As Above, So Below for Thursday, 19 October 2023

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The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.

Significator Runes: Tiwaz (17th rune, spiritual warrior, the god Tyr, faith, justice, oaths, legal matters); Albus (wisdom, sage, clarity)

Cards: 7 of Wands, 2 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles

Overall numerology: 9 or endings/completion, generosity, and spirituality (17 (Tiwaz) +7+2+1=27; 2+7=9); Cards only 7+2+1=10; 1+0=1 (new beginnings, leadership, talent); the day itself is the 19th which also reduces to 1.

Oracle Card: Lioness ~ Courage: with this card, you step into your own power, knowing bravery is a choice in the moment, as you acknowledge fear and choose to act with courage. You risk vulnerability, embrace it really, and speak your truth.

From the Wild and Sacred Feminine Deck

Beginning with today’s significator runes, Tiwaz aligns well with today’s oracle card,  Lioness, as it expresses the spiritual warrior within. It represents faith, justice, oaths, and ideals. Albus reinforces today’s as above influence by adding wisdom and clarity to the higher awareness expressed by Tiwaz. Taken together, today’s runes suggest that you should think beyond the immediate situation so that you act in a less reactive or emotional way.

Moving on to the cards, the 7 of Wands shows a man standing up on a small hill holding a staff in a defensive posture. Six more staffs held by unseen hands are rising up from below. He’s standing his own ground to gain a higher perspective, allowing things to settle (influenced by the seven numerology of the card) before reacting or advancing further. In other words, he seeks the overall truth before doing anything other than protecting himself.

From there, the 2 of Swords shows a woman sitting on a stone bench with her back to the water. She’s blindfolded and her arms are crossed with a sword in each hand. The number 2 not only represents balance, healing, and love, but it also represents decisions. And the dual line of demarcation between the water and where the woman is sitting suggests that not only does she need to turn off her emotions, evidenced by the water behind her, but she needs to be on neutral ground to make a fact-based, rational decision in as dispassionate a manner as possible (Tiwaz and Albus influencing). Relating this card to the 7 of Wands, if the staffs represent new directions or opportunities, the situation described in the 7 may feel overwhelming and the decision must be made based on reason with emotion taken out of that process. 

Lastly, after the decision is made, the Ace of Pentacles suggests a new path is opening. A hand reaches out from a cloud holding a large coin. Lilies line a pathway that extends through an archway and toward the mountains in the distance. Although there may be challenges ahead, the path may be one that is lucrative or increases your material security.


I think it’s clear that a decision needs to be made regarding a situation or potential opportunities that you’re considering. However, that decision needs to be made in a dispassionate, rational manner without any feelings you might have about it influencing your choice. You may feel as if you’re standing your ground, risking your own vulnerability so that you can speak your truth. You may need to let your thoughts settle as you gather additional information to more fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of the ultimate choice you’ll make. However, from that decision, a new path may be opening that could increase your material security.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!