Observing The Wave

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Wave above and below

According to my Human Design chart, I’m a 6/2 Generator with Emotional Authority. What that means is that I ride an emotional wave, and I make better decisions and have better clarity if I wait for the peaks and valleys to subside. During the wave’s peak, while I accomplish all sorts of things, the risk is that I could take on too much, fueled by that higher energy.

At the bottom of the wave is the valley, or abyss as I call it, full of potential emotion or drama. The energy seems to slow down, become sluggish, and it becomes easy to focus on the habits of others. In other words, we let things bother us that probably wouldn’t if in another part of the wave.

So the challenge is to not let the peaks carry me away, or let the abyss swallow me whole. It’s always recommended for empaths to observe energy instead of absorbing it. Otherwise our energy can be depleted to the point of exhaustion, so as we shield, we need to remember to stay in our own center when experiencing the energy of others. It occurs to me that this same strategy can be applied when in the extremes of the emotional wave.

The energy in the wave’s peak can be exhilarating, and it’s where I get the most work done. I have energy for more involved projects, and I’m typically happier. It’s not until the wave descends almost to the point of the abyss that it interferes with my state of mind. I have little energy and that’s when my mind kicks into overdrive, and everything becomes annoying.

And then one day, I was centered enough while in the abyss and found myself not only experiencing my emotional state, but also observing it. Many empaths experience this “out of body” feeling, where you’re somewhere just on the outside of your physical presence. That’s the place of observation..the in between..and it’s there that we need to be to have control over the wave. It’s the place to take time out, to wait, something a Generator personality type doesn’t really like to do. We like to forge ahead when taking a breath or two before jumping in might actually contribute to a more successful outcome.

Fortunately my time spent in the abyss is short-lived, and realizing that I’m there helps me stay much calmer until the wave begins to again climb. If the issue is still as big a problem as it seems in the abyss after clarity returns, then I can deal with whatever it is at that time.

So as I ride the emotional wave through life, I’ll float in nonresistance around each bend, the way forward clearly in sight.

~Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!

2 thoughts on “Observing The Wave”

  1. Hi Jan! Just discovered your blog. Really liked your description of the wave. I am a 3/5 Emotional Generator and just started my experient as well. I am wondering how the types correspondent with the air, water, earth, fire elements and would love to read your thoughts on that. ( And the correspondence with the temperaments as in sanguine, phlegmatic etc. ) well, of to buy your book now! Very pleased I found your blog and I hope it’s ok for me to ask you this question, with love, Verna

    1. Hey Verna..
      I really liked your comments! With respect to elemental influences I would think they influence our Inner Authority, and since they’re foundational in nature, I’m sure there’s a relationship to the Type as well. As a Libran, Air certainly influences everything, communication, study..everything. Understanding how that impacts being a Generator has been really interesting. Air can be overwhelming. My husband is a Sagittarius, Fire Element, and a Manifestor. His authority says to initiate, and has trouble doing that sometimes, so I wonder if that’s a common problem with Manifestors who are Fire signs. Fire is manifesting, so that’s a really interesting idea. I’m so glad you thought about that. So far, in my study, I haven’t come across elemental influences, but it may be out there. The doshas would naturally follow suit. How cool! Now I have something else to consider!

      Thank you so much for writing and for taking a look at the book..my first time publishing a book, so it’s a little scary..and thanks so much for finding my blog. It’s been my salvation.


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