An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Influencing 18-24 September 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The effect of the seven cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive. The specific Rays are as follows:

  • 1st Ray – will and power
  • 2nd Ray – love and wisdom
  • 3rd Ray – active intelligence
  • 4th Ray – harmony through conflict
  • 5th Ray – concrete science and knowledge
  • 6th Ray – devotion and idealism
  • 7th Ray – ceremonial order and magick

Over the course of the week, the strongest Ray influence continues to be the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom, and when combined with the lesser impact of the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism, it suggests that love and wisdom may have a strong impact on ideology. However, expressions of ideology may still have an influence on those individuals given to extremist behavior.

From there, the similar strength of the 3rd Ray of active intelligence suggests that instinct and adaptability to change have a stronger influence on our interactions with others and on our ability to solve problems this week. The increasing influence of the 7th Ray of ceremonial order and magick suggests that organizational skills may be increasing which will also impact intellectual expression.

Rays 1, 4, and 5, are having the least influence indicating that willpower, cooperation with others, and general knowledge, are reduced or average over the week.

The Ascendant 

Libra – A masculine sign, a Libra individual takes initiative to pursue opportunities that come his/her way. Relationships are important and although you are assertive, thoughtful, polite, and well-mannered, you may also be indecisive. You insist on fairness and justice and are concerned with taking care of others. Diplomacy and mediation are also a focus.

  • The Moon sextile The Ascendant – It could be said that your emotions define you and others appreciate your intuitive and empathic insights. (9/21)
  • Jupiter R opposite The Ascendant – Growth is possible within relationships during this period if you keep an open mind and heart (9/18-19)

Node Influences 

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, you also know what you value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance you strike.


  • Mercury R semisquare S Node – This is a time for reflection, especially if you’re contemplating the future (9/22)
  • Venus trine N Node – A woman may come into your life who helps you to make a necessary change that may also bring long-term financial benefit (9/18)
  • Mars quincunx S Node – Reevaluate old patterns that could be holding you back from initiating  or pursuing new experiences or opportunities (9/18-22)
  • Chiron R quincunx The S Node – You have the ability during this time to reevaluate a situation that you may need to let go of in order that you can move forward. (9/18-24)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

The Sun ~ A lack of self esteem leaves you vulnerable to control from others when, in truth, you possess the ability to express yourself with integrity and resolve. Although you are typically forthright in how you interact with others, during this time when so many planets, Mercury, in particular, are in retrograde, you may need to be more cautious or reflective. As the Sun moves into Libra on Thursday evening, your interactions with others may be more harmonious.

The Moon ~ Misunderstandings are possible if you overreact to an unexpected situation that you may not fully understand. Avoiding a knee-jerk reaction, particularly if this involves your workplace, could make all the difference, especially if your emotions are in flux. Even if it’s someone else’s overreaction that is challenging, you’re not alone in seeing or experiencing that. Mid-week, your emotions, as well as those of others, may settle down and any conflict may resolve on its own. If not, and others seem to be less than compassionate, then keep your head down, focus on the task at hand, and learn to value your own perspective.

Mercury (Retro) ~ Although you prefer peace and diplomacy, overreaction during Mercury’s retrograde period may make achieving that challenging. You could be feeling indecisive or unable to find an inner balance and you may benefit from viewing things from a new perspective so that you don’t get involved in something you cannot undo. Toward the end of the week, balance a focus on details with understanding the overall picture.

Venus ~ Impatience may impact your interactions with others especially if they don’t understand your point of view. It may also impact your spending or other financial interests and you might need to hold off purchasing something until you understand the greater impact of your decisions or commitments. Discernment may be off and waiting for clarity may be warranted.

Mars ~ Expressing empathy may be needed by others during this period especially if you’re pursuing new opportunities that take you away from your personal responsibilities. Although situations may arise that seem challenging or frustrating, self-discipline may be required to see the overall picture so that you listen to the concerns of others before asserting your own perspective. 

Jupiter ~ (Retro) Self-indulgence needs to be avoided at all costs this week otherwise your responsibilities and commitments may suffer. If you sense a pattern developing, it may be that your own ego is getting in the way and you’re less likely to cooperate with others. This may be the time to reevaluate how willing you are to move past perceptions that are holding you back.

Saturn ~ (Retro) Balancing freedom versus personal responsibility can be stressful right now particularly if it impacts your self-esteem or feeling in control of your circumstances. Although you’re tempted to step outside your comfort zone, it may require some inner work to either reevaluate or accept the commitments you’ve made or let them go entirely to pursue new opportunities and experiences. 

Uranus ~ (Retro) As you pursue a deeper understanding of your life, unexpected changes may be on the horizon. A new relationship may develop or a new perspective surrounding a relationship with someone in authority may occur. A focus on a compromise with others may open doors that were previously closed.

Neptune ~ (Retro) Your spirituality is expressed through higher awareness and you seek out mentors who elevate your mind, body, and spirit balance. Although you are devoted to a service-to-others approach, you also need to be mindful of your own health so that you’re taking care of your own wellness as well as that of others.

Pluto ~ (Retro) Chaos may define your life, with home a particular source of drama or conflict. Although you are comfortable asserting yourself, some reflection may be necessary before doing so especially if a close partner is involved. Remember that compassion and empathy go much further than the need to control the outcome.

Chiron ~ (Retro) As Chiron continues its placement in the 7th House of partnership, you’re ready to heal issues that are impacting close relationships with others. If it seems as if your trust has been violated, you may also have little control over your circumstances. In order to regain that control, you’ve had to make decisions that are not the most comfortable, but in the long run, very necessary. Trust your instincts and remain ready to move forward.

Retrograde Planets – Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Juno, Jupiter. 



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!