influencing 21-27 August 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The effect of the seven cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive.

The 1st Ray of will and power continues its average influence all week suggesting that the ability to assert oneself or to express one’s will in a positive manner may be only moderately effective.

The 2nd Ray of love and wisdom has strengthened substantially suggesting that it will have a greater impact on the 6th Ray’s expressions of ideology and fundamentalist devotion.

The 3rd Ray of active intelligence’s continued reduced impact suggests that instinct and adaptability to change are having a lesser influence on our interactions with others and the ability to solve problems this week.

The 4th Ray of harmony through conflict’s continued reduced impact this week indicates an unwillingness to cooperate with others to find solutions. And with the disciplined or logical approach to seeking truth from the 5th Ray having a stronger impact, it may be that achieving a shared agreement with others may be at odds no matter what you do.

Overall, the lesser 7th Ray influence on ceremonial order throughout most of the week suggests that practicality won’t have much of an influence on perceptions and decisions, and organization may also be impacted.

The Ascendant 

Virgo – A feminine sign, a Virgo individual is somewhat risk-averse and needs to know the overall picture before pursuing new opportunities. Although individuals with a Virgo Ascendant may he hesitant to initiate new endeavors, they are typically flexible and adaptable. However, a Virgo Ascendant can also be anxious, sensitive, reserved, and health-conscious.

  • The Moon sextile the Ascendant – Other people are drawn to your emotional, sensitive, and intuitive nature during this period (8/23)
  • Saturn quincunx The Ascendant – Your health and peace of mind are dependent upon making some changes in your life (8/25-27)
  • Uranus trine The Ascendant – You have a unique mind that others look to for leadership. You believe in securing the rights of others who are oppressed and believe in living in harmony with all. (8/21-27)
  • Chiron quincunx The Ascendant – An opportunity exists to heal a problem that has kept you from moving on. But to do that you’ll need to reassess your own part in the issue and discover a new way of seeing the situation. (8/21)

Node Influences 

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, you also know what you value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance you strike.


  • The Moon sextile N Node/trine S Node – Your innermost desires are aligned with your destiny. Remain open to synchronicities and new opportunities that seem to find you. (8/23)
  • Mercury sesquisquare N Node/semisquare S Node – Step back, observe, and reconsider your response to a situation that may not be well-understood. (8/27)
  • Venus square N Node/S Node – Both your relationships and finances are susceptible to changes during this period and you may be forced to make some decisions concerning one or the other, or both. (8/24-26)
  • Uranus conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Something unexpected could arise that aligns you with your true nature or destiny (8/21-27)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

The Sun ~ You may be uncomfortable asserting your own perspective at times and prefer to stay in the background. It could be that self-esteem is low, or it could reflect a lack of insight into how you come across to others. Either way, meditation may help you find a new inner balance which could have a positive impact on your interactions with others.

The Moon ~ Career-oriented opportunities may arise this week that involve the strong communication skills that you need to succeed. You may feel somewhat scattered, however, which may be alleviated by a walk in nature or spending some time in the garden. As the week progresses, you may spend more time at home especially if you need to gather your thoughts and insights so that you’re ready to express them to others.

Mercury ~ Although you typically communicate well with others, there could be someone this week who may be manipulating how you see a situation and you may benefit from taking a closer look at what’s being said. After doing so, you may feel compelled to confront the person. If so, be sure to convey your position directly and honestly.

Venus ~ You are known for your negotiating style and may be called upon to bring peace to a situation, either among family, friends or possibly with co-workers. Your empathy and experience will help them understand a greater truth. Express your position with both patience and compassion while supporting those involved as they come to a shared understanding. 

Mars ~ Sharing what you know with others, especially involving spiritual awareness, is an important factor in your life. Spiritual study with a mentor opens up insights that help you move past deep-seated anger issues that have been holding you back from achieving inner peace. And it can have the added benefit of defining the difference between self-expression that allows you to assert yourself respectfully versus aggressively

Jupiter ~ (Retro) As you continue to search for spiritual truth to expand your inner resources and awareness, you may be so focused that you avoid your responsibilities and restructuring of your time may be necessary. And although you prefer doing your own thing, so to speak, a little self-discipline may be in order so that you don’t overextend yourself.

Saturn ~ (Retro) You need a more structured lifestyle so that your health doesn’t suffer. Group endeavors that focus on wellness might be an option this week that can help you develop a new health strategy or program. Reevaluate the patterns that are not working to develop more control over your health.

Uranus ~ (Retro on 24 August) You enjoy travel and discovering new opportunities to learn about the world and you appreciate a partner who feels the same. As long as both of you are able to respect the independent nature of the other, you should find an appropriate balance or compromise within the relationship.

Neptune ~ (Retro) Your unrealistic expectations of a close partner may prevent you from achieving harmony this week with depression or self-pity as the result. You desire a spiritual connection but you may be unsure how to manifest it, especially if you’re listening to individuals who don’t have your best interest at heart. 

Pluto ~ (Retro) Reassess how you assert yourself so that you don’t obsess and lose your objectivity in the process. You may also lack direction and engage in a misuse of power. Although you typically discern the overall picture easily, your attitude may prevent that from happening. And it may come down to approaching situations from a more realistic perspective.

Chiron ~ (Retro) Self-expression may continue to be impacted this week as a result of feeling violated in some manner. Feelings of inadequacy may surface during this period that if addressed can bring about great inner healing, particularly if you can learn from past experiences that have left you feeling vulnerable and wounded. 

Retrograde Planets – Pluto; Saturn; Neptune, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Juno, Jupiter. Upcoming retrogrades include Uranus 24 Aug 2022


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!