Monthly Tarot for December 2018

Monthly Tarot for December 2018

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December is upon us and it’s time again for a monthly tarot reading. The overall numerology for the month is three which aligns with December’s numerology so over the month we’ll likely experience energies that are catalytic in nature. This should bring some joy and happiness but given the holiday this month, we’ll want to keep our energy in balance lest we become irritable from all that joy we might experience. An energy that is catalytic can be unpredictable, so there’s that to consider.

I’m using again a three card spread for each week with the first card as significator followed by two additional cards of influence. Instead of doing an initial overall breakdown of the cards, I’m going to do that during each week’s information.


Week One

The first week of the month has an overall numerology of 8 or practical matters and harmony and concerns over how we manifest power. The Hermit serves as significator for this week offering energies of retreat and going within to seek alignment. He is the Creator personified, full of sage wisdom born from silent counsel. The ninth card of the Major Arcana, there’s a sense of completion as The Hermit retreats to his mountaintop, holding his lantern high as he looks down upon his world, illuminating all.

Our retreat within may be moving us into a higher state of awareness as the 6 of Swords suggests a journey of some kind, perhaps toward awakening, particularly in this year of illumination. Swords represents our intellect and the ability to reason. Although this card depicts a journey over water suggesting change is occurring in our lives, the six downward pointing swords suggest that head may be guiding heart in this case, providing a direction forward.

The 2 of Swords ends this first week’s influences by suggesting a decision had been made that took a more dispassionate view, aligning well with the journey we’re taking with the 6 of Swords. Again, we see swords as the focus against a watery background, reinforcing reason over emotion. Her blindfold, along with the slivered Maiden Moon, suggests the beginning of peace after conflict as well as finding a balance within, away from the chaos of the moment.

So it looks like the first week of the month will surround concerns over practical matters and reestablishing inner peace and harmony.



Week Two

We’ll be prioritizing our commitments during the second week of the month evidenced by the 10 of Rods (Wands) in the position of significator. With an overall numerology of six, we’ll be embracing responsibility and sacrifice for others this week. We should take care to keep everything perspective so that we don’t become overwhelmed. Stay within some established boundaries if that helps and ask for assistance when needed.

The Ace of Rods (Wands) bursts forth this week invoking a spark of creativity or passion. That can either work for or against our feeling burdened by too many commitments, so it may be best to try to keep that in perspective so that we don’t take on too much. Balance, again, is key here.

As we continue to prioritize our commitments and responsibilities this week, we want to stay focused but not so much that we lose sight of the greater picture. A hand holding a golden chalice reaches out to an individual who seems unable to take what is offered. Three more cups rest on the verdant ground around him, yet his focus is internal and on not what is shared or already possessed. The 4 of Cups is warning us to not become so overwhelmed by our emotions this week that we forget the responsibility we have toward self and others.

It looks like week two may challenge week one’s focus on inner peace and harmony. With a 1, 1, 4 pattern, there is a sense of creativity pressing up against lost focus. Passions may run high this week which may also prove challenging to keeping our emotions in check. We may need to invoke some inner wisdom from the Hermit to stay on track. In fact, it may be best to let his influence guide us the entire month. Holidays and all.



Week Three

The warrior in the 6 of Rods (Wands) aligns well with the overall numerology of today’s reading of six with more responsibility felt this week. A feeling of victory surrounds this card, however, and may suggest that we’ve been successful at balancing last week’s commitments and the catalytic Fire energy that was influencing. The warrior looks directly at the observer, standing in his power, suggesting that we take a direct approach to issues that arise this week.

The Queen of Swords follows with her sword held resolutely in front of her pointed upward toward Spirit. Surrounded by large roses, our Queen balances compassion with a no-nonsense attitude. She is a warrior witch who doesn’t suffer fools as the saying goes as she too stands in her own power preferring a solitary life to the company of fools. Building on the victory and success from the 6 of Rods, the Queen reminds us this week to temper our intellectual resolve with compassion for others.

The Page of Cups ends the influences for week three expressing undeveloped imagination and potential. The Page is artistic and emotional, a student whose intuition flows freely. Although we see the strong influence this week of Fire and Air and our will and intellect, the Page is suggesting that we allow our intuitive side to inform as well.

Sometimes our will and intellect battle each other and when we throw our emotions into the fray, we can certainly be at odds with self and others. Instead of allowing one side to win out, it may be best to check in with each side of self this week so that will doesn’t overshadow intellect and both don’t overshadow compassion and inner knowing. With an overall numerology for the week of six, Higher Self will be influencing anyway, so we might want to listen. Again…the Hermit is speaking.



Week Four

The Knight of Pentacles serves as significator for the week, as he looks to the future with responsibility again influencing our actions. Knights are by nature trustworthy and practical and in the tradition of the Knights Templar, are concerned with wealth and money matters. They express integrity and patience and are realistic in their endeavors.

The 10 of Cups indicates that week four will be full of happiness and joy, lovely for a holiday week! Two arms reach toward each other, cups held high as rainbow light spills forth, nourishing the couple with love. Nine cups angle downward, intersecting with the rainbow creating an X pattern reminiscent of Gebo, the rune of balanced energy exchange. Ten reduces to one and a numerology of new beginnings so perhaps this holiday week will be full of just that! Perhaps family and friends will come together in harmony and joy this week, a lovely end to a difficult year for many.

The weekly influences conclude with the Queen of Pentacles as she looks to the future, settled and secure. She is quiet, charming, and practical, her earthy intelligence serving her well. She represents the compassionate mother within all as she provides guidance and nurturing to family and community.


We can see a progression through the month beginning with some retreat to gain perspective and wisdom followed by an acknowledgment of our responsibilities without feeling overburdened by them. We have another chance in week three to maintain a balance between our will, intellect, and emotions as we prepare for the final holiday week of the month and year. Week four brings joy and a feeling of excitement over the coming year. Perhaps we’ll be getting back on track after the chaos of the last couple of years.

That would be nice.

Next up…the geomancy reading for December. But before I write that up, I’m going to do this morning’s Somewhat Daily and Tarot and Rune reading for the Youtube channel. So check back for the geomancy reading. I should have that up by this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Be well and…

Blessed Be


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!