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When Perception Creates Reality

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If you believe the idea that we create everything we see, then at best, reality is merely a form of perception. If we begin as Source Energy, it’s not as if that ceases when we incarnate into physical bodies, so it’s more than a little sad that we don’t remember this. If we did, I dare say we might be nicer to each other. And it would certainly be an improvement over much of what we hear about on the news these days.

Could any of us imagine a candidate for the highest office in our country that would attack the mother of a fallen soldier who gave everything of himself to protect this country? Or anything else he’s said and done? Or that anyone would not just support him, but defend his racism, sexism, and all around lunacy?

There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t say, oh surely not. But then I’ve always had a tough time with things that don’t make any sense. And it’s not as if I don’t accept that someone may think differently than I do, because if I can understand something from the other person’s perspective, even if I disagree, at least I can follow it from point A to point B.

But with all the strange behavior that’s going on, I can hardly even watch the news anymore. I just can’t see it. It’s too disturbing. I suppose it would be one thing if there was only the six o’clock news, but with 24/7 cable news now, its repetitive nature is just too much to bear. And the only people I liked watching either speak so fast that they’re unintelligible, or they repeat themselves over an over before getting to the point of the segment. It’s like watching someone working themselves up into a frenzy for nothing. By the time the point of it all is arrived at, I no longer care. I’d sooner watch the entire season of American Horror Story: Coven in one sitting.

Still, even though this is all an expression of collective consciousness, our perception of it has consequences. The hate and vitriol expressed by supporters of the crazy guy is simply disgusting. Some of the supporters of the liberal candidate who didn’t win the nomination are having a tough time with that fact. I understand how they feel, but I don’t believe that dividing the party at this point is the thing to do. Not when that other guy is still in the race. I’ve been hearing that his party is entertaining all kinds of options about getting him to quit, but he’s not going to do that.

Humans have a way of digging themselves in, refusing to accept responsibility for their actions, and expecting everyone else to not notice. We’ve all known that one person who behaves outrageously, even to the point of unlawful activity, and then refuses to acknowledge they’ve done anything wrong. Never mind the effect their behavior has on others. Never mind the cost to innocent people. They dig in, and stay right where they are. And no one seems to stop them. So I don’t think the crazy guy is going anywhere.

I’ve heard it said in many ways that we attract what we think about. So if we want something else, then we should see what it is that we want as if it’s already that way. But I don’t think it’s only about how we see something, but how we behave regarding it. It may look like denial in a sense of what’s going on, but at some point, we have to consider what our focus on something is doing to preserve its existence.

When I graduated from college, I worked in a mental hospital. My degree was in Psychology, and I wanted to see the psychiatric side of things so I worked there as a Psych Aide. During change of shift one morning, we had a new patient who hadn’t yet been officially interviewed, and was restrained in a tray-chair. And yes, a tray-chair is exactly what it sounds like. She was bipolar and in a manic episode and had trouble keeping her clothing on. She’d try to get our attention during the shift-change meeting and then start removing what clothing was left.

It’s like giving kids attention for inappropriate behavior. Sometimes it just reinforces it. Although ignoring it isn’t always an option either. And that’s where I think we’re at right now in this election. We’ve spent the last six years at least, eight if we want to be truly honest about it, watching one party obstruct everything they can simply because they’re not in power and a person of color is. Because I don’t think this has ever been about liberals in power. It’s racism.

The crazy guy won’t fix this problem. Instead, he’ll compound it. Leaders around the world are apparently worried, and with good reason. Even leaders in his own party are concerned, but most aren’t concerned enough to take a stand against him. But that appears to be changing as we’re starting to see a few stand up for something more than party unity.

Normally I would suggest that there’s a difference between perception and reality, but in the case of what’s going on now, it seems more that perception is creating reality, and without any objectivity interjected into the conversation, I think our country is in real trouble if this guy wins.

I don’t see our country, our people, or the problems we have in the same manner as those who support this guy. I’ve never been a throw the baby out with the bath water sort of person and I tend to look at things in a nuanced fashion. I believe in the greater good and living in truth. At the end of the day, all we really have is our integrity and honor and attacking a grieving mother should NEVER come from someone running for President.

My husband is a disabled Vietnam veteran. It made him physically ill to hear what this idiot said after being moved to tears by Captain Khan’s father holding up his copy of the Constitution, suggesting that the idiot might want to read it. His wife, too upset to speak, was attacked by the idiot as someone who was silenced by her husband, citing many news sources who were saying it.

Please, the last thing we need is a President who pulls everything out of his ass, taking to Twitter to behave as juvenile as possible. We used to value intelligence in this country. I want a President who knows the law, knows how to think critically, and doesn’t suffer from diarrhea of the mouth. I’m tired of lies told so many times that they become the truth of the day. Except that they’re not and never will be. And trying to wade through all of it is exhausting.

But the attack on Mrs. Khan was the end for me. As a mother of two sons, I’ve never had to experience the grief she endures daily. It’s a grief that will never go away because even though he was an adult, he will always be her baby. Always. And to be attacked this way by this completely un-Presidential candidate is more than she should have to cope with.

As a mother, I’m tired of hearing about our black sons dying at the hands of police. I’m tired of worrying about some nutjob with a gun shooting up a mall or a school where our precious children should be safe, and I refuse to shop in stores where open carry is permitted. I’m tired of women being paid less than men. I’m tired of the sexual harassment that women deal with all of the time because apparently men feel that any attention they give us is wanted when it typically is not.

I can’t believe we’re not allowed to know what’s in our food so that we can make an informed choice about what we eat. I know first hand what it’s like to be on Big Pharma’s hamster wheel of not healing. I stepped off, became a cannabis patient, and healed. Funny how that happened.

But mostly, I’m tired of there never being any solutions. That’s where the greater good comes into play. It’s not always about these so-called rights we have, because when those rights interfere with progress toward a better, safer world, then we need to re-think what those rights actually mean.

But then, I’m a mother. I want a safe and productive world for all of our children. They shouldn’t have to fear anything or anyone. We have to understand that for them. The effect we have, what we think is okay for them to experience, all of it matters.

So when our perception is creating our reality, let’s consider creating one that our children will be safe in. It’s the least we can do.

~Blessings to all!


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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!