An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Impacting 4-10 September 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The effect of the seven cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive. The specific Rays are as follows:

  • 1st Ray – will and power
  • 2nd Ray – love and wisdom
  • 3rd Ray – active intelligence
  • 4th Ray – harmony through conflict
  • 5th Ray – concrete science and knowledge
  • 6th Ray – devotion and idealism
  • 7th Ray – ceremonial order and magick

Over the course of the week, the strongest Ray influence is the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom followed by the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism suggesting that love and wisdom may have a strong impact on ideology. However, that doesn’t mean that expressions of ideology won’t have a strong influence on those individuals given to extremist behavior.

From there, the moderate impact of the 3rd Ray of active intelligence suggests that instinct and adaptability to change are having a lesser influence on our interactions with others as well as on the ability to solve problems.

Rays 1, 4, 5, and 7 are having the least influence indicating that willpower, cooperation with others, general knowledge, and organizational skills are reduced over the week.

The Ascendant 

Virgo – A feminine sign, a Virgo individual is somewhat risk-averse and needs to know the overall picture before pursuing new opportunities. Although individuals with a Virgo Ascendant may he hesitant to initiate new endeavors, they are typically flexible and adaptable. However, a Virgo Ascendant can also be anxious, sensitive, reserved, and health-conscious.

Libra (9 Sep) – A masculine sign, a Libra individual takes initiative to pursue opportunities that come his/her way. Relationships are important and although you are assertive, thoughtful, polite, and well-mannered, you may also be indecisive. You insist on fairness and justice and are concerned with taking care of others. Diplomacy and mediation are also a focus.

  • Pluto trine The Ascendant – This is a great time to transform your life in a way that allows you to move forward into new experiences (9/4-8)

Node Influences 

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, you also know what you value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance you strike.


  • Saturn square N/S Nodes – It’s necessary to decide whether you move forward or give into fear and doubt and stay where you are, and it may come down to how self-disciplined you really are (9/4-10)
  • Uranus conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Something unexpected could arise that aligns you with your true nature or destiny (9/4-10)
  • Chiron quincunx S Node – A period in your life may be changing or ending which, although difficult, allows you to heal inner wounds (9/4-10)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

The Sun ~ You approach problems from an analytical perspective and prefer work that is detailed in nature. You’re reliable and organized which leads you to leadership roles. That said, if challenged, a square with Mars suggests that some diplomacy will be necessary, otherwise you may make a situation that is likely due to a simple miscommunication far worse than it needs to be. If the unexpected occurs, it’s best to stay calm and quickly move past any drama.

The Moon ~ Expressing ideas, particularly those from which others can benefit, is your strong suit at the beginning of the week. However, you may also experience some moodiness that can interfere with positive interactions with others which can increase feelings of insecurity, especially if you have trouble making decisions or are acting in a self-indulgent manner. Toward the end of the week, health issues may be in focus.

Mercury (Retro on 9 Sep) ~ Harmony and diplomacy are preferred to conflict until Friday when Mercury turns retrograde and you may need to take additional care in your interactions with others. As retrograde approaches, however, you may be given to overreaction or fixated on expressing your ideas to others. In short, your balance may be off and you need to be conscious of how you come across to others.

Venus ~ Relationships are important and you love socializing with others but sometimes it doesn’t come as easily as you might like. You may be too focused on perfection and you need to see others in a nonjudgmental manner and appreciate the beauty found within each person. Or it may be that you are too focused on seeking the approval of others and if you don’t receive that approval it may influence your attitude toward them.

Mars ~ You search for spiritual meaning in life and you want to share it with others. Grasping new ideas comes easily to you and you can pursue new opportunities and goals. You may also struggle with patience for others who aren’t so adept at interacting on your level.

Jupiter ~ (Retro) Relationships are a source of spiritual engagement for you and you value what they bring to your life. You have plenty of energy to pursue new opportunities, however, you can be too fixated on your activities or perceptions. And you can also over-nurture others who really don’t need that from you. Some reevaluation during Jupiter’s retrograde may be in order.

Saturn ~ (Retro) Although you’re focused on the task at hand and work well with others, you need to focus on enjoying life too. It may feel uncomfortable to do so, but stepping outside your comfort zone may be just what you need to let go of resentment and express yourself in a more balanced manner. In the end, the compromise you make will be worth it.

Uranus ~ (Retro) Collaboration with others may result in unexpected results or experiences. It may be that a lack of compromise, especially with those in authority, is impacting the outcome and if you don’t find a way to change your approach you may be viewed as someone others are reluctant to trust.

Neptune ~ (Retro) Although you’re sensitive to the needs of others, you may also have difficulty dealing with the stress of your own life. Your emotions can be in flux and you could suffer from depression. Because of that, you may be more inclined to live a solitary existence instead of integrating with others.

Pluto ~ (Retro) Home may be a place of conflict and drama and feeling a general sense of comfort and security seems impossible. That said, in your career, you may be known as a dynamic leader, possibly because you’re the one tasked with keeping the peace instead of relying on others who have a more complex agenda.

Chiron ~ (Retro) Once again, you may feel rejected by a close partner during this period and that your trust has been violated. But as difficult as this might be if you learn to welcome these experiences as indicators of issues needing to be healed, you may regain the control that you feel others have taken from you.

Retrograde Planets – Pluto; Saturn; Uranus, Neptune, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Juno, Jupiter. Upcoming retrogrades include Mercury on 9 Sep 2022


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

Written by 

Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!