The Forecast for 22-28 October 2023

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The Forecast is a comprehensive look at both the weekly planetary information as well as the daily forecast. The planetary information presented is from daily astrological charts over the course of the week that align with the planetary governor for each day, while the daily information is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark, geomancy, and numerology. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time.

Retrograde Planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron

The Sun

12th House/Libra; 12th/Scorpio 10/23-28

Sunday influences: 22, Mannaz, Fortuna Minor, Human Design Gate/Line 50.3 Adaptability; Moon Phase: Waxing, 1st Quarter

The Sun’s influence impacts an individual’s identity, vitality, and ego expression. Over the week, you reflect on the level of intimacy you require from others and the drama that can ensue. Your interactions tend to be intense and unpredictable with compromise or respect for boundaries lacking. That said, toward the end of the week, you have a powerful influence on others and you’re successful in a manner that makes you stand out in the crowd. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or off balance, however, it could be that your emotions are at the surface and you’re having difficulty processing them.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

The Master number 22 reflects the Cosmic Builder energy of manifestation and profound change. With that change comes adaptability and the ability to integrate with others, especially with someone who can provide insight and relevant experience. For additional support, meditate on the thought rune, Mannaz ᛗ, and its integrative nature. Consider whether or not you need to be in control, or if you can step back and play a supportive role.

The Moon

Various signs and houses (3rd/Aquarius 10/22, 4th/Aquarius 10/23, 4th/Pisces 10/24, 5th/Pisces 10/25; 5th/Aries 10/26, 6th/Aries 10/27, 6th/Taurus 10/28)

Monday Influences: 5, Ansuz, Acquisitio, Human Design Gate/Line 49.1; Moon Phase: Waxing, 1st Quarter

The Moon’s interaction with the various signs throughout the week impacts an individual’s emotions, moods, and vulnerabilities. At the beginning of the week, it’s a great time to network and socialize with others. Negotiation with others is favored as long as you can keep your temper in check. As the week continues, you may feel insecure due to changes on the home front, and you may need to step back to more fully understand a situation so that you can formulate a new strategy or plan before pressing on. Mid-week, you may experience difficulty balancing responsibilities with taking some personal time, while as the week comes to an end, health issues may arise, and you may need support from others.

Monday, 23 October 2023

Due to an outside situation, you may need to reassess your approach. It’s easy to become overconfident and overlook something. If you have struggled to find the right words, for example, a new focus may clear up any misconceptions that may have arisen. To gain clarity, a candle ritual can be helpful. Using a candle of your choice, carve the rune Ansuz ᚨ either on its side or on the top and set it in the center of your altar or workspace. Add some selenite next to the candle and burn some copal resin on a piece of charcoal in a small cauldron or a fire-safe container such as an incense burner. You can also drop a pinch of dried mugwort on the charcoal as well. Light the candle and gaze into its flame and allow any messages to come through. If you can achieve a trance state, all the better. 


1st House/Libra

Tuesday’s Influences: 6, Nauthiz, Populus, Human Design Gate/Line 44.1 Conditions; Moon Phase: Waxing, Gibbous

Mars invokes action, courage, passion, and strength in an individual. Over the week, your impatience is impacting how you balance responsibility with home life. And although your self-confidence motivates you to achieve your objectives, that same impatience may impact your success. You’re eager to interact with others and express your plans for the future; however, your energy is lower than usual and you may benefit from taking some time for yourself to recharge. Otherwise, you may come across as erratic, eccentric, or overly judgmental.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Reaching out to someone with more experience today can ultimately create the framework for mastery. This is a day where you can reach your goals as long as you’re ready to implement all that you’ve learned. The rune Nauthiz ᚾ can be chanted when visualizing meeting your goals for additional support from Skuld, the Norn of the future.


