Numbers in Knot or Cord Magick

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When putting together a ritual or magickal working, it is customary to include correspondences of some kind for energetic support. It can be as simple or as complex as needed but typically items that support the working include crystals, specific candle colors, altar tiles, herbs, incense, runes, Tarot cards, and other items that are symbolic in some manner. In addition to the more tangible correspondences, the use of the Moon phase, the corresponding planet as well as its current sign, elemental energies, time of day, planetary hour, and numerology can be involved. 

For example, the number two can be used in a working or ritual that involves a love relationship between two people. Two candles can be used in a working performed on the second day of February, the second month of the year. Or it could be represented in a working where cause and effect or making a decision are factors. The 2 of Swords could then be placed in the center of the altar or workspace as a focus in that regard. The rune, Dagaz, could be used to illustrate the passage from one state to another, or the ending of one period and the beginning of another, as another example of the number two.

In the case of knot or cord magick, the witch can tie any number of knots but usually, nine or ten are used unless there is a specific reason to use more or less. However, irrespective of the number of knots tied, numerology comes in handy to define the working.

There are a variety of chants that comprise a knot spell but typically they all begin with By the knot of one, and so forth until the end. This is one such example that I use.

By the knot of one, my spell’s begun. 

Obviously, the first knot opens a vortex of sorts for the spell to begin its energetic journey to completion. An intention is visualized, and with the tying of the first knot and chanting that first line, the intention of the spell ignites and the genesis of casting the intention begins. The Ace cards from each suit in the Tarot could be incorporated depending on the elemental focus of the working. So can anything that represents new beginnings.

By the knot of two, my spell is blessed true. 

This establishes the connection with higher awareness and invokes the blessings and resonance of spirit into the working. It also invokes balance by cleansing and purifying the intention with Goddess presence. Number two also suggests harmony and collaboration as well as cause and effect. In this way, early on in the working, the connection with higher realms is established.

By the knot of three, my spell is free.

Creativity is at the heart of any spell that’s cast and in truth, there really is no limit as to how a spell can be constructed. But another meaning of free is that the spell has its own energy, its own greater momentum to achieve the witch’s intention. The number three can also represent triplicities such as past/present/future, mind/body/Spirit, or Maiden/Mother/Crone and can be a catalyst that freely moves energy from one phase to another

By the knot of four, my intention is stored

Four represents a foundational structure, or in this case, boundaries. We store the intention to generate more power and so four can represent a receptacle of sorts to contain the energy as we will it to grow or increase. Four also represents the four powers/pillars of the witch: to know (Air), to will (Fire), to dare (Water), and to keep silence (Earth), as they define the elemental essence of the witch her/himself.

By the knot of five, my power thrives.

Five represents change as well as protection from evil. The fifth knot continues the growth of power begun with the fourth knot. The pentagram itself represents the four elements along with Spirit and all the energies contained within that can enhance or influence change. With the presence of Spirit, a higher vibrational resonance is invoked.

By the knot of six, my intention is fixed.

Now, after storing intention and invoking growth with the fourth and fifth knots, balance and perfection are achieved with the tying of the sixth knot. A rebirth is beginning, where the spell begins its influence with benevolent energies as its guide. The magick is one that provides a new path, direction, or option. And now it’s ready for the final three knots.

By the knot of seven, my spell leavens.

The number seven is the number of magick, of original creation, and the balance between dark and light. Its energy is divine and holy, and as the spell leavens, it is infused with creation energy that allows the intention to draw in and resonate in higher awareness. Representations of the seven sacred planets can be used on the altar as can the colors of the 7 Cosmic Rays.

By the knot of eight, my spell penetrates.

With the eighth knot, the witch uses her/his strength to invoke and cast the intention to the universe to regenerate the focus into one that penetrates the layers of the collective consciousness to influence change. It leaves the mind of the witch and extends outward into the astral realm.

By the knot of nine, my desire is mine

The ninth knot represents completion, and in this case, the witch’s desire is attained. There is no other option to consider. With the ninth knot, the witch visualizes that the working is successful.

Understanding how numbers are used in magickal workings can enhance your focus and help you identify correspondences that can better support the energies within the working. Each number vibrates with a higher intention or spiritual presence and is well worth considering whether using knot magick or some other type of magick.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!