Witch notes

Witch Notes: Election Edition

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I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly. I’ve always found her to be more than a little snarky. Now, it’s not that I don’t appreciate really great snark, but she’s an employee of FOX and I don’t watch anything to do with news on that channel. But lately, she’s been standing up for women in a way that I appreciate and support. She interviewed Newt Gingrich last evening and he went after her, his misogyny on display for everyone to see.

Now, lest you think I feel sorry for Ms. Kelly, guess again. She hung in there with Newt, responding to him far more respectfully than he did to her. She stood in her own power and remained professional long after he lost any hope of preserving his own. But that assumes he has any to begin with.

Hillary’s opponent took some time at a rally to commend Newt for his nastiness and unprofessional behavior, remarking that it was an amazing interview (1)But then her opponent has trouble with integrity and appropriate boundaries. And his own re-interview (2) with Ms. Kelly was pathetic. It was a gimme and beneath someone who claims to be a journalist. Like I said in the beginning, I’m not a fan.

The guy who couldn’t seem to pay his child support, Joe Walsh, wants to take up a musket if Hillary wins. From Joe’s Twitter feed:

No, Joe, I’m not in. And you’re a complete idiot. Why doesn’t this guy just focus on making his child support payments and leave the rest of us alone?

Kate Brown’s opponent, Bud Pierce, an oncologist from Salem I believe, thinks that “educated women aren’t susceptible to domestic abuse“(4). As if a degree would stop a predator. Here..wait..let me show you this..oh..okay..guess I won’t beat the shit out of you because you have a Bachelor’s Degree. Or does it have to be a Masters or a Ph.D.? He wasn’t clear on that point. Women, on the other hand, were clear in their response to Dr. Pierce. He apologized, as he should, but for pete’s sake. The guy’s a doctor. How could he ever say such a thing?

Kate’s my governor. I’m not happy with her response to cannabis legalization, but I voted for her anyway. I learned a long time ago that I’m not going to necessarily support everything a lawmaker does and that’s okay. It’s the balance that typically matters unless it’s something truly skeevy. Besides, I really like her. So she gets my vote. We’ll just have to work on the cannabis thing.

I appreciate all of the men who would never entertain any of these ideas let alone act on them, but for the rest, I’ve given up trying to understanding any of them. In less than two weeks, the election will be over and it’s looking like we’re about to elect our first woman President. The other guy will go back to his miserable existence in his golden tower..living his life in all the entitled gaudiness he’s so proud of. Where he belongs.


  1. Nelson, Louis. Trump Congratulates Gingrich on ‘amazing interview’ with Megyn Kelly. Politico. 2016.
  3. Joe Walsh’s Twitter Feed.
  4. Matsumoto, Samantha. Bud Pierce apologizes for saying that educated women aren’t susceptible to domestic abuse. Oregonlive.com. 2016.
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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!