Drawing Down Higher Awareness ~ A Rune Divination for 2023

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2023 Rune Divination: Nauthiz, Wunjo, Thurisaz, and Algiz

As we say goodbye to 2022, what path do we take in 2023? A look at the runes may be helpful to point us in the right direction. Or at least they can give us something to consider.

I see the runes as a language of Spirit that can inform our lives in a profound manner. They allow us to see beyond the immediacy of our experiences and consider their meanings from a higher perspective. Regardless of the set of runes used, and in this case, I’m using the Elder Futhark, runes can help us understand not only ourselves but also the world around us.

After drawing Nauthiz ᚾ, Wunjo ᚹ, Thurisaz ᚦ, and Algiz ᛉ, it occurred to me that Algiz was the likely focus with its ability to draw Spirit into our awareness. Algiz is the bridge to higher consciousness acting as a cauldron to draw in and store our soul’s awareness. And I immediately saw a pattern emerge in which Algiz draws in the energies of the other three runes to focus their resonance into our physical reality. If we emulate the structure of Algiz, we stand in supplication to a higher force, raising our arms high, to draw in the spiritual awareness brought by Nauthiz, Wunjo, and Thurisaz.

Nauthiz ᚾ represents Skuld, the Norn of the future, and the inner friction or will to manifest. With its influence, we set our goals and then bring them to fruition. Nauthiz binds us to our intention, protects us from harm, and helps us to overcome restrictions, self-imposed or otherwise. With Nauthiz, we create change that is positive and potentially catalytic.

An Earth element rune, Wunjo ᚹ, as the wish rune, assists us in making plans for the future that invokes peace, harmony, and fellowship with others. Coupled with Nauthiz, Wunjo points our efforts in a direction that is collaborative in nature instead of one that is more self-focused. It suggests that our happiness is manifested in harmony with others rather than in the conflict and division of the past.

Lastly, Thurisaz ᚦ, Thor’s rune, helps us to break through challenges and opposition. Again, as with Nauthiz, Thurisaz suggests that the challenges and opposition we experience may well be self-imposed and based on faulty perception or a lack of impulse control. Thurisaz, like Thor’s hammer, brings an end to chaos and protects us on the path forward.

We can look at our experiences in a reactive manner, but when we do, we risk placing blame for the challenges we experience on others instead of understanding how our perceptions lead to choices that may not be in our best interest, let alone reflective of the truth. Too often we fail to understand our own involvement in the difficulties we face. Nauthiz and Thurisaz remind us to accept responsibility for our actions so that we take a more realistic view of our own participation in what we experience. In other words, are we pulled into an experience without our permission, or are we as souls manifesting that experience? Because how we see that can define our reactions. Are we mere pawns in a collective game, or are we actually creating the challenges we face?

The runes suggest that each one of us creates what we need for our soul to gain as much experience as possible. If that centers on the lower vibrational ego, then we become a victim. However, if we’re continually drawing down higher awareness to inform our perceptions and choices, then we empower our life in a way that sees beyond the ego’s desire for control at the expense of others. And, in doing so, manifesting joy and harmony with others replace judgment and division.

Perhaps that’s the message the runes have to offer for the coming year. If so, we are indeed blessed!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!