Dark Moon Tarot Reading: Transformation

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dark moon tarot full


I love the Dark Moon. Also known as the New Moon, this one is in Gemini. An Elemental Air astrological sign, the Moon in Gemini tends to bring a little nervous energy to the day. It’s a day where our mouths may run amok and we may need to guard against superficiality.

It was such a beautiful morning that I decided to do the reading out in my sacred space. It’s an area next to one of the ponds where I can perform ritual, work magick, or simply sit and commune with life in and around the pond.

dark moon tarot

Today’s reading includes The Tower, Alchemy, and The Sun. During the Dark Moon, I focus on new beginnings and divination work. In the reading, clearly transformation of some kind is occurring. Using my new Haindl deck, The Tower indicates destruction of some kind. Pressure has been released and has given way to something new.

Alchemy uses the destructive force of The Tower, transforming and blending different aspects of self. Alchemy counsels us to live consciously, to consciously create our lives. Its influence is one of moderation and it tells us to trust our process. We can’t get any of it wrong because nothing is ever right or wrong, only something to observe and experience. Let the seeds of new experience grow knowing we’re going in the right direction.

The Sun in the reading lets us know that our transformation is positive and it’s our time to shine. Joy and celebration are at hand. We’ve let go of what no longer serves us and anything is possible. Freedom and contentment are ours and awakening has arrived.

So the entire reading is about new beginnings, apropos for the Dark Moon. We’ve moved past something difficult, and it’s now time to consciously create new experiences that bring us success and joy. I love how Alchemy is represented in this deck. It’s a powerful card on its own, but in this deck, the creator beautifully illustrates the blending of projective and receptive aspects of Self. But then the entire deck is like this.

So as we spend time with the Goddess this evening, in whatever capacity and focus that takes, allow ourselves to cherish our creative essence, our Source Presence in the world. And let us blend the creative aspects of Self in creation of something new.

~Blessings to all!


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!