Under the Full Moon

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When considering the triple aspect of the Moon, there are three days that impact magickal rituals and workings.  The day before the Full Moon is considered to be her Maiden phase while the day after she is said to be in her Crone phase. Whereas, on the day of the Full Moon itself, she is in her Mother phase. Taken together, we experience the transition from Maiden to Mother to Crone. 

Various rituals can be performed on any of those three days with new beginnings a focus of the Maiden, clarity, and awakening during the Mother, and reflection and release a focus of the Crone. Note that during the lunar month, both the New and Waxing Crescent Moons can also be considered as Maiden energy while the Waxing Crescent or Dark phase can be considered as Crone energy. 

Below are some things you can do during the Full Moon:

  • Charging crystals: You can begin cleansing, purifying, and charging crystals during Maiden and finish that process during Crone, or you can accomplish it all during the twenty-four hours during the Mother phase. And again, you can also use the Maiden and Crone phases during the lunar month to accomplish the same task.
  • Empowering ritual tools: Use the same process as charging crystals to empower your wand, athame, or any other ritual tools you feel would benefit from the Moon’s energy.
  • Moon water: If you keep Moon-charged water for rituals and spell-work, place a clear jar of water outside or in a window to allow the Moon’s light to charge the water for asperging and water-based spells that focus on revealing truth or deception.
  • Meditations or trance work: During Maiden, meditate on changes you wish to make over the coming lunar month and make new plans. During Mother, examine any intentions set on the New Moon to see how they’re coming along. You can also visualize any desires coming to fruition during this time or perform a working to reveal truth. And, during Crone, inner reflection is favored. If engaging trance work or a journeying meditation, the Crone phase is the perfect time to understand the overall picture of a situation. Examples of journeying include visualizing walking a favorite path, using the World Tree as a focus, or visualizing a layered experience where you focus your awareness further into higher astral realms.
  • Create a Moon altar that observes Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Items used might include a statue representing the Triple Goddess, a crystal bowl or scrying bowl containing charged Moon water, crystals including moonstone, obsidian, quartz, citrine, and selenite. Burn copal, myrrh, or frankincense resin on a piece of ritual charcoal in a fire-safe dish or cauldron. And use white or silver candles which can be scribed with runes or other symbols for further effect. Floating candles in the water-filled crystal bowl are also a nice addition as is adding fresh borage flowers. Crystal spheres are also lovely to use along with any altar item that speaks to whatever intention you might be focusing on. White flowers either fresh or dried can also be included as well as any plants governed by the Moon. A sprig of dried moonwort is nice to include as are divination tools such as The Moon card from Tarot, along with the Moon symbol from a set of Witch runes. Eihwaz from the Elder Futhark can also be included for some as above so below energy. Remember that altars of any type can be used to cast intention and can be kept and revisited for as long as the working requires.
  • Moon ritual: This can be as simple as gazing into a candle flame or as complex as going outside under the moon, casting your circle or sacred space, and drawing down Goddess blessings into your awareness. Moon Goddesses such as Cerridwen, Freya, Demeter, or Selene can also be invoked during the ritual.
  • Scrying: Various items can be used including crystal spheres, a blackened mirror, or a scrying bowl which is typically black in its interior. If using a scrying bowl, try to position yourself so that your back is to the Moon and it reflects its form into the bowl. But know that it’s not always easy to get the right position. If you have access to a pond, you might sit on its bank with the Moon above when its form and light are reflected in the water. But however you approach scrying, the idea is to look at sphere, mirror, bowl of water, or a pond with your eyes unfocused and allow any images to form or come into your awareness. It’s a meditative experience so smudging yourself with some sage prior to beginning is nice as well for cleansing purposes.

Remember that even if the night is cloudy, the Full Moon still shines above and her energy is there to bring light to your life.

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!