An Empath's Boundaries

Weekly Esoteric Forecast for 11-17 December 2022

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This new version of the Esoteric Influences is a comprehensive forecast for the week that includes runes from both the Elder Futhark and geomancy, Cosmic Ray information, numerology, and planetary information from both a daily astrological chart and an I Ching-based Human Design chart that centers around each day’s planetary governor. The first paragraph gives the governing planet’s impact over the week, while the second paragraph shares information that is specific to the day itself. Both the astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time, with the astrological chart appearing below each planet’s information. And I’ve also listed the planets which are currently in retrograde.

In magick, we look at corresponding energies when crafting a spell or ritual. One set of correspondences involves the days of the week and the planets that govern each day. Sunday is governed by The Sun, Monday by The Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter, Friday by Venus, and Saturday by Saturn. So, if I were to craft a working or ritual that focuses on increasing self-assertion, I might want to know more about the planet Mars and what was influencing or shaping its expression. From there, I might want to perform the working during an hour of Mars on a Tuesday for the best outcome. The information below can be of help to determine your best focus, but for a more detailed look at the correspondences for each day, refer to the Daily Correspondences for the week.

A note about including Cosmic Ray information in the forecast: The effect of the seven Cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive. The breakdown of the Rays follows with the daily Ray balance reflected in the daily influences.

  • 1st Ray – will/power
  • 2nd Ray – love/wisdom
  • 3rd Ray – active intelligence
  • 4th Ray – harmony through conflict
  • 5th Ray – concrete science and knowledge
  • 6th Ray – devotion and idealism
  • 7th Ray – ceremonial order and magick

The Sun

11, 12th House/Sagittarius, Inguz, Via, 3rd Ray

As a result of your exploration of new environments that have led you to new areas of study, you may be called upon this week to assume new responsibilities. However, if this involves a leadership role over others, your empathic awareness may feel overwhelming, especially if you’re around new people, and establishing boundaries could prove challenging. Also, until you’re more comfortable in your new position, you may want to reconsider the manner in which you express your opinions to others in authority.

Specific influences for 11 December 2022:

Today’s runes, Inguz and Via reinforce the potential for a new path opening motivated by awakening achieved from the influence of Sunday’s Master 11 numerology. With the 3rd Ray of active intelligence quite strong as well, it suggests that intellectual and abstract expression will be helpful in any new role or position you might pursue. I Ching influences from Sunday’s Human Design chart indicate that you will gather support from others by taking a collaborative approach.

The Moon

3, various signs and houses, Raidho, Populus, 5th Ray

During the first part of the week, you’re focused on how synchronicity plays a role in your relationships with others. Although you’re great at bringing people together, there could be drama or conflict during this time, specifically with the women in your life. In fact, it may be best if conflict does occur to step back to gain an overall understanding so that you can consider a new perspective or solution. There could be past experiences that enable you to share relevant insights or that offer a way to manage your own needs with those of others. As the week progresses, interactions with others improve and you’re able to rely on them for emotional support. At the end of the week, a trine with retrograding Mars increases your self-confidence so that you can rise to challenges and seek out new opportunities. 

Specific Influences for 12 December 2022:

Monday’s 3 numerology (12/3) suggests your mental acuity is strong and you seek creative solutions to challenges that arise. Both Raidho and Populus indicate integration or collaboration with others which could be helpful should conflict or disagreements occur. And the strong 5th Ray influence indicates that you’re focused on truth and knowledge as a basis for your perspective. That said, it may become necessary to regroup so that you have the energy to collaborate on new solutions.


4, Retro, 7th/6th House Gemini, Raidho, Cauda Draconis, 5th Ray

Although your interactions with others can have either a positive or negative impact, your sensitive and empathic side will assist you should interactions with a partner devolve into conflict during the week. Therefore, proceed with caution and respond with compassion and a non-judgmental approach.

Specific Influences for 13 December 2022:

The 5th Ray influence can bring knowledge and structure to your collaboration with others. However, if it seems like the situation is devolving into conflict, retreating to regain your composure is recommended so that a more integrated approach to a solution can be achieved.


5, 1st House/Capricorn, Hagalaz, Fortuna Minor, 2nd/6th Rays

You have an independent nature and you think and plan carefully. Your credibility is important and you speak with authority. You’re drawn to a number of issues and areas of study, particularly those of a sacred nature such as mathematics and science. However, you can also be insecure about how others view your intellectual abilities, potentially and unnecessarily compromising self-assertion. In truth, you have a unique perspective that others appreciate, so it may help when sharing your ideas and plans with others to prioritize them instead of trying to present them all at once. 

Specific Influences for 14 December 2022:

Remain open to change while simultaneously protecting the progress you’ve made. And if modifications become necessary, be clear that your underlying premise should be valued by others. Although it’s fine to be devoted to an idea, have the wisdom and discretion to know when it can be improved upon.


6, 3rd House/Pisces, Fehu, Populus, 2nd/6th Rays

Although you love to explore new ideas and experiences, you may rebel this week against feeling controlled by others and be unwilling to compromise, especially if you believe they’re dismissing your perspective or unique ideas. Remember that sensitivity and compassion will likely bring others around to your way of thinking so be aware of the overall picture so that you don’t alienate the very people whose support you need.

Specific Influences for 15 December 2022:

How you transact with the group will determine just how supportive they are of your ideas. Carrying the rune, Fehu ᚠ with you may be helpful to stay humble and respectful, and focused on the task at hand. If you play your cards right and express yourself with compassion and wisdom, you may find that others will follow you anywhere.


7, 1st House/Capricorn, Dagaz, Rubeus, 2nd/6th rays

You may struggle to express yourself to a partner this week. You’re frustrated by superficiality and it may be your partner is being less than forthcoming. Or it could be that your partner feels overwhelmed by your expectations. Either way, a more measured approach on your part may be required so that you have the interaction you need.

Specific Influences for 16 December 2022:

Observe before responding seems to be your best approach today. You may be on the threshold of a new chapter in a close relationship and balancing your devotion with wise choices is key to the relationship’s success. In other words, you can’t expect to control all aspects of the relationship without having a negative impact on its stability. Rely on your instincts to assess the situation before reacting in an unnecessary way.


8, 2nd House/Aquarius, Inguz, Conjunctio, 3rd Ray

You continue to reassess how you view personal resources and your relationship with family or a close partner. And you’re ready to work through painful experiences and explore changes that could help increase your financial security. You might have experienced lack in your life that has influenced how you see things now. But the idea is to learn from those experiences and not to be stuck in them in a way that impacts your relationship with your partner.

Specific Influences for 17 December 2022:

Rely on your inner strength to reassess the experiences that have guided you thus far. Take what is valuable but leave the rest so that you are open to a new perspective from your partner. In the long run, you’ll benefit from a more abstract approach based on reason than one that is more fear-based. And in doing so, you may discover that the unity you desire with a partner will also increase. 

Planets Currently in Retrograde: Mars, Uranus, Chiron, Pallas, Eris 


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!