12th/Scorpio; 1st Scorpio 10/25-28

Wednesday’s Influences: 7, Dagaz, Rubeus, Human Design Gate/Line 28.4 Holding On; Moon Phase: Waxing, Gibbous

Mercury influences an individual’s communication style, thought processes, and how one negotiates or transacts with others. Throughout the week, you desire to know the underlying truth of your experiences, and your curiosity and independence motivate you to pull together everything you’ve learned. Others appreciate your careful planning and you value interactions where you can share your knowledge. At the end of the week, your internal conversation needs to rely more on instinct and intuition to guide your decisions and perceptions as well as your interactions with others. 

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

As one period ends, a new opportunity may present itself that can be used for the greater good. It may re-balance the scales, so to speak, and a new path may open. However, to derive the most benefit, you need to stay level and not overreact to unexpected circumstances. A Dagaz ritual may be helpful in maintaining your emotional balance. Draw the rune Dagaz ᛞ on the floor or ground either mentally or physically and stand in its center point. Bring your awareness to your still point and draw back any attention given to the past or future. Intend that your energy settles within and feel its resonance. End the ritual when you feel more balanced.


7th/Taurus; Retrograde

Thursday’s Influences: 8, Ehwaz, Laetitia, Human Design Gate/Line 24.5 Confession; Moon Phase: Waxing, Gibbous

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and influences an individual’s growth, luck, abundance, and self-confidence. This week may challenge your resolve. You may overdo it and become impatient with yourself and others. You may also feel less grounded and somewhat directionless, and it may be best to hold off making any big decisions until you’re more settled and balanced. Toward the end of the week, you may overreact and become fixated on your beliefs at the expense of others. 

Thursday, 26 October 2023

You won’t achieve any accolades today by minimizing or rationalizing mistakes. Instead, accept responsibility so that you preserve the relationships you’ve established. Stay positive and allow your intuition to guide your response. A meditation that includes today’s rune, Ehwaz ᛖ, can be helpful. Ehwaz acts as a doorway or portal to the astral realm where your higher consciousness can be experienced. It also reinforces the fundamental truth of who we are to each other, and it binds you and others in love and unity.



Friday’s Influences: 9, Perthro, Carcer, Human Design Gate/Line 47.1 Taking Stock; Moon Phase: Waxing, Gibbous, Maiden

Venus, the planet of attraction, happiness, harmony, and beauty, reflects the feminine aspect within and how an individual loves and expresses intimacy as well as self-worth. Your mood is intense during this period and interactions may not flow as smoothly as you’d like. You may believe that others misunderstand you when it’s more likely that you’re trying to control their reactions. However, instead of asserting yourself, you may stay silent and behave as a victim. Release the hold you have on your own emotions and allow others to find their way.

Friday, 27 October 2023

If your interactions with others are challenging, you need to take stock of your own negative perceptions that may be causing the difficulty. Is higher self controlling your fate, or are you giving that away to ego? If ego is controlling your reactions, then you could be preventing your own growth. This could be a time when real healing can take place as you let go of the ego’s hold on your life. Performing a Tarot or rune reading may provide additional insight.


5th House/Pisces; Retrograde 

Saturday’s Influences: 1, Uruz, Puer, Human Design Gate/Line 55.1 Cooperation; Moon Phase: Waxing, Full 05°Ta09 at 1:25p; Partial Lunar Eclipse 11:01a-3:26p (1:24p)

The planet Saturn slows things down, invoking realism, boundaries, restraint, and the impact of time on an individual. The week ahead is a positive time when you are happy and optimistic for the future. You attract people with varied interests and you feel as if you can accomplish anything.  However, health concerns may surface this week that need addressing. If so, take them seriously so that you can get back on track.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Today’s Full Moon in Taurus offers an opportunity to shape your experiences in a manner that rejects impulsiveness and increases self-discipline and inner strength. The partial lunar eclipse that surrounds the time of the Full Moon invokes transformation and the end of a cycle where you can let go of attitudes and behaviors that are preventing personal growth. Remember that the energy of an eclipse, whether solar or lunar, can be quite intense. But it can also open the door to higher awareness. A Full Moon ritual performed during the time of eclipse can focus on embracing that transformation.


Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  

Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!