As Above, So Below for Thursday, 5 October 2023

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Reading Notes:

Significator Runes: Wunjo (8th rune, joy, wish rune, peace, fellowship, harmony, success, happiness) and Puella (happiness, harmony, young girl, curiosity, scattered)

Cards: The Magician (1, Major Arcana), 7 of Pentacles (7, Earth, Minor Arcana), and Strength (8, Major Arcana)

Numerology: Overall with the rune: 6 (harmony, shared path, assistance, empathy, guidance); Cards only: 7 (observation, balance, coming to rest).

Patterns: two cards from the Major Arcana, two cards with a lemniscate or figure eight pattern visible. Also, two eight numerologies are present with Wunjo as the 8th rune from the Elder Futhark and Strength, card 8 from the Major Arcana.

Oracle Card: White Buffalo Calf Woman: Integrity – The White Buffalo Calf Woman asks us to walk the path of integrity as we hold reverance for all life and see everything and everyone as sacred and representing our unified, collective consciousness. If there is disharmony, look within to see where your own imbalance of perception lies. And in walking the path of integrity, from that we achieve true abundance.

~ From The Wild and Sacred Feminine Oracle deck.

Beginning with today’s significator runes, Wunjo describes our innate joy that is derived from Spirit or higher awareness. That joy is expressed in happiness and fellowship with others. And it aligns well with today’s oracle card and the sacredness of our relationship with the earth and all her inhabitants. Reinforcing this notion is Puella and the idea of youthful happiness, curiosity, and joy and how you maintain that throughout your life. There’s no agenda here with either rune other than to express that higher joy in your life.

Turning to the cards, there are two soul-archetype cards from the Major Arcana (The Magician, and Strength) that suggest the soul’s influence in the reading. The Magician stands next to a table with representations from all suits of the Tarot. However, they also represent the four elemental energies that the Magician uses to manifest the physical existence of the Fool. He assumes an as above, so below stance as he holds a wand in his right hand pointed up to heaven while pointing downward to the earth with his left. Roses appear both above and below along with the addition of lilies intermixed on the ground with the roses. A lemniscate or figure 8 pattern appears above his head suggesting the eternal process of manifestation that each individual experiences throughout life. And when we get to the Strength card, you’ll notice that same lemniscate above the woman’s head as well.

Next, we come to the 7 of Pentacles where we see a farmer leaning on his hoe as he looks at how his grapes are doing. Six pentacles appear on the grape vines while one is on the ground in front of him. The 7 of Pentacles suggests that we stop periodically to take stock of where are and whether or not we’re manifesting what we intended, or is there something else that needs doing.

Lastly, the card of Strength depicts a woman wearing a crown of roses on her head and a longer garland around her waist. She holds the head of a lion lovingly in her hands while the lion returns that same attention to the woman. Abundance surrounds the woman and lion while a mountain rises up in the background of the scene. And, as I mentioned early with The Magician, she too has a lemniscate or figure eight above her head, but in the case of the card of Strength, it represents the eternal process of taming the wild within, and the process of transmuting ego into Spirit awareness. That way, higher consciousness guides your path instead of allowing the reactive ego to determine your destiny.

Integration of soul and ego takes inner strength to accomplish that process, but it’s essential to express Wunjo and Puella both within and without. And the 7 of Pentacles is suggesting that there is value to step back and allow things to settle from time to time so that you know that you’re on the path of the soul, or as with today’s oracle card, the path of integrity.

Regarding the numerology of the reading, overall, the numerology is six which suggests harmony, empathy, guidance, assistance, and a shared path with others, all of which align well with Wunjo. The numerology of the cards alone is seven, which gives us the space to be sure of the path we’re on.


Essentially, the reading is bringing our attention to the soul’s resonance and how that manifests our physical reality. The path we walk is a sacred one that expresses balance with the earth and with her other life forms. Are we walking the path of integrity, joy, and harmony or do we need to take a step back to reassess our perceptions and ultimate choices? The reading suggests we periodically take stock of where we are on the path we’ve chosen and whether or not it reflects a higher shared purpose.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!