Herb of the Week: Horsetail

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HorsetailEquisetum arvense

Horsetail, reflecting the receptive energy of Elemental Earth, is governed by the planet Saturn and is also known as snake grass and puzzle grass. Although there are several varieties of this plant, both large and small, the variety that grows on my property is quite small in stature that looks delicate despite its hardy nature. A much larger variety, giant horsetail, happens to grow on my youngest son’s property, and for reasons unknown to me, it’s never survived transplanting next to my pond.

Its day of the week is Saturday, its direction North, and To Keep Silence is Horsetail’s magickal power. And its Deities include the angel Cassiel, as well as Aratron, the Olympic Spirit.

Magickal uses include strengthening connections with others and removing negativity. Horsetail can be used in love spells to strengthen bonds and define boundaries between people. Dried, Horsetail can be used in both witch bottles and charm/mojo/gris gris bags. A decoction of Horsetail can be painted on a small piece of paper for later use as a message scroll which can be added to a charm bag, or painted on a piece of rune stock that will be used to create a bindrune. A stalk of Horsetail, gathered before its branches spread out, can also be used to asperge water (infused or otherwise) in an area to remove negativity.

In herbal preparations, the leaves and stems are used. Energetically, Horsetail is considered to be cold and dry. Horsetail is diuretic and can help with respiratory complaints as well as arthritis. And because of its high silica content, it is used internally and externally for skin conditions. Horsetail also helps strengthen connective tissue, joints, brittle bones, hair, and nails, and it’s been known to staunch bleeding both internally and externally.

Preparation: decoction, compress, tincture, liniment (Note: a decoction is made by placing herbs in a pan of cool water and then heating it to a simmer – do not boil – for 20 minutes or so)



The information above is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose any condition or prescribe any treatment. Please consult your medical/herbal professional for further advice regarding the use of herbs, particularly if you’re already taking prescribed medications to avoid any unnecessary or harmful interactions. Please seek treatment from a medical professional should symptoms occur that do not quickly resolve on their own. If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, please consult your medical/herbal professional before using any herbs.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!