Lunar Transits for 12-14 January 2019

The End of Integrity

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I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. Never have been. I’ve always considered him to be a player and someone without integrity. I’ve read accounts of him since the 80’s and I’ve listened to various interviews of the man and I’ve always believed him to be arrogant. His behavior with women was unsurprising to hear about and frankly, what’s happened since his so-called election has been unsurprising as well.

But what worries me the most is the vitriol and violence that the fool incites at his endless rallies. I read the other day that some are alleging the rallies have the same people attending them suggesting they are “paid rally attendees”. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if that were true. And now he proudly tells supporters/rally attendees that the press is the enemy of the people echoing Hitler and other dictators. How many journalists will be attacked because of this fool’s lies? And will he be held to account for any of it?

And now he apparently believes California is sending all of its water to the ocean while letting the state burn to the ground. I don’t even know what to say about that. I’ve known several smoke jumpers and they use all sorts of methods to deal with wildfire and allowing some of the land to burn is part of a multi-pronged approach. And I’m pretty sure water is diverted for irrigation in that state as well. So, no clue what he’s even talking about there.

He’s now admitting that his son, etc. took a meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Claims it’s not illegal to do that, except that former US Attorneys seem to disagree, even going so far as to explain conspiracy all in great detail. He dodges responsibility by endlessly stating there was no collusion, but he doesn’t use the word conspiracy. He knows better. He along with everyone else involved has lied continually about the meeting only now admitting it wasn’t to discuss Russian adoptions. And every time he or his minions attempt to recraft the story for the umpteenth time, they sound more and more ridiculous.

I’d ask where he keeps his integrity, but it seems clear enough now that he has none. Perhaps he’s never had any if anything I read about him in the past was true. I typically take these things with a grain of salt, but when reports of his sexual behavior came out, I began paying closer attention. I’ve always had a bad feeling about this guy. I never believed he was a good businessman which others in his circle who spoke out during and after the campaign appear to agree with.

In fact, all one needs to do is to hear how he refers to himself in the third person. It’s a technique used to avoid direct responsibility for anything. It’s part of how he lies all the time. He doesn’t have to tell the truth because he’s talking about someone else.

He’s lied and stirred up supporters/paid attendees to the point that even Portland, a liberal bastion in Oregon (or at least it used to be), is now home to white nationalist rallies put on by someone running for office in Washington State. The anti-fascists, or Antifa, as they’re called are comprised by all sorts of people. I’ve not attended one of these rallies, but it appears that at least some of these folks are my age or older. People were injured by flashbang grenades, one such grenade piercing a helmet worn by a counter-protester. It’s a mess. But I have to believe none of this would be happening if the new guy had not been elected to begin with. Those who have been injured or died during these protest rallies would still be safe and alive yet the new guy can’t seem to stop inciting people.

When does this end? When does the integrity of the office matter enough that we do something about his guy? It’s clear he cannot govern because he has no clue what government even is. Whoever is really calling the shots is either using him as a sideshow or they’re as crazy as he is. Because I don’t know what else this could be. He signed an executive order last December dealing with child trafficking, etc. Can you imagine someone with so many sexual harassment complaints spearheading a roundup of pedophiles? I can’t. So, was he was forced to do this? All so he can play president while some other agenda unfolds unseen?

Someone with integrity would step down before ever saying none of this is true when all of the signs and reported evidence suggest otherwise. And even if the individual stayed until the whole thing was resolved, he would do nothing to negatively affect the investigation. No, a person with integrity would want the truth to come out, even if it meant learning he didn’t win after all. But the guy in the White House has no such integrity, so here we all sit, waiting for any new bombshell to drop.

I can’t believe this will turn out well for anyone, not the new guy, or the country.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!