Tarot for the Coming Week ~ 19 April 2018

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Since the weather can’t make up its mind today, I decided to look at the tarot cards to see what they had to say regarding the coming week. Using my Morgan-Greer deck, I shuffled it several times focusing on my intention and then drew three cards. Two are from the Major Arcana and one is a Court card from the suit of Swords with an overall numerology of six or the sacred layer of the Higher Self.

Flames from the burning tower reflect in the Knight’s sword as debris floats in the air around him. The Knight of Swords fearlessly meets all challenges with courage and integrity. Although he can be somewhat domineering, he speaks and acts from a pure heart. In the scene, the Knight stands back to survey the situation before him before attacking further. Swords represent intellect and communication so while the battle can certainly be without, oftentimes it occurs within.

The eighth card of the Major Arcana, Strength, illustrates a woman in a billowing light blue dress with a blue and red flowers in her golden hair. A lion sits on her lap, his tongue lolling as she lovingly holds and pets its head. Strength represents the balancing of the wild with the civilized and the power of the Goddess within to overcome obstacles, continuing the influence of the Knight of Swords. The woman shows tremendous courage, interacting with the lion this way, as she tames the beast, calling in the vitality and power of Leo energy. She demonstrates that we are always stronger than we believe and we’re only a victim if we allow ourselves to be.

The Chariot is such an interesting card in any deck. In the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck, a king sits in a covered chariot, black and white horses lunging at the reins. Balance, mastery, movement, and again, strength are some of the traditional interpretations of this seventh card from the Major Arcana. But one interpretation that truly resonates is the notion of knowing when to take the reins and when to surrender to the moment. The Chariot speaks as well to a higher level of integrity and purpose as the chariot can also refer to our soul’s vehicle, its Merkaba, if you will, and allowing our Higher Self to guide our journey.

We essentially have a choice to control our experiences or to allow them to unfold as they will. There’s nothing wrong with observing more than reacting. Empaths find it a useful way of interacting with the world to keep from absorbing the disparate vibrations around them. We can remain silent, keeping our own counsel, taking stock before issuing a response. Human Design discusses the idea of the not-self and separates people into various personality groupings. The Generator type comprises most of the human population and is a design that benefits from a wait to respond style of interaction. Manifestors, on the other hand, make up a lesser number and are typically those who are in leadership roles or are at least comfortable with asserting themselves. But for Generators, any assertions are sketchy at best, and if it happens, the interaction may not work out the way the individual expects. Had the Generator type human waited to respond to the situation, odds are the interaction would have been more positive.

The point of the example, however, is to suggest that maybe we react more than we should to the world around us. It’s one thing if the situation requires us to react, but how many times are we involving ourselves in situations we could just as easily observe without becoming involved? It takes a certain sense of trust within to make the adjustment from reacting to observing but if you’re a Generator type it’s critical.

So, during the coming week, if it feels like your interactions with others aren’t working out as planned, you might be a Generator type personality. Try observing without jumping into the fray unless invited and see if you have a better outcome. You can head over to Jovian Archive where you can get your free Human Design chart before that to verify which type you are and then look around the site. They have tons of information to read about the various personality types and how they best function. Pay particular attention to the not-self and whether or not you’re living that instead of your own design. In the case of the Generator type, asserting oneself without being invited to do so results in a not-self theme of frustration. I know. I’m a Generator type. So, check out Human Design. It’s a different take on an astrological chart that’s well worth the investigation.



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!