Will, Peace, and Fellowship ~ Tarot for 12 March 2108

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The 10 of Wands, irrespective of decks always feels too much. Too much chaos, too much will on display, too many burdens all describe aspects of this card of Elemental Fire. Haindl’s conception of the card involves a predatory bird, swooping down upon its prey. Ten flame-tipped spears (wands) point downward suggesting the effect of overwhelming will or struggle. In fact, our vision is somewhat limited in this rendition as the spears act as a blind, shielding truth from view. Oppression is the card’s title but is our will oppressing others or are we really oppressing our own progress?

The 54th gua of the I Ching is titled the Marrying Maiden with a subtitle of Ambition and Haindl includes it on the card for additional influence involving the mastery of instinct. When out of balance, our will can overshadow reason, and it can be difficult to see the effect of our choices. The 10 of Wands is reminding us to be mindful of the balance between will and reason.

Peace is the title of the 2 of Swords and depicts two swords side by side pointing downward in front of a winter scene. A balcony opens out of the castle wall, another window above. Trees line either side of a road or path while another rock structure stands to the right. Duality, polarity, balance are all suggested by this card with peace as both the intention and the outcome. Balanced reason has overtaken any conflict and peace has returned. The eleventh gua from the I Ching is also titled Peace allowing our inner stillness to direct future action aligning well as the next phase of the reading. Too many burdens or too much chaos has given way to peace.

Three boulders assume a triangular shape in front of a wooden cross on the 3 of Stones, Pentacles in other decks. A large bubble peeks out from behind while another appears to rise to the surface suggesting hope. The gua from the I Ching is titled Fellowship of Man and indicates structure and order leading to harmonious creative expression. The 3 of Stones suggests even progression resulting in a positive outcome.

Sometimes our will gets in the way of our efforts, particularly when we’re unable to share that process with others. Whereas, when we engage with others in harmony, we typically accomplish far more than when we go it alone. Oppression gives way to peace and then all sorts of fellowship can result. My mother was a go it alone sort of person. She had no problem being part of a team; she just preferred to work alone. But in doing so, she sacrificed the camaraderie that happens when working with others.

Six is the overall numerology for today’s reading bringing the influence of the Higher Self into play. It’s a reminder that we are one in unity consciousness, so we might as well embrace that truth and find a way to live and work in harmony with others.



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!