As Above, So Below for Monday, 24 July 2023

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Reading Notes:

Significator Runes: Laguz, Via

Cards: 7 of Wands (7, Fire, Minor Arcana), Temperance (14/5, Major Arcana), The Empress (3, Major Arcana)

Overall numerology: Cards: 6; Elder Futhark Rune: 21/3; Overall: 9 (endings, completion, generosity, spirituality, messenger)

Beginning with today’s significator runes, Laguz represents flow from Spirit or higher awareness, intuition, clairsentience, emotional balance, drawing energy back to you (especially applies to empaths), cleansing, and purification. This suggests that your intuition or higher awareness is strong today and can inform your experiences. Via, today’s geomancy rune, describes a new path that’s developing. Via also appeared in the reading last Thursday, so this reading might be an extension of that reading. Either way, a new path is developing today that your intuition or higher awareness can provide some information about.

Beginning with the 7 of Wands, we see a man standing on higher ground holding a staff in a defensive posture. Six more staffs are below him, and with the new path opening indicated by Via, the staffs could represent other individuals who might be trying to undermine him in some way. However, he has the advantage of being above the situation so that he can observe what’s actually happening, and with Laguz, his intuition is also offering clarity. But it’s clear that he’s defending the decision he’s made to pursue a new path or opportunity.

Moving on to Temperance, which we also had on last Thursday’s reading, this card from the Major Arcana reinforces the possibility that the two readings could be connected in some way. Temperance asks us to express moderation in our decisions and experiences. The angel wears a headband with a Sun disc in its center while higher awareness emanates around its head. The angel pours water from one chalice to another, balancing will (Fire) with emotion (Water). As Water quenches Fire, the angel achieves a balance between the two. The angel has one foot in the water and one on the land suggesting emotional grounding which may assist in tempering the will, without extinguishing it entirely. There is a path that winds between the pond’s edge and two mountain peaks in the distance. Between the peaks, we see the Sun rising on a new day. The implication here is that as we take a new path forward, we want to do so in both balance and in full clarity of what we’re doing. 

To sum things up so far, our intuition is guiding us toward taking a new path or pursuing a new opportunity, one that we’re ready to defend against ideas that others might have. This also could relate to last Thursday’s reading as the next step in your decision-making process where you’re now ready to move forward.

Lastly, The Empress involves invoking creation energy. We see her sitting on her throne with abundance all around her. Wheat grows on the ground before her while trees rise in the background. To her right, a small stream flows, while on her left sits her heart-shaped shield with a glyph for Venus in its center. Her crown of Merkabas along with the yellow sky suggests this is soul-level creation energy.


With two cards from the Major Arcana, today’s reading involves two soul archetype cards, Temperance and The Empress, which influence what you create and whether that is done in moderation and balance. The reading also suggests that you need to be certain about what you want to do by allowing intuition or higher awareness to flow into the decision-making process. It’s expected that the new path or opportunity may be challenging, but as the Sun rises, its light offers clarity from a soul perspective to carry on. And the reading’s overall numerology of nine may be reinforcing the idea that as one situation comes to an end, it gives you the opportunity to begin anew.

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!