Princess of Paradox

Our Rebirth, Our Regenesis Begins Now

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I thought I’d do something a little different with today’s divination. I pulled one card, the Princess of Disks, from my Thoth deck and drew one rune, Eihwaz, from my rune bag. With an uncertain future before us I wanted to look at both tarot and runic influences using a less complicated approach.

The Princess of Disks is a Court Card. She stands in the middle between thought and form, all opportunities available to her. The Page in other decks, the Princess can either represent a young person or the qualities of, a student, financial stability issues, or news received. From Lon Milo DuQuette:

She is the ultimate princess. Not only is she pregnant with the highest high/ lowest low (and everything in between) of the suit of Disks, she is pregnant with the highest high/ lowest low (and everything in between) of all the suits. She is the Malkuth of Malkuths and carries within her body the potential of all possible possibilities, and the key to perpetuating the life of the universe.

As a priestess of Demeter, she arises in her glory from out of the Earth itself and establishes her altar in the midst of a grove of barren and dying trees that her fertile presence will now restore to green health. Her magic wand is the diamond-tipped rod, symbolic of the essence of Kether, the highest high, and whose tetrahedral form is the basic structure of all carbon-based life. She is wrapped in an enormous cape of what appears to be animal fur and is crowned with the head and horns of a ram. Her disk is a giant seed composed of thirty-six sections, perhaps suggesting the source of the thirty-six small cards of the tarot to follow. The central germ of the seed is the Chinese yin-yang. Dark yellows and browns radiate a warm and almost humid atmosphere for this card. Textured grays combine to make this card almost tactile.¹

The Princess herself is quiet and studious. Protective, the Princess of Disks possesses strong boundaries as she plans and conceives her next move with quiet authority. She is both careful and deliberate in her choices, her internal process fostering her creative power. In any deck, when upright this is a positive card.

Eihwaz is considered the rune of paradox, the connection between opposites. It’s our link between physical and nonphysical form, moving energy up and down transforming it from one state to another. Manifestation of thought into form is the domain of the Princess of Disks as she not only gives birth to humanity, but to new projects as well. Eihwaz, representing the strength of Yggdrasil, allows the Princess to understand fate and supports her self-determination and endurance.

A hidden influence is suggested with Eihwaz, illustrated in the Princess’s awareness of her internal process. It casts a reflective tone on the interaction between the tarot card and rune as if it’s time to slow down a bit and reflect on what’s occurred and how or even whether it affects our future endeavors. The presence of Eihwaz tells the Princess to go within and allow alignment with Higher Self to influence the outcome.

With reflection, many times problems can be turned into advantages. The quiet, deliberate presence of the Princess of Disks suggests that we go inward during difficult times in an effort to see the whole picture. Our power comes from that eternal place within, not from the world of form.

We use the influence of Eihwaz to transform and transmute the world in front of us into more than what we see as our experiences unfold around us. The one constant in our lives is our Source Presence. That is eternal and everlasting. We are. Whatever form that takes is far less than our eternal aspect of Self. It’s easy to become caught up in and react to the drama around us. But we need to be cautious when observing the chaos that we don’t engage with it because it has its own momentum, it’s own wind. And it will take us precisely where we don’t want to go.

I’ve always had a problem with the idea of attracting the very experiences we don’t want. Law of attraction seems to suggest that we cause the drama we experience as if we’re asking for pain and harm. But I don’t think it’s that we cause the drama, but that like vibrations coalesce together simply because they’re like vibrations. It’s an energy thing more than anything else. So know that if you become caught up in the drama, all you have to do is look in another direction. Distract yourself any way that you can, even if it means removing yourself from the situation, but break that focus so that your vibration changes.

My husband believes that the predatory guy got elected because we, and by we he means the media, vibrated the guy’s name so much that he became our reality. Add to that our focus on what could happen, albeit an understandable focus, takes us out of the present moment and outside of reality. If he’s correct, then we must take time to reflect on where we place our focus. Like the Princess of Disks, we find our purpose in the creation of something new while remaining grounded to our integrity and values. When the world has run amok, what else is there to sustain us but that?

Our rebirth, our regenesis begins now.

Blessed Be.


  1. DuQuette, Lon Milo. Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot (pp. 203-204). Red Wheel Weiser. Kindle Edition.
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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!