As Above, So Below for Monday, 23 October 2023

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The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.

Significator Runes: Othala (24th rune, sacred space, ancestral heritage, Akashic Record, protection, prosperity, loyalty, security, peace, inheritance, possessions) and Acquisitio (increase, gain, excessiveness, success, goal-directed)

Cards: 3 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles

Pattern(s): Two cards from Pentacles suggesting an influence from Elemental Earth and material security. Also is expressed by both Othala and Acquisitio.

Overall numerology: 24+3+6+1=34; 3+4=7 (observation, letting a situation settle, magick, spirituality, balancing the scales, justice). Numerology of the cards only: 3+6+1=10; 1+0=1 (new beginnings, leadership, talent)

Oracle Card: Hummingbird – Joy – embrace and express joy in all that you do. Celebrate life and your existence in it. Stay positive and not become drawn in to your own suffering. Redirect your attention to feeling joy. Don’t look without to find joy, embody joy within. It’s not about being happy due to circumstances, but in spite of them.

From The Wild and Sacred Feminine Deck

Beginning with today’s significator runes, Othala describes our sacred space. A rune that contains Kenaz as its foundational rune in the form of Inguz and Gebo, Othala represents our ancestral heritage and inheritance, all that we’ve learned thus far, protection, prosperity and possessions, loyalty, security, and peace. Coupled with Acquisitio, or gain and increase, it suggests there could be an increase of prosperity, possessions, security, peace, etc.

Moving on to the cards, we begin with the 3 of Pentacles. A stone mason is working his craft while standing on a bench under a beautiful facade showing three Pentacles and below them a depiction of a rose below. Two women come by and begin talking to him about his work. The 3 of Pentacles suggests the potential for increased material security and/or recognition for a job well done. So, there’s an alignment here with both Othala and Acquisitio.

Next, the 6 of Wands depicts a man of means carrying a staff riding through on his horse covered by a bright green blanket. A wreath depicting victory appears on the man’s head, as well as one is affixed to the top of his staff. He appears to be coming back from a situation that increases his opportunities, either for himself or for others as well. Five more individuals walk along side him in the background, each one carrying a staff. The suit of Wands represents the Fire element and involves creativity, the spark of life, and new opportunities. The number six reflects harmony, guidance, assistance, empathy, and a shared path all of which could reinforce the idea of a business adding additional employees due to increased work opportunities. In conjunction with the 3 of Pentacles, the man on the horse could be the same man as in the 3 who now needs to expand his business.

Looking at the combined numerology of both cards, we have a nine, or endings and completion of some kind. So, it may be that what was once an individual at work has now become something more with the increase of opportunities that could involve hiring other craftsmen.

Lastly, the Ace of Pentacles describes a new path opening. We see a hand reaching out from the clouds holding a large coin. A path appears below bordered by white lilies that extends under an archway that rises up over the path connected by a hedgerow on either side. The greenery itself suggests abundance, and in conjunction with todays runes and the two previous cards, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that from a conversation in the 3 of Pentacles, new opportunities with the 6 of Wands have become possible which could involve expansion of either the work itself or the expansion of the man’s business. In other words, a new path to new opportunities is forming that could bring material security to everyone concerned.


Through diligent effort, new opportunities could open for you today that can transform your existing situation in a manner that expands your reach. It may begin with a simple conversation with someone who is either interested in hiring you, or could act as a referral to others. In any event, a new path may be opening that you’re prepared for because you’ve done your due diligence by practicing your craft and increasing your skillset. From there, the new path can be filled with new opportunities that can increase your material security for yourself and your family.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!