Daily Correspondences for 13-19 August 2023

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Below are the corresponding energies for working magick as well as the current transit charts for the week. ~  et incipit magia


Dawn: healing, new beginnings, study, purification

Noon: strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth

Sunset: letting go, release

Night: spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions

Cosmic Rays

1st – will/power

2nd – love/wisdom

3rd – active intelligence

4th – harmony through conflict

5th – concrete science and knowledge

6th – devotion/idealism

7th – ceremonial magic and order

Sunday 13 August 2023

Magickal focus: clarity, truth, healing, courage, removing barriers, leadership

Numerology: 4 – Order and Coordination, Assistance, Hard Work, Pragmatism; materialism, physicality, patience, overly absorbed, may reflect imbalance (emotional, physical, spiritual)

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Cancer

Moon Void of Course: none

Planetary governance: The Sun ☉

Governing Planet Ray – 2nd (love/wisdom): Strongest Ray: 2nd

Favorability: Neutral

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Air, Fire/Water

Lunar Phase: Waning (magicks of decrease); Balsamic – (your destiny or future factors into life decisions with leadership a potential role for you to play

Strongest Sign Mode: Mutable

Mansion of the Moon: 9th  Atarf (Al Tarf) 12° Cn51; eye of lion; hinders trail, causes discord, and harms harvest.     

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: Moon +26°51

General Correspondences

Element: Fire

Color: Gold, yellow

Direction: South

Energy: masculine/projective

Power: To Will

Deities: Sol, Apollo, Helios, Och (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: emerald, topaz, bloodstone, chrysolite

Resin: mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey

Herbs: Angelica, juniper, calendula, hyacinth, rosemary, mint, ivy, pepper, vine, sunflower, cedar, marjoram, bay, vervain, gentian, Dittany, ginger, peony, balm, marigold, heliotrope

Monday, 14 August 2023

Magickal focus:  The Moon governs; feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change

Numerology: 5 – protection, pentagram, travel, innovation, freedom versus restriction

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Cancer until Leo at 3:37a

Moon Void of Course: 12:46a-3:36a

Planetary governance: The Moon ☽

Governing Planet Ray: 4th ray (harmony through conflict); Strongest Ray: 1st, 2nd

Favorability: Excellent

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Lunar Phase: Waning (magicks of decrease); Balsamic – (your destiny or future factors into life decisions with leadership a potential role for you to play

Strongest Sign Mode: Fixed

Mansion of the Moon: 10th  Algebha (Al Jabhah) 25°Cn42; neck/forehead of Leo; fosters love and compassion, assists in defeating enemies, and strengthens structures 

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: Moon +24°33

General Correspondences

Element: Water

Color: Silver, white

Direction: West

Energy: feminine/receptive

Power: To Dare

Deities: Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis, Mani, Phul (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite

Resin: mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey

Herbs: almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Magickal focus: Mars governs; passion, manifestation, creativity, self-assertion, reducing conflict

Numerology: 6 – assistance, shared path, empathy, love, guidance

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Leo

Moon Void of Course: none

Planetary governance: Mars ♂

Governing planet in sign: Mars in Virgo

Governing Planet Ray: 6th ray (devotion and idealism), Strongest Ray: 1st, 2nd

Favorability: Neutral

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Lunar Phase: Waning (magicks of decrease); Balsamic – (your destiny or future factors into life decisions with leadership a potential role for you to play

Strongest Sign Mode: Fixed

Mansion of the Moon: 11th  Azobra (Al Zubrah) 8°Le34; hair of the lion’s head, increases profits, positive for travel, taking captives 

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: None

General Correspondences

Element: Fire

Color: Red, rust

Direction: South

Energy: masculine/projective

Power: To Will

Deities: Ares, Mars, Tyr, Phaleg (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: Amethyst, bloodstone, lodestone, diamond, jasper

Resin: Juniper, dragon’s blood, red sandalwood

Herbs: Absinthe, cayenne, basil, asafoetida, rue, garlic, black pepper, nettle, wormwood, onion, mustard, leeks, ginger, wolfsbane, thorny trees (Hawthorn)

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Magickal focus: Mercury governs; communication, interactions, balance, justice, revelation 

Numerology:  7 – observation, balance, justice, the scales, magick, spirituality

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Leo until Virgo at 4:15p

Moon Void of Course: 2:38a-4:14p

Planetary governance: Mercury ☿

Governing planet in sign: Mercury in Virgo

Governing Planet Ray: 4th (harmony through conflict); Strongest Ray: 1st

Favorability: Very good

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Lunar Phase: New at 2:39a at 23°Le17 (focused on opportunities with a tendency toward impulsiveness; time to look inward and make plans for the future)

