Attachment to Outcomes

Attachment to Outcomes ~ Tarot for 15 Jan 2017

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We learn early on to develop an attachment to outcomes, whether at home or at school. As children we learn to seek the approval of others, their voice contributing to our definition of self. Today’s reading asks, are we deriving our worth from on our own experience or waiting for the validation of others?

Two Court cards appear in relation to each other along with one card from the Major Arcana in today’s tarot reading, along with a numerology of 6, or the Sacred, I Am layer of Self. The King of Swords faces away from the other cards, perhaps to past memories. He holds both a sword and a stalk of grain in his right hand, appearing to emerge from the trees. Swords represents Elemental Air, our intellectual or analytical presence. The King is the wise counselor, rational and clever, powerful and strong.

The Page of Cups looks back lovingly at the King, either her father or an authority figure in her life. She is full of inspiration, yet practical just the same. Her potential is undeveloped and she uses her intuition to enhance her choices. She is a messenger, often bringing news of some kind, or her presence in a reading can indicate a birth of a child.

The Devil represents a material focus and ego potential. Ambition, oppression, and desire are contained in this card. Representing our primal self, The Devil asks us to consider whether or not any limitation we experience is self-imposed. It’s easy to blame others for our more negative experiences instead of understanding their more temporary or illusory nature as well as our own participation in them. When The Devil presents it suggests that old patterns are preventing us from moving forward.

Although the Page of Cups represents inspiration and undeveloped potential, it appears that she seeks the approval of her King, yet he isn’t looking at her, suggesting that it’s now time for her to make her own way in life. Old patterns, emotional in nature, prevent her from moving on as she shifts from seeking his acknowledgement to needing his approval. The Devil is telling her to look within to assess her issues with power, perhaps too willing to give power away to others. Do those in authority render her powerless, or does she impose this limitation on herself?

Attachment to the outcome of approval interferes with our growth, placing our worth in the hands of others. The numerology refers to our Higher Self, that sacred place of union with all. In alignment and without her attention on the outcome of the King’s approval, the experience itself becomes the young Page’s most sustainable outcome, leaving her potential free flowing and unlimited.

As we let go of old patterns, new outcomes become possible. Align in Source Presence and let inspiration flow.

Blessed Be.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!