How About We Retire "President's Day" Until We Actually Have A President

The Manipulation And Deception Must End

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I couldn’t watch them. I just couldn’t. The Republicans speaking in front of cameras after Donald walked out of the meeting with Democrats was simply too much. I didn’t watch his speech last night. From what my husband said, it was nothing new, only more of the same nonsense that we typically hear from him. He’s shut down the government because Democrats won’t agree to give him money for his wall. Never mind that Republicans didn’t see fit to do that when they controlled Congress. No, no one is talking about that. Now it’s on the shoulders of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to cave to the desires of someone who knows nothing and evidently isn’t interested in learning anything.

The whole thing has become tiring. I’m tempted to point out that at least the goal is to elect a president who understands how government works and knows how to look at the bigger picture, but as we all know, that didn’t happen this time. Instead, a short-sighted, intellectually challenged man-child sits in the Oval Office, pounding on his desk, shouting vulgar expletives, and walking away from anyone who doesn’t tell him what he wants to hear. He’s not interested in knowing facts because he believes he knows everything. Except, that it’s clear that he doesn’t and our country is threatened every day that he’s not removed from office.

Because that’s where we are now. He may declare a national emergency so that he can have his wall. But if that happens, you can bet a lawsuit will be filed before he even finishes tweeting. Again, because that’s where we are now with a Tweeter-in-Chief issuing commands from Twitter, crass, vulgar, clueless, and wrong.

Today’s meeting was a setup. Donald knew he would walk out because he knew Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t agree to fund his idiotic wall. She was there to find solutions, not fulfill Donald’s mnemonic campaign promise. Can you imagine that?!? Building a wall was only a memory tool to remind him to talk about immigrants on the border and a way to express his racism surrounding that issue. However, build the wall became a chant, like lock her up, and before he knew it, he had manipulated supporters into a racist frenzy and now he can’t let it go. Lacking the ability to convince them of a more appropriate solution, he instead holds more rallies to keep them riled up, to keep their attention on him.

And about the chanting. As a witch, I understand fully the efficacy of chanting. It raises energy and helps cast one’s intention. The other thing it is, all that chanting, is something a dictator will do to keep the attention and support flowing toward him in order that he remains in power. It is a form of mind control. And with so many of his supporters concerned over the damage of the MK Ultra mind control program, you’d think they’d be suspicious of someone who uses this same monotone repetition. Its effect is hypnotic and it’s easy for those listening to become caught up in its momentum.

I remember the first time I watched a clip on television during the campaign of one of his rallies. As the chanting grew louder, I witnessed the look on his face. He was connected in a way that empowered him. He used everyone in the crowd, speaking to their us versus them fears, emboldening violence, using them all. He knew exactly what he was doing, telling them everything they wanted to hear, and it’s why after two years in office he still holds campaign rallies. He even asked for campaign donations in advance of last night’s speech. It was billed as money to build the border wall, but a closer look proved that it was a request for campaign donations.

I watched the clip from his campaign rally for less than a minute, feeling the pull of the manipulator’s energy, and quickly shut it off. As an empath, I feel the energetic vibration of others, and when I saw how easily I was drawn in, I knew this man was more dangerous than anyone I’ve experienced in some time. It’s the energetic resonance of a predator that I feel, every time I hear his voice. He takes you along with him in his desire, his delusion, before you ever understand what’s happening. He wants what he wants and feels entitled to it. And he’ll use anyone in the process.

Whether we call this man a malignant narcissist or an energy vampire, it’s clear that he knows how to manipulate others. From the sound of his voice to the cadence of his words, he resonates with those who live in fear of the other, reinforcing their racist and white nationalist attitudes. He makes no attempt to convey the truth to any of them because the truth doesn’t serve his needs. He needs everyone at each other’s throats, creating crises out of whole cloth to keep the focus from his own legal problems, the greatest of which surrounding his rightful occupation of the Oval Office.

Time is running out for his supporters to see through the manipulation and deception that should sicken them all.

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!