Esoteric Influences for 16-22 October 2022

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Hey everyone!

Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for the coming week including each day’s numerology, runes, and planetary transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart. Note that both charts for each day, astrological and Human Design, are cast for 8:00 am. 

Have a magickal week and Blessings to all!

Sunday 16 October 2022

Observe how tradition impacts your life and how it unifies you with others. You’re loving and idealistic and your self-confidence enables your natural leadership. However, if interactions with others become intense and unpredictable, you may need to rely on your intuitive awareness to make sense of what is going on.

During this time you may experience indecision and relying on past experience may be important. Confront the situation with respect for the integrity of others and have the self-discipline to avoid any negative response. Through respectful interaction, a higher level of awareness is maintained which may then contribute to a positive outcome.

Monday, 17 October 2022

A situation may be unfolding minute by minute and your inner strength may be needed to process everything so that you remain calm and avoid taking the bait. This could be a time of growth for both you and whomever else is involved. And an imaginative approach may reset the situation in a manner that serves everyone.

However, until the situation resolves, pay close attention so that you discover any underlying message that is there that could provide valuable insight. Although not everything you do will guarantee success, in the end, persevering through challenges often leads to a greater level of harmony.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

It may seem as if you’re walking a tightrope between ego and higher awareness, or that you’re witnessing that same conflict with someone else. This could be motivated by a lack of healthy choices, but whatever it is, you need to focus your energy on taking care of yourself and on issues that provide inspiration to others. In other words, keep your vibration high and turn your attention away from negativity.

If you’re the one experiencing the conflict, it may take some honest self-analysis to understand where the inner conflict is coming from. Remain flexible and allow inner growth to increase a healthy sense of self.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Past experience can be a valuable teacher, especially when interacting with others. If you’re concerned that you have no impact on others, your feelings may actually be signaling that what others need is someone to listen to their concerns instead of offering solutions. 

Your intuition can be relied on for further understanding, but if you need to restructure your approach so that others feel heard, then have the flexibility to do so. Everyone concerned can benefit from further clarity so be willing to listen with an open heart and express yourself with grace and dignity.

Thursday, 20 October 2022 

Collaborative efforts today may benefit from a thoughtful understanding about what each person brings to the table. Some balance or integration may have been lost, but be assured that’s only a temporary situation. We each derive inspiration from the freedom to express ourselves creatively; however, that doesn’t mean that past issues need to drive the conversation. Encourage everyone to stay present in the moment so that the path becomes clear.

Not everything you do will result in a successful outcome, but if you remain open to analyzing the current issue without bringing in blame from past concerns which are unrelated, it may become easier for everyone to check their egos at the door and come together in harmony and resolve.

Friday, 21 October 2022

You may feel trapped by either your own emotions or perceptions or those of others around you, and it may be impacting your home life. Although your home is a place where friends and family are welcome and loved, during this period your perceptions seem either out of balance or possibly unrealistic. It may be that you need to rely more on your instincts and intuition when choosing the relationships you have with others so that healthier boundaries are maintained.

Take time for yourself to reassess the situation and be open to seeking advice from a trusted mentor or friend. You are someone who needs peaceful surroundings which is difficult to achieve when your emotions or perceptions are not aligned with that desire.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

You continue to work diligently with others so that you contribute a unique perspective or insight to any situation or challenge that arises. And with today’s Master 22 influence, profound change could occur if you stay focused on a positive outcome.

Remember that through limitations, greater harmony can result. But it may also depend upon choosing the best partner(s) to assure that outcome. Rely on your intuition and be aware of and open to the right timing to act.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!