Strongest Sign Mode: Fixed

Mansion of the Moon: 12th  Alsarfah (Al Sarfah) 21°Le25; tail of Leo; increases harvest, obstructs sailors, promotes care for employees and captives 

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: none

General Correspondences

Element: Air

Color: yellow, purple

Direction: East

Energy: masculine/projective

Power: To Know

Deities: Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Odin/Woden, Ophiel (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: Agate, emerald, fluorite, topaz, citrine, red marble

Resin: benzoin, gum arabic, frankincense

Herbs: marjoram, horehound, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, caraway, cloves, licorice, mullein, peppermint, star anise, hyssop

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Magickal focus: Jupiter governs; social justice, healing, abundance, income, growth, achieving goals

Numerology: 8 – Materialistic Approval, Achievement, Striving for Success, leadership, and Acknowledgment

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Virgo

Moon Void of Course: none

Planetary governance: Jupiter ♃

Governing planet in sign: Jupiter in Taurus

Governing Planet Ray: 2nd Ray (love and wisdom): Strongest Ray: 2nd

Favorability: Very good

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Lunar Phase: Waxing (magicks of increase); New (focused on opportunities with a tendency toward impulsiveness; time to look inward and make plans for the future)

Strongest Sign Mode: Mutable

Mansion of the Moon: 13th  Alhaire (Al Awwa) 4°Vi17; dog stars/wings of Virgo; fosters compassion, travel, harvest, gain, freedom of captives 

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: none

General Correspondences

Element: Fire, Water, Air

Color: Blue

Direction: South, West, East

Energy: balanced

Power: To Will, To Dare, To Know

Deities: Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Bethor (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: sapphire, jasperemerald

Resin: balm of Gilead, ambergris, saffron

Herbs: basil, agrimony, mints, dandelion, borage, bugloss (alkanet), wood betony, hyssop, henbane, poplar, oak, plum, fig, meadowsweet

Friday, 18 August 2023

Magickal focus: Venus governs; compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship 

Numerology: 9 – idealistic, generous, and kind; Altruism, Humanitarianism, Generosity, Sympathy; endings

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Virgo

Moon Void of Course: none

Planetary governance: Venus ♀

Governing planet in sign: Venus in Leo

Governing Planet Ray: 5th Ray (concrete knowledge and science): Strongest Ray: 2nd

Favorability: Neutral

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Lunar Phase: Waxing (magicks of increase); New (focused on opportunities with a tendency toward impulsiveness; time to look inward and make plans for the future)

Strongest Sign Mode: Mutable

Mansion of the Moon: 14th  Azimeth (Al Simak) 17°Vi8;  the spike of Virgo; fosters marital love, heals the sick, increases sailor’s profits; prevents overland travel   

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: none

General Correspondences

Element: Water

Color: Green, rose

Direction: West

Energy: feminine/receptive

Power: To Dare

Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Freyja, Hagith (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral

Resin: sandalwood, ambergris, musk, orris root

Herbs: apple, rose, myrtle, bugloss (alkanet), burdock, feverfew, lilac, marshmallow, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pears, elder, pomegranate, passionflower, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, vanilla, yarrow, violet, plantain

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Magickal focus: Saturn governs; restriction, bindings, summoning, harvest, purification, protection

Numerology: 1 –  Uniqueness, Freedom, Talent, Governance, Leadership, and Revolution

The Sun is in Leo

The Moon is in Virgo until Libra at 4:54a

Moon Void of Course: 1:50a-4:53a

Planetary governance: Saturn ♄

Governing planet in sign: Saturn in Pisces

Governing Planet Ray: 3rd Ray (active intelligence), Strongest Ray: 2nd

Favorability: Very good

Polarity: The feminine (receptive) side of self is having the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact today

Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Lunar Phase: Waxing (magicks of increase); New (focused on opportunities with a tendency toward impulsiveness; time to look inward and make plans for the future)

Strongest Sign Mode: Mutable

Mansion of the Moon: 15th  Algafra (Al Ghafr) 1°Libra; covered flying; finding treasure, digging holes or pits, creates tension and discord as well as divorce, destroys homes and enemies, and interrupts travel   

Retrograde Planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Planets Out of Bounds: none

 General Correspondences

Element: Earth

Color: Brown, black

Direction: North

Energy: feminine/receptive

Power: To Keep Silence

Deities: Chronos, Aratron (Olympic Spirit)

Crystal: Onyx, jet, jade, emerald, sapphire, smoky quartz, marcasite, lodestone, brown jasper

Resin: alum, sulfur, benzoin, balm of Gilead, myrrh

Herbs: asafoetida, cypress, dragonwort, black hellebore, mandrake, opium, garlic, hemlock, ivy, mullein, nightshade, skullcap, St. John’s Wort, Solomon’s seal root, comfrey, boneset, pine


Erickson, Jan. Herbal Magicka. 2021

Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

Written by 

Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!