Lunar Transits for 13-15 February 2019

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The Moon travels into chatty Gemini and the 7th House of marriage and partnership at 1:32 AM PST on 13 February 2019 until Void of Course begins at 4:48 AM PST on the 15th. This is a great time to catch up with friends and loved ones and to explore new ideas and opportunities. The chart is below:

Chart Balances/Info

  • Modes ~ The modes increase in their influence with Cardinal (initiating) energies as the lesser influence, followed by Fixed (stable) energies, with Mutable (changeable) energies the primary influence during this lunar period.
  • Elements ~ Elements are essentially in balance for this period.
  • Rays ~ Rays 1 (Will/Power) and 2 (Love/Wisdom) dominate the ray influences both suggesting an awareness of our greater unified presence.
  • Signs ~ The signs are essentially in balance.
  • Houses ~ The 2nd and 3rd Houses dominate with influences surrounding possessions and resources along with communication and other intellectual pursuits.
  • Lunar Phase ~ waxing, First Quarter


With the Moon square the Sun, even though it’s not a particularly strong influence, we may find self-expression and communication difficult reinforced by an opposition with Ceres. Emotions surrounding nurturing and our relationships with women may arise, prompting us to look within at their cause, as we now seem ready to listen to and apply their message to our lives. Maintaining emotional bonds with friends and family may have been difficult at times, and a sextile with Chiron may provide the perspective necessary to explore the origins of that difficulty. This lunar period is a time where great healing can take place. Saturn’s influence can help with patience during this time. Stay vigilant and work through any emotional baggage that might crop up.

Magickal Workings

Mercury governs Wednesday and magickal workings can involve communication, revelation, and divination. The 11th hour of both day and night hours can be used to stimulate change, with the 2nd hour, along with the 7th, useful to support or repair relationships with others. Jupiter begins its influence on Thursday where magicks of increase can really come into play making full use of Jupiter’s expansive influence. The 4th hour during the daylight hours can be useful in attaining goals and increasing harmony between partners. The 5th Mansion of the Moon, Almices, can assist on Wednesday any workings involving increasing intelligence and wisdom along with fostering good health and good will. Althaya, on Thursday, is positive for hunting, but other than that is a fairly negative influence.

It seems like, with Chiron’s continuing influence, we’re given an opportunity to work through old wounds that may still surface periodically to influence our reactions and emotions. Of late, relationships with women appear to be a focus of these wounds. Given that we create the world that we experience, that is, we control our perceptions of the world around us, we can either choose our experiences or be chosen by them. It’s the difference between standing apart or getting down in the mud. The 1st and 2nd Ray influences ideally set our focus, and if we listen, we can look with a sense of dispassion at whatever wounds that arise, love them for what they teach, and let them go. It’s easy to become stuck in old emotional woundings and counterproductive patterns. Whatever their cause, it’s in the past, yet we can’t seem to let go of the hurt that still feels so real. If there is a theme for this lunar period, it’s likely that we should find a balance between head and heart, allowing emotions to resonate but tempered by reason and clarity. Healing is possible during this time if we only allow its presence.

Until next time…

Lunar Blessings!